
What makes for a good overnight experience?
Ask Jeeves 12047 reads

I am considering an overnight?  Looking for tips from reviewers and providers.  Anecdotes are good.  Thanks.

Preferably someone that you have seen before, maybe been out with socially or to dinner, and are comfortable with. Some ladies will discount their rates for an extended "date", and this is obviously desirable.

On my first Vegas trip with Baylee, we got a 2 bedroom suite, but by the second night, we were sleeping together. On our next trip, we're getting a one bedroom suite ( : MfSD.

-- Modified on 3/25/2003 7:31:30 AM

-- Modified on 3/25/2003 3:18:14 PM

Definitely being comfortable with one another.  Starting out with dinner is great!  By the time you have enjoyed chatting, enjoying a few drinks, and each other's company..You will feel like friends, and the hormones will be jumping by then!! helps much when you don't try to keep your date up all night.  I truly believe that breakfast with dessert is much better than not having breaksfast or dessert.....My .02


Sexy Sofia

P.S.  Also...not haggling about rates.  It is so very tacky, and I have been with someone for 6 hrs, just to have been paid $$$, all because I fell ill and did not want to stay overnite.  That's why so many ladies require deposits...

-- Modified on 3/25/2003 6:20:58 PM

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