
Re: Yeah 3 months in advance is too far
Icekap 1 Reviews 678 reads
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Traveling to ATL for a few days in mid-April.  I put some initial  
inquiries out since my travel dates are firm and booked.  Is it too far  
in advance to schedule a rendezvous?  One kind lady has said she'll get  
back to me closer to my arrival, others don't even reply.  Am I trying to
plan too far ahead in the calendar?

cashorcredit 443 reads
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However it depends on who you're trying to see. The earliest in advance I ever booked was 2 weeks

sailor66 14 Reviews 596 reads
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I've booked a month ahead of time, but too much can happen in 3 months.

cashorcredit 538 reads
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hard to predict a schedule that far out.  

I wouldn't rule out him getting lucky, someone maybe able to accommodate his request.

foguete69 38 Reviews 443 reads
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its not to early to reach out to a few ladies and let them know of your interest and when
you will be arriving.  That may help you when the time is getting near.

sophiawest See my TER Reviews 607 reads
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I generally will do a save the date type thing. That way you are on the schedule but with the understanding that it is tentative. Usually a couple weeks before I will reach out again if I have not heard from you.If  I don't get a response I take it of the schedule.
It really depends on the girl.

1382316 137 Reviews 521 reads
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As I travel I have often requested ATF's to 'pencil me in' well in advance. In some cases it allows me to adjust my plans to accommodate their travel schedules as well. It also comes in handy with providers that may limit their work to 1 or 2 clients a week - early bird often gets the worm.....

GetShortyToo 518 reads
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ToniLove See my TER Reviews 503 reads
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pre booking. I have one in April and in May already booked and I a SUPER EXCITED! :D
I do require at least a 24 hr pre booking but I LOVE the it when a gentleman knows how to plan things out too :)
Nothing wrong with getting your dicks in a row...eerrrr I mean getting your ducks in a row lol
Hugs and kisses

MorganMarie See my TER Reviews 387 reads
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prefer to plan as far in advance as possible.  Life is so much more enjoyable when there's something to look forward to.  I'm a bit of a planner in every aspect of my life - you know, "Plan your work, work your plan."  If there's someone in particular you really would like to spend some time with, I would suggest at least reaching out and making an introduction, and try setting a soft "save the date," as Sophia put it.   If you don't plan it, it might not be possible for both of you to coordinate your busy schedules when the time comes.   Good luck finding your perfect Atlanta companion!

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