
Sorry, Chimpy, the UD says Queef was there first..
JakeFromStateFarm 71 reads

Also, I've never heard anyone call it "quif." Besides, South Park rules.  You lose.,_Pray,_Queef

-- Modified on 10/20/2017 1:11:08 PM

SeductionMindHacks1539 reads

What has been the biggest WTF moment or experience you had?

Work_Too_Much53 reads

For me it has been discovering how poorly communication is from some providers when you send over all screening info asked for and go beyond that to make it very easy. Very slow communication that takes a week or more to get back with does not make an out of towner like me feel confident when I roll into town that I will actually have a successful hobbying time when not working. I have experienced this recently in two areas with many ladies one would consider "upscale". I see them post regularly every day multiple times about pointless issues on Twitter yet cant return business emails any sooner than 2 weeks apart is fairly unimpressive to me. In my business I do nearly the same thing in terms of marketing a product but I know if I have a 2 week turnaround on business emails I will lose my clients to others who offer same services but actually have professional communication. Recently it has been probably 75% of the ladies I have sent full details over to so it has not been isolated to one lady or only one city. These are multi hour date requests also none being less than 2 hours and a couple being 4 hours. I just dont get it? With a safe client who has references and has even provided all board handles and professional career related info and still crickets chirping. This has been my biggest WTF moment as I realize if I do that with my company I would go completely under in a matter or months. Im not high maintenance at all but I do appreciate even the shortest email acknowledging receipt of all info and brief conversation to work out a time and date that will satisfy both our calendars. I guess I ask too much.

Wow, that sounds inexcusable.....I can see no response if they were blowing you off, but waiting 2 weeks or longer and then actually responding......mmmmmm, sounds strange indeed and very lazy.

HappyChanges122 reads

Not that it really fucking matters.

Also, I've never heard anyone call it "quif." Besides, South Park rules.  You lose.,_Pray,_Queef

-- Modified on 10/20/2017 1:11:08 PM

Both were girls with apperance ratings that were solid nine and 10?  One took her clothes off and was absolutely covered in horrible stretch marks. I would have giving her her body about 3 but she did have a beautiful face and rockstar performance.
The other had a perfect body but her face was in really bad condition. Her teeth looked like she had some type of a serious drug problem and her complexion was horrible. Body about a nine call my face a 4
They continue to get ratings of nine or 10 on appearance.

Not very professional at all! When I receive a message inquiry about a date, I answer with, 'thank you for contacting me, let me check with the ladies and get back to you'. Then, on the flip side, you have Providers who don't return messages in a timely manner, or at all. While others get back to you right away.  
I guess that it is just the luck o the draw?!

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