
Re: You do know it is
BiGpPaPi 42 Reviews 908 reads

I just didon't pull out, happens all the time with other fellows.  The sex was conscentual obviously. So, by definitition, there was no "rape", but thanks for the laugh. As far as using a firearm, I would never use any firearm, especially pointing it at anything I didn't intend to kill, unless some thug ass pimp decided to take his life into his own hands. That my so well educated commenter is referred to as self defense, and is completely legal. Georgia is a stand your ground state.  

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
considered rape if you do something she was not willing to do. So you admit to possibly infecting anyone you saw and forcing them to do things they didn't want to do. Then you say you got no problem using your gun.  
 What a man, a real man. Hope you get a$$ fucked in prison.

As to why BBFS is frowned upon by some of you, hobbyists and providers alike, and yet many providers and hobbyists participate in unprotected oral sex. The risks are inherently the same especially for females who allow CIM, and certainly by gentlemen who come into contact with vaginal secretions during DATY. Any of you BBFS opponents care to enlighten me on this?

-- Modified on 3/8/2015 11:55:49 PM

anubis741161 reads

I suggest you do a little more research on the risk being "inherently the same".   Just as an stark example  the chances of transmitting HIV via oral sex is exponentially lower than vaginal or anal sex(I thinks it takes about 15lbs of saliva to for it to be Possibly infectious.)  Not that I judge what you do but I am just saying factually they arent inherently the same risk.

I wasn't referring to saliva actually. As I said in my original post it's about exposure to semen by females and vaginal secretions for males. If a person has smell abrasions or cuts in there mouth then transmission of HIV is possible. However, HIV wasn't even my main focus by my post. More so other STDs such as chlamydia, Ghonnorhea, Syphillis, Herpes, etc.

I don't know why people are attacking you but your post is a valid one.

While the probability of contracting an STD is not the same, the severity of contracting an STD is the same between BBFS and BBBJ.

From my perspective, why take the chance (no matter how remote it may be) of contracting an STD (especially the incurable, lethal ones) by engaging in BBFS sex with a high potential transmission vector (i.e. prostitutes)?

Play it safe and always use protection.


Posted By: BiGpPaPi
I wasn't referring to saliva actually. As I said in my original post it's about exposure to semen by females and vaginal secretions for males. If a person has smell abrasions or cuts in there mouth then transmission of HIV is possible. However, HIV wasn't even my main focus by my post. More so other STDs such as chlamydia, Ghonnorhea, Syphillis, Herpes, etc.

anubis741069 reads

HIV cannot live for long outside the body, so to be infected with HIV the body fluids from an infected person must get inside your body (contact with saliva has never been known to transmit HIV). The virus can enter the body via contact with the bloodstream or by passing through delicate parts of the body (mucous membranes), such as inside the vagina, rectum or urethra.  

The inside of your mouth is the Harshes of conditions and is more exposed to the environment than say the vagina or rectum.  HIV is a delicate virus that can not survive outside the body long or exposed to the environment long at all.  I am not sure if it could survive stomach acids.(swallowing)  Unless my information is dated it is almost unheard of (although not impossible) of certain STI being transmitted via oral sex.  Its apples and oranges.  

Again I am not passing judgement or weighing in on the merits of your post but rather the premise is may not be factually accurate.

anubis74776 reads

The most common STD transmitted via oral sex is herpes. There are two main types of herpes simplex virus (HSV): HSV type 1, which usually causes cold sores around the mouth, and HSV type 2, which generally causes sores around the genitals. If a person has HSV type 1 and they give oral sex to another person, the herpes could be transmitted to the genital area of the other person, causing genital sores. This process can also work in reverse, with HSV-2 transmitting from the genitals to the mouth of the other person during oral sex, though this is rare.

Gonorrhea can easily be transmitted via oral sex. The infection is usually passed from infected genitals to a person's throat, but can also be passed from an infected throat to a person's genitals. The body will almost always naturally clear the throat of the bacteria that cause gonorrhea within three months, although infections in the genital tract will usually require antibiotics to cure.

Syphilis is easily transmitted during oral sex if a person’s mouth comes into contact with an open sore or a skin rash caused by the infection.

It is possible (but thought to be not very common) for the human papillomavirus, which causes genital warts, to be transmitted through oral sex.

Chlamydia can infect the throat via oral sex, although this is thought to be uncommon. People with chlamydia may not have any symptoms and may not be aware they are infected.

The hepatitis A virus is found in human faeces, and may be passed on during anal-oral sex.
Hepatitis B is contained in sexual fluids and blood and may be transmitted during oral sex in a similar way to HIV (see below).
Hepatitis C is generally only contained in blood, and will only be transmitted if there is blood present during oral sex.
Gastrointestinal infections and parasites may be passed on during oral contact with the anus.
- See more at:

cashorcredit897 reads

shit my pic didn't load

-- Modified on 3/9/2015 4:34:13 AM

The OP has engaged in very dangerous and unethical behavior in my opinion. A discussion implies an exchange of views which, in turn, requires some agreement on basic principles between those who discuss.

If I take him at face value - I see no point in continuing this discussion because his basic principles are alien to me to the point where an exchange of views is futile.   As an example, you can't discuss natural selection with a creationist.   If he is simply making all of this up - there is no value in the discussion either

Ergo, he is a troll.  The only way to deal with trolls is to ignore them.  There is a button supplied for this purpose.  I will use it.  You may wish to do the same

considered rape if you do something she was not willing to do. So you admit to possibly infecting anyone you saw and forcing them to do things they didn't want to do. Then you say you got no problem using your gun.

What a man, a real man. Hope you get a$$ fucked in prison.

I just didon't pull out, happens all the time with other fellows.  The sex was conscentual obviously. So, by definitition, there was no "rape", but thanks for the laugh. As far as using a firearm, I would never use any firearm, especially pointing it at anything I didn't intend to kill, unless some thug ass pimp decided to take his life into his own hands. That my so well educated commenter is referred to as self defense, and is completely legal. Georgia is a stand your ground state.  

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
considered rape if you do something she was not willing to do. So you admit to possibly infecting anyone you saw and forcing them to do things they didn't want to do. Then you say you got no problem using your gun.  
 What a man, a real man. Hope you get a$$ fucked in prison.

...doing something ESPECIALLY in a sexual manner you didn't have consent to do and you took it upon yourself to have it without her knowledge when again you already knew you did not have consent is rape. You're a creep and a with it. You crossed a line with her body without permission.

I guess somebody didn't care for my candid response.. Boo!
Ms. Mocha is correct.. You're basically a rapist and a predator. You're not a real man and that's why you seek out insecure girls who are desperate enough to bb for minimal compensation.. and then you treat them like garbage and possibly ruin their lives to make yourself somehow seem superior or like a real man. You're pathetic.

No she was just a stupid whore. Not much different from yourself, you just just charge more. Also, I assume your service is marginally better. She needed to learn a lesson about not being such a horrible provider. So I taught her, maybe. Hopefully she won't be a provider much longer because she's a waste of money. Think about it this way... Without her means less competition, less competition means more money you can charge for your marginally better services, it means the more money all of the providers can charge for their services because some poor shmuck won't pay her. The herd will be thinned and you will reap the benefits... You're welcome.

Just caught up on this thread and it's funny and sad in so many ways.

The OP is a just a little depressing. Sad to know he's trying so hard to make bbfs seem acceptable in this hobby. Sadder that he will convince someone he's right.

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