
TER - a 'must' for safety legal and/or physical ??
chipatl 1 Reviews 740 reads

Hi Yall -- had to check in with everyone on a subject I see thrown in now and then but perhaps never really addressed as a topic .... ??

Have had a few disappointing experiences as of late - being just flat stood up , another wanting me in and out of there as damn ASAP fast just so long as got the $$$ in advance ya know ... then another sounding raring and ready to go until I asked her if she was any kind of law enforcement etc...then promptly flat disappeared and blocked my number ............. exactly what planet have I landed on to find these girls ??? And Yes , I have found them ALL on Atl BackPage ....

The first incident WAS through TER reviews though it didnt help my results - to this day I swear I was being setup to be arrested ,as covered in a post some months ago -- Ive been around long enough to know whats going on around me .. the other incidents concerned me more ;  

So to end a long post :-D can yall chime in about why or why not we as hobbyists need to deal ONLY with TER / reviewed members ??? Truth be told , if a provider is truly sincere I can not imagine WHY she would NOT make arrangements to be reviewed through TER - what is there possibly to lose if you are sincerely legit ??

My Best To All !!


-- Modified on 5/25/2015 11:49:11 AM

I have one very basic rule - if it's not listed in TER I do not waste my time. Sorry but TOFTT is not something I willing to do. I have had my disappointments even if listed but it's better than venturing around.

Some folks like banging their heads against the wall because it feels good when they stop, too.

Should you only see TER reviewed girls?  Absolutely.  Reading reviews and backchanneling saves us gents time, money, and helps keep us safe.  Understand "safe" is a relative term and in this hobby nothing is for certain...  but you have a tool that can make your sexy times better, more consistent, safer, more drama free, and give you more bang for your buck (literally).  Why wouldn't you choose to use such a beneficial thing?

I guess on the flip side there are some guys that like to dig through the dirt to find a gem.  And often those same guys take one for the team, which I do appreciate as it's a beneficial service.  They are the front line scouts for the rest of us.  For them I suppose it's all about the thrill of the hunt and finding that diamond in the rough.  But my days of the thrill of that chase are long behind me.  Now I choose to hobby smarter, not harder.  ;-)  

I want to research a girl thoroughly before I meet her.  BTW, I don't have any problem with BP as long as the girl has a good review history on TER.  Reading reviews lets you know in advance if the two of you are likely to hit it off.  You still don't know if you'll have chemistry until you meet, but you've done your homework - your due diligence - and that's a very good thing.  I imagine most gents (like myself) want to use their time and money as efficiently as possible and TER helps us do that.

GaGambler335 reads

I don't require that a provider be a "highly reviewed TER provider" before I will see her when engaging in P4P in this country, but it's rare that I will see a woman who isn't reviewed "somewhere" or is recommended to me by either a guy or girl I trust.

Getting arrested would simply be an inconvenience for me, but even I won't see a completely un reviewed BP girl. The risk reward levels simply aren't worth it.

ValuedCustomer282 reads

TER provides a great networking opportunity for both sides of the business.  References work both ways - the providers need to know the clients are safe and vice versa

Ask if " are you  affiliated with any type of  law enforcement". That only work in the movies police aren't concerned if it sticks only getting your bail money  

Posted By: chipatl
Hi Yall -- had to check in with everyone on a subject I see thrown in now and then but perhaps never really addressed as a topic .... ??  
 Have had a few disappointing experiences as of late - being just flat stood up , another wanting me in and out of there as damn ASAP fast just so long as got the $$$ in advance ya know ... then another sounding raring and ready to go until I asked her if she was any kind of law enforcement etc...then promptly flat disappeared and blocked my number ............. exactly what planet have I landed on to find these girls ??? And Yes , I have found them ALL on Atl BackPage ....  
 The first incident WAS through TER reviews though it didnt help my results - to this day I swear I was being setup to be arrested ,as covered in a post some months ago -- Ive been around long enough to know whats going on around me .. the other incidents concerned me more ;  
 So to end a long post :-D can yall chime in about why or why not we as hobbyists need to deal ONLY with TER / reviewed members ??? Truth be told , if a provider is truly sincere I can not imagine WHY she would NOT make arrangements to be reviewed through TER - what is there possibly to lose if you are sincerely legit ??  
 My Best To All !!  

-- Modified on 5/25/2015 11:49:11 AM

Hey THANKS Y'all for the great insights - and just to follow a bit further ------- WHY would a Provider NOT arrange to be reviewed through TER or the like ? From what I read above that all make sense , II can not see any advantage in not being ... "reviewable"  ........... ?????

Best To All ..

I don't know why a lady wouldn't want to be reviewed.  I think from a brand new provider's perspective there is bit of a catch 22: she needs (good) reviews to get clients but (most) clients won't see her without reviews.  So starting out must be a bit frustrating.  But here's where the lady needs to get the word out by posting weekly ads on TER and participating on the boards.

At some point there seems to be a critical mass that is reached when the lady has a handful of good reviews and gents become comfortable in booking with her.  Knowing that she's real and they won't be taking one for the team.  Remember that the lady doesn't create her profile herself,  it's the first gent that see's her that has that responsibility.  

So there may be ladies open to being on TER that just may be waiting on that first review to pop up before they magically appear in TERland.  LOL

Other than that I don't know.  Unless she has an active "no review" policy.  I've heard of such things but I stay far away from those ladies.  There are a couple of valid reasons a lady may want to not be reviewed (for example they are concerned about a very large number of reviews giving them the label of "high volume") - but there are many more bad reasons for a lady not wanting to be reviewed.  To me it's equivalent to her waving a flag that says "scammer".  But that's just my opinion.

Posted By: chipatl
Hey THANKS Y'all for the great insights - and just to follow a bit further ------- WHY would a Provider NOT arrange to be reviewed through TER or the like ? From what I read above that all make sense , II can not see any advantage in not being ... "reviewable"  ........... ?????  
 Best To All ..

She has some reviews on the board anyway - but what she told me was that she finds the details demeaning and pretty gross.  

If I were going to give her a review - it would have been a good one.  She does the vanilla GFE thing like nobody else - and she has some pretty serious skills in bed - and unbelievable PC muscle control.  And she seems to really like her job!  I haven't seen her in a while but only because her location is very inconvenient to me these days  - and honestly my tastes have gotten a little more "exotic" recently.  I would highly recommend her.

So - don't make assumptions

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