
Re:Also..I just realized...teeth_smile
SweetJaclyn 11460 reads

Thanks for the info!!!  You're a sweetie!

Jaclyn :)

rondarae12476 reads

used Stormpay as an alternative to Paypal?  

[email protected]

-- Modified on 6/10/2003 1:56:09 PM

since they are based in the West Indies, it might make sense for SOME activities, but the normal "E-bay like" popularity will probably not work for them accordingly.

And, no, I've never used - or heard of - them.

Just found it, and it says StormPay is NOT recommended.  It does recommend several other sites and who to stay away from.  I'm searching also...I really like paypal..instant, convenient....Good Luck!!

Sexy Sofia

SweetJaclyn10159 reads

I've never heard of Storm Pay, but there are ways around the new Paypal restrictions.  You don't have to post a link to Paypal on your site.  All that's needed is that the gent have your e-mail address.  So, why not say that if you want to pay with Paypal, let me know and I'll e-mail you the pertinent information.  Or, one can always set up a "dummy" site that's linked from the original website.  All it needs to be is a page with a link to Paypal on it.  That page would be linked from the provider's business site.  Make sense???  

Currently, I'm just advising anyone wanting to use Paypal to let me know and I e-mail them the pertinent information.  

Just my .02.  

Jaclyn :)

I never stated my site as a mature audience site.  It is solely under entertainment.  I'll see tomorrow, but have already signed up w/e-gold, which has been around for some time, and backs your account with gold, silver, platinum, or palladium...which I don't was easy to do from the site.  But if paypal lets me keep the info; they don't have my site name...I'll keep it...I adore Paypal's debit card!!!!

Sexy Sofia

SweetJaclyn11461 reads

Thanks for the info!!!  You're a sweetie!

Jaclyn :)

rondarae8047 reads

Thanks for the input.  I accepted one payment via Stormpay and it still has not made it into my hands.  Not looking good to me.

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