
Re:Deanna and whoever else
Road_Warrior 11373 reads

Why are you so bitter one week and then nice the next? Chill, I see no harm or bashing in this thread. Just som helpful advice. Hell maybe the lady's who do this might actually improve their business.

Da Game13699 reads


Please excuse me if I'm stepping out of line but could you please refrain from building websites using free web hosting like geocities. The biggest problem is most of those free web hosting sites limit the number of visitor or bandwidth to your page, so after you reach your daily limit, your site shuts down for a few hours/days. At which point you may loose potential clients. It also does not look too professional if your ad is down half the tiume or if you do get to the site, to have to deal with pop-up ads.

You would be amazed at how cheap it is to buy your own domain name and register it. Also paying for web hosting has come way down as well. Many places can host your site for $10 a month and the domain registration is typically less than $30 for multiple years.

It appears that you already have some web development skill or have access to people who can develop a page/site for you, so why not make the investment in your business by buying a domain name, building name recognition and rep via your site, and improve the overall aspect of your business.

Just a thought and my two cents. Hope it helps. Its not meant to be taken as a flame against anyone.

Hapyy New Year

When I see one of those free sites, I figure that the provider plans to be out of business before the bandwidth limit is reached.

Lucky Dawg14668 reads

Realistically, if the ladies rate is even $200/hr, she's have it covered in under 15 minutes out of that session.

well its obvious you are talking about me.. to be honest i didnt have the site made... my mom did and she cant afford to pay for one.. she already lost over a grand on the other one all her paypal funds the set up fee and the monthly fee lost to the guy that done it.. i been in the biz for going on 5 years now .and doing ok i think,,,. and didnt have a site till july last year till... and it only lasted about 3 months.. i didnt loose as much as mom cause i refused to pay the set up fee.. anyway she just asked the guy to put me and raven on there because well im her daughter and raven is her friend.. didnt know it was going to cause an uproar.. as far as raven she has her own site.. sorry you didnt like it .. i will remove my post

Lucky Dawg13975 reads

No, I wasn't refering to you at all. In fact, I've never been to your site. But....going about it quick and easy, you can pay the extra fee to Yahoo for the extra bandwidth, register your domain cheaply through someone like discountdomainregistry or godaddy and just set your pointers to the yahoo(geocities) sites you may be currently use.  It gives a more professional image and you just don't know how frustrating it is to see a new lady post an ad on a board, you click on her link and see that message stating "this user has exceded their bandwidth"

Kristi_Kane12255 reads

Hey folks,

Here's what I paid for my pop-up ad free site, which I did myself:

$68: Bootleg Dreamweaver MX software off some guy on
$30: Dreamweaver MX Visual QuickStart guide, so I could figure out to use the software
$7/month ($84/year): Web hosting through
$32/two years: Domain registration through

Grand total of $200 for two years for domain registration and web hosting, about $100 for software and user guide. Boils down to $100 for my first year!  My site doesn't look professional by any means, but it's functional ... gets the job done

Lucky Dawg14165 reads


You prove the point.  BTW, do you have high speed internet?  If so, you can get the s/w for free on Kazaa, but still, you prove how inexpensively it can be done for.

You can save a little money by registering your domain name with godaddy, see url below.  If anyone needs help with this or thier computer, contact me...I own my own computer consulting firm and am Microsoft Certified...glad to give "free" advice to providers.

brookebutler12906 reads

I totally agree about getting your own website...

For a little while I had a free site and I DID get complaints as to popups.  It takes absolutely nothing to find someone to build you a site or do it yourself. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to a goecities site or another one with similar hosting and it is down. It is frustrating to me but I can only imagine how it is for a prospective client!  I would hate to  miss out on developing a great friendship with someone because of it or missing out on a great couple of hours.

Good to start out with but it certainly makes a statement when you have a multiple page site done....


I had the problem with bandwith, so I moved to Premium for around $19.95/mo.  It's been serving the purpose; but the only problem now is that since I switched to Macintosh, I can't update my site.  Yahoo Geocities doesn't support Mac OS 9.x or X.  So, I actually found a link on Bryjea's site to  They are really easy to use, and I am finishing up building a whole new website with a domain name, 5 pages for my necessary information, and I can update it whenever.  And it works great with Mac!  It costs $10.95/mo., or you can pay $299 for the year, I believe.  It will be up soon!!  

Of course, if what you have serves it's purpose...Go for it!!!


Sexy Sofia

Da Game12451 reads

I wasn't specifically targeting you. There are a few ladies who use the free sites. I don't know who your mom dealt with but if she paid over a grand in set-up fees etc. then IMHO she was hustled. I do websites and some of my high end flash site don't even cost that much. There are a ton of HTML editors out there where you can learn to develop a site on your own if you have the time to learn it. Its almost like using a word processor application. If you Internet Explore, you already get the stripped down version of Microsoft Frontpage.

IMHO I think it does help business. Name recognition goes a long way and if you have it tied into a memorable domain name, it will make it easier for new client to find you. To be honest, there is no way I can remember the long domanin names for most freesites.

Plus another key thing is the fact that you don't have to worry about the site not being available because you were getting tto much traffic. That is the goal of a good website, to generate traffic.

Just my two cents.

Let me tell you a funny .. When I first ever in my life got online it was to build a website for a local church.. and it lead me to doing this.. now thats the funny thing.. I just dont take the time.. I guess this is my new years resoulition.. work on that dang websire.. kisses and hugs deanna

brookebutler12577 reads

I am sure there is a way to get you a site. You have a good reputation which I am sure gets you plenty of business but maybe I wanna see lots of pages of that pretty smile of yours! I hear you are a great kisser by the way!   If you want some information on a site which would be done really well and very inexpensive, let me know. I have a couple of super people I can refer you to.

You need to have some pics done in that outfit from the December party! You looked mmmmaaaaveeelooouuuuss!


Hey brooke.. email me that info please maybe i can get these boogers off my back lol... Thanks for the compliments.. who told you i was a good kisser humm musta been the mailman... lol.. looking forward to your next visit.. maybe the night wont be so traumatic for me ... be good and stay safe .. deanna

gatraveler13499 reads

I need to stick up for "Da Game" here.  Deanna when he post the first time it was right after another girl post a new add with link to geocities cite.  Nobody could access the site due to it being over loaded.  His point was if you are new and trying to get yourself notice it does no good to set up a site that barely works.  Better off just posting a link to a yahoo briefcase for pictures.  His post had nothing to do with the link you posted or your normal site.  Take a chill pill, getting an attitude about something that had nothing to do with you doesn't help you any.  Not that you need any help by looking at the amount of reviews you receive.

Just my .02

I wasnt getting an attitude i never knew this much drama would go on.. just adds more chapters to the book lol...

LadyRaven12981 reads

Do whatever the hell you want and never mind explaining yourself...

Road_Warrior11374 reads

Why are you so bitter one week and then nice the next? Chill, I see no harm or bashing in this thread. Just som helpful advice. Hell maybe the lady's who do this might actually improve their business.

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