
Re: Well damn Ava. ...
Misnout 5 Reviews 319 reads

Khori is as hot as they cum (pun intended). I would say that I would share her with you, but I know where I stand in the pecking order.

I turned 25 recently and have been thinking about how age informs providing. Taylor Morgan and I have had several conversations on this topic and are both of the opinion providing is best suited to those 21 and up due to the life experiences one often acrues in the 18-21 window (and the whole being able to legally order a drink thing). I know there is a common conception (and likely pressure) that providers to fudge their age a bit. However most of the providers of my acquaintance do not do this much, if they do it's often shaving off a year for privacy reasons.  

I have to say as someone who is often told she looks young for her age, I like being 25 and owning it. I expect when I'm 30, 40, etc this will stay true. I like being treated as someone with a quarter century of life experience and feel that saying I'm 22 would undermine the benefits of that experience. I have always had a natural rapport with older people and most of my clients are in their late 30s-late 50s. One of the aspects of my work I enjoy the most is getting to have meaningful interactions and experiences with individuals I would be unlikely to meet in my daily life as a twenty something. Some thoughts for discussion:

Gentlemen: how does provider age affect your choice to see them, and if you see women of various age groups have you noticed differences between your overall experiences you think age is a factor of? Do you enjoy, regardless of her age, the experiences she brings and the chance to interact with someone you would be unlikely to otherwise?

Ladies: How do you feel your age affects your outlook on providing? If you have been providing a while how has your perception evolved and do you think your age affects your clientele and how you connect with them?

Everyone: what are your thoughts on how age affects providing style? Do you think the 35 and up crowd is more comfortable with themselves and asking for what they want? Are the 20 somethings less weighted down by life experience? Or is it too variable based on the lady in question?

In real life, I don't look for friends based upon their age. I don't look for co-workers or anyone else based upon age. Age is just a number.

Likewise, I do not seek out women based upon age, whether in real life or here in p4p land. Intelligent posts, common interests, uncommon interests, sense of humor, plain physical attraction - these play the only real roles.  

I will say that I will not see a woman younger than my kids. As a parent, I just get a bit of an "ick" from that.

I find that the only place age makes a difference on a date is in shared experiences... in history. I don't like to live my present or my future in my rearview mirror, so the chance to learn and experience with someone younger is valued. Similarly, the shared experiences are fun and sometimes comforting with women more my age.

I don't find that "social acceptability" or 'age appropriateness" plays a role for me. If I am with a woman, we do as we please and if that draws looks I revel in them or will ask if they want a picture. If we're together, we're together.  

I find that every woman is a bit different BCD, as is every man. However, this is not something I connect directly to age in most cases. For example, I can tell if a provider is new - regardless of whether she is 25 or 45. The clues and behaviors are the same. I can tell experience, regardless of age.  

SO while some may look only for 20-something "hardbodies", I look for a great companion of any age. Sometimes, she is 25, sometimes she is older. I don't care the age. I care about the companion and how I feel in her company

I also have friends of varying ages in my personal life. I greatly enjoy the breadth of perspectives and experiences my friend group provides.  

I do think I'm a better companion than I was a year ago, simply because I am more experienced in being one. Age is not much of a factor in how I connect with a new suitor, I've had clients in their 60s I've had an amazing time with and clients in their 20s where something in the way we connected just felt off. I truly believe a good companionship experience boils down to just what you said, how you feel in each other's company. So I can eat that extra cookie, right? :D

Thanks for your insight, I loved reading it!


GaGambler391 reads

but since I don't have any kids, that's hardly an issue. lol

Where it comes to women, I will be the first to admit (brag) that I am a shallow pig that bases his choice/s on looks first, everything else second, but that is just for a first meeting. The way I look at it, I have no idea if I am going to "click" with a woman and if there is not going to be any chemistry an hour "wasted" with a hottie is much better than a woman who I don't find attractive

Now OTOH, let's say we do click, now I have the best of both worlds, I have a woman who gets "my motor running" and one who I click with as well.

Where it comes to age, except for legal reasons, I don't really have an age minimum, I do have upper limit however, they aren't based strictly on age, but more on appearance. I will freely admit, it's a rare woman even pushing 40 that I still find attractive sexually, OTOH women (girls) too young don't have enough life experience to really interact with in any kind of meaningful way, so I guess my "sweet spot" is mid twenties to early thirties, where I can get the best of both worlds

So I guess for me at least, Ava you are now entering your prime.

Lol, I'm honored. I thought for a bit about keeping "Ava" 24 a bit longer but than I thought I'd rather cater to men who like a girl with a bit of experience than the guys who want the youngest PYTs they can find.  

Also turning 25 means I'm going to start losing bone mass, which is inspiring me to lay off the pizza (at least a little bit, pizza is kind of my one true love) and hit the gym. I think getting older and realizing your health won't always be what it is currently is a great motivator to take care of yourself.

GaGambler416 reads

and getting older does beat the alternative.  

But you are correct, aging does mean having to make some sacrifices if you don't want to turn into  blob of jelly. At about age 55 I forced myself to quit drinking beer. I didn't quit drinking of course, but I now limit myself to a bottle or two of wine a day and a bottle or two of beer a month. 34 inch pants were starting to get tight and after quitting the beer I can squeeze (uncomfortably) into my old 32s. 33 is now perfect and that's a waist size I can live with.

Don't worry, you won't have to lay off of pizza completely, I ate 3/4 of a pizza last night, but no beer and I figure if I extend my run today by an extra 2 miles, that will be enough penance to pay for the indulgence. lol

Interesting post.  I don't think that age specifically is an issue when I choose a provider, but experience is, and obviously, the more experienced providers are generally older.  I think you nailed it when you suggested that experienced providers are able to more readily connect with their clients.  In addition, I don't think that they feel the moral ambiguities that some of the younger providers may feel.  I am a newbie, so just my 2 cents worth.

but you already know that.

For me, it's about a bit of honesty. I know, it's Hobby and its fantasy fulfillment and whatever else you wish to call it so that statement sounds a bit odd.

I admit to my age when asked. Like you, I too have an old soul. Without personal details, I had to grow up quick, so I tend to get along with people older than myself usually better than folks my own age and younger. That said - If I advertise anything about myself, it's more of the humble truth than anything else. I'll admit I'm an unadorned tattoo-less sharpei of an increasingly gray haired middle aged man.

My biggest beef is this:
If a provider is over 40, don't advertise 28. I once met a provider like this and I'll felt lied to. The session diminished quickly once I realized her actual age. Once the fantasy bubble is broken, it can't be re-blown. She tried!

Like many others, I look for physical attractiveness for certain, but I also like personality. Face it, there will soon be actual fembots - not just the ones electr0n is making - who will satisfy sexual urges. I like the closeness and interaction that a good companion provides.  

Common interests, the ability to converse on a variety of topics and a nice laugh trump big boobs and "bounce a quarter off her" booty any day. Orgasm is as much mental as physical anyway.

My loose change,

Posted By: AvaRaleigh
I turned 25 recently and have been thinking about how age informs providing. Taylor Morgan and I have had several conversations on this topic and are both of the opinion providing is best suited to those 21 and up due to the life experiences one often acrues in the 18-21 window (and the whole being able to legally order a drink thing). I know there is a common conception (and likely pressure) that providers to fudge their age a bit. However most of the providers of my acquaintance do not do this much, if they do it's often shaving off a year for privacy reasons.  
 I have to say as someone who is often told she looks young for her age, I like being 25 and owning it. I expect when I'm 30, 40, etc this will stay true. I like being treated as someone with a quarter century of life experience and feel that saying I'm 22 would undermine the benefits of that experience. I have always had a natural rapport with older people and most of my clients are in their late 30s-late 50s. One of the aspects of my work I enjoy the most is getting to have meaningful interactions and experiences with individuals I would be unlikely to meet in my daily life as a twenty something. Some thoughts for discussion:  
 Gentlemen: how does provider age affect your choice to see them, and if you see women of various age groups have you noticed differences between your overall experiences you think age is a factor of? Do you enjoy, regardless of her age, the experiences she brings and the chance to interact with someone you would be unlikely to otherwise?  
 Ladies: How do you feel your age affects your outlook on providing? If you have been providing a while how has your perception evolved and do you think your age affects your clientele and how you connect with them?  
 Everyone: what are your thoughts on how age affects providing style? Do you think the 35 and up crowd is more comfortable with themselves and asking for what they want? Are the 20 somethings less weighted down by life experience? Or is it too variable based on the lady in question?

I definitely feel the companionship and rapport factor trumps physical appearance. The clients I enjoy the most tend not to have 6 packs, but are very thoughtful, have intelligent things to say and appreciate hearing my opinions as well. Plus the most important thing for a good sexual connection is communication.  

I do agree shaving a decade plus off age does no one any favors. It's like how in online dating (which I suppose providing can be considered if you think about it) if someone shows up 50 lbs heavier than their pictures the fact that they lied is often a bigger deal than what they lied about.  

As always I appreciate what your old soul has to say.  



At 28, I feel that I know a lot more about many things than I did even 5 years ago. Although I've always been a fairly intelligent person with a tendency to gravitate towards older people, I was very naïve and, frankly, an idiot in regards to life in general until I hit the age of 25.  
When it comes to relating this to providing, I think that my age does make me a better provider. I can hold much better conversations, connect more easily with my clients, and I'm also far more skilled and open sexually than I was when I was younger. The other thing is that I'm much more resilient. If I had tried being a provider when I was younger, there's a good chance that I would have given up after a couple of months simply because the younger me wouldn't have dealt so well with criticism, rejection, and the fact that it does take a while for things to really get going.  

Posted By: AvaRaleigh
I turned 25 recently and have been thinking about how age informs providing. Taylor Morgan and I have had several conversations on this topic and are both of the opinion providing is best suited to those 21 and up due to the life experiences one often acrues in the 18-21 window (and the whole being able to legally order a drink thing). I know there is a common conception (and likely pressure) that providers to fudge their age a bit. However most of the providers of my acquaintance do not do this much, if they do it's often shaving off a year for privacy reasons.  
 I have to say as someone who is often told she looks young for her age, I like being 25 and owning it. I expect when I'm 30, 40, etc this will stay true. I like being treated as someone with a quarter century of life experience and feel that saying I'm 22 would undermine the benefits of that experience. I have always had a natural rapport with older people and most of my clients are in their late 30s-late 50s. One of the aspects of my work I enjoy the most is getting to have meaningful interactions and experiences with individuals I would be unlikely to meet in my daily life as a twenty something. Some thoughts for discussion:  
 Gentlemen: how does provider age affect your choice to see them, and if you see women of various age groups have you noticed differences between your overall experiences you think age is a factor of? Do you enjoy, regardless of her age, the experiences she brings and the chance to interact with someone you would be unlikely to otherwise?  
 Ladies: How do you feel your age affects your outlook on providing? If you have been providing a while how has your perception evolved and do you think your age affects your clientele and how you connect with them?  
 Everyone: what are your thoughts on how age affects providing style? Do you think the 35 and up crowd is more comfortable with themselves and asking for what they want? Are the 20 somethings less weighted down by life experience? Or is it too variable based on the lady in question?

I would have made an awful provider if I had begun in my early 20s. I just know so much more about myself and the world than I knew even 2-3 years ago. And I totally agree with the resilience thing too.

Really interesting topic Miss Raleigh.

I like all kinds of women - all shapes, sizes,  colors, ages, ethnicities, political and religious affiliations, socioeconomic status, and education levels.  The one defining factor for me has to be attitude.  Is she down for adventure?  Does she have a good sense of humor?  Does she enjoy what she does?  Is she fun (in and out of bed)?

There has to be some spark there for me.  Or as Kosh pointed out, it's no better than being with one of my fembots (awesome as they are).  Doing something unexpected, creative, imaginitive - that's what makes chemistry.  That's spontaneous.  That's the special ingredient.

I've had young girls (20-30's) as favorites who were full of enthusiasm and energy.  They wanted me to teach them anything and everything.  There was so much they wanted to explore.  Their curiousity and lust for life was inspirational.  And their stamina - don't even get me started.

I've had older girls (30-40's) as favorites who were absolutely confident in their sexual abilities.  I loved their knowing glances that subconsciously said "Oh, I know all your buttons and I'm about to start pushing them."  And their maturity allowed them to connect with me on a deeper level, which led to some spectacular role plays.  They called upon their own experiences to dazzle me in bed - to which I would say "ok, where did you learn that?"

When I was in my early 30's I was a regular of a woman in her 50's.  She gave the most amazing massages (with happy ending of course) I've ever had.  She was also an excellent conversationalist and told fascinating stories.  She filled a need I had, and it was wonderful.  And I didn't think about our age difference.  Spending time with her was often the highlight of my week.

So age is a factor and it isn't a factor.  See, you ask a simple question and get a complicated answer.  You're only 25?  You're a babe.  I mean that in the literal and figurative sense.  lol

Experience is the great equalizer.  Everyone has something they can learn and everyone has something they can teach.

You see - that's something only us old folks know.  :-)

I'll sum up by saying for me - chemistry, connectedness, enthusiasm, and attitude outweigh pretty much any other characteristic of attraction.  Yes, even youth.  Or maturity.  Either way.

-- Modified on 2/24/2016 10:13:42 PM

"I'll sum up by saying for me - chemistry, connectedness, enthusiasm, and attitude outweigh pretty much any other characteristic of attraction.  Yes, even youth.  Or maturity.  Either way."

I concur Mr E! Put that sentiment in your Seussan machine and I bet you could come up with a great t shirt!

I'll admit as a younger lady with a bit of a submissive side I love connecting well with an experienced gent who can help me explore my sexuality. It's something I really love about providing (and the student/professor fantasy just really does it for me).  

Always great to hear your thoughts darling!


Very well young lady - now channeling my inner Geisel...  Ommmmm....

The Precocious Hostess
(Aka - Are you horny Sam I Am?)

In the quaint town of Hotlanta lived a precocious young child
A cute young lass - no more than twenty-five

Her name was Ava and her mind burned bright
Life's great mysteries huddled, cowering in fright

With a girl like this - we are soon to be discovered!
Life, the universe, everything - would soon be uncovered!

She's disciplined of mind and strong of will
Her naughty streak though (fortunately) runs stronger still

She can slay you with words in a clash of wits
She can flash a brilliant smile to give the boys fits
(I bet your dirty mind thought I was going to say tits)  ;-)

She can lay you low in an intellectual battle
She also knows tricks to make a bed rattle

Ava exclaimed "All these things I must know!  All these things I must learn!"
And her curiousity, within her - it started to burn

What makes men like women and women like men?
What makes them do nasty things then do it again?

Is age important?  Why do we laugh?  Why is the sky blue?  Why do we cry?
Why does he keep saying "oh god, Oh God, OH GOD!!!" Like he's going to die?

What makes a good friend?  What makes a good lover?
What makes someone outstanding under the covers?

Maybe a scholarly gent will be my guide?
And I'll have a partner in whom to confide
(I bet he'd love to apply that firm hand to my backside)  :-)

Ava my child - in your thirst for knowledge, in your quest for truth - one small thing to remember - curiosity killed that cat.

Ava smiles, crinkles her nose and says...  "Yeah, but cats have nine lives...

So, what about THAT!?..

Look at you getting all Seussy on us, E. Nice poem, but you'll always be a "no good swindler" to me.

Ava, don't trust this silver tongued devil. He'll say and write anything just to get to your lady parts...Then again, you like silver tongued devils because of how they make your lady parts feel - so I guess it's a win-win with you two.


Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Very well young lady - now channeling my inner Geisel...  Ommmmm....  
 The Precocious Hostess  
 (Aka - Are you horny Sam I Am?)  
 In the quaint town of Hotlanta lived a precocious young child  
 A cute young lass - no more than twenty-five  
 Her name was Ava and her mind burned bright  
 Life's great mysteries huddled, cowering in fright  
 With a girl like this - we are soon to be discovered!  
 Life, the universe, everything - would soon be uncovered!  
 She's disciplined of mind and strong of will  
 Her naughty streak though (fortunately) runs stronger still  
 She can slay you with words in a clash of wits  
 She can flash a brilliant smile to give the boys fits  
 (I bet your dirty mind thought I was going to say tits)  ;-)  
 She can lay you low in an intellectual battle  
 She also knows tricks to make a bed rattle  
 Ava exclaimed "All these things I must know!  All these things I must learn!"  
 And her curiousity, within her - it started to burn  
 What makes men like women and women like men?  
 What makes them do nasty things then do it again?  
 Is age important?  Why do we laugh?  Why is the sky blue?  Why do we cry?  
 Why does he keep saying "oh god, Oh God, OH GOD!!!" Like he's going to die?  
 What makes a good friend?  What makes a good lover?  
 What makes someone outstanding under the covers?  
 Maybe a scholarly gent will be my guide?  
 And I'll have a partner in whom to confide  
 (I bet he'd love to apply that firm hand to my backside)  :-)  
 Ava my child - in your thirst for knowledge, in your quest for truth - one small thing to remember - curiosity killed that cat.  
 Ava smiles, crinkles her nose and says...  "Yeah, but cats have nine lives...  
 So, what about THAT!?.."  

Access to lady parts?

That's what you think all of this is about?

A gentleman can't wax poetic now and then without having his good (ok - marginally respectable) name besmirched, dragged through the mud, tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, and tied to the bed and tickled?  I have been unjustly accused, accosted, aggravated, and otherwise annoyed!  Can't a gentleman show his appreciation for feminine wiles in the privacy of an internet discussion board anymore without being described as a lech of the lowest character?  Why, I never!

Ok, you got me.  ;-)

It seems that one silver tongued devil can spot another one a mile away.

But cut me some slack because at my age my silver tongue is about the only appendage I can still rely on.  So let me get some enjoyment out of it while I still can.

And in my defense - I am an equal opportunity flirter.


Waxing poetic... "Why I never"... when the hell have you not?
Admittedly, it's easy to flirt with ladies like Ava, but Full Seuss Mode? You are one horny devil today (and most other days I imagine).

As far as "That's what you think all of this is about?", I can only say after several decades upon this planet - I'm still figuring it out.


Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Access to lady parts?  
 That's what you think all of this is about?  
 A gentleman can't wax poetic now and then without having his good (ok - marginally respectable) name besmirched, dragged through the mud, tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, and tied to the bed and tickled?  I have been unjustly accused, accosted, aggravated, and otherwise annoyed!  Can't a gentleman show his appreciation for feminine wiles in the privacy of an internet discussion board anymore without being described as a lech of the lowest character?  Why, I never!  
 Ok, you got me.  ;-)  
 It seems that one silver tongued devil can spot another one a mile away.  
 But cut me some slack because at my age my silver tongue is about the only appendage I can still rely on.  So let me get some enjoyment out of it while I still can.  
 And in my defense - I am an equal opportunity flirter.  

You definitely connect with older ladies extremely well too! That fun in the tub was yummmmm! :)  
As for myself, providing and the age factor? I'm 45 yo and providing at my age is definitely better than it was when I was younger.  Maybe I know my own body better,  maybe I know a man's body better? Not sure but honestly I can just about tell through an email and a phone chat if I will have a really good sexual connection with someone.  I guess I am more experienced but more so just more comfortable in my own skin and my sexuality than ever before.  
I'm definitely into men that are in the 35-65 range. I just can't fuck a guy my son's age lol  
Honestly,  I usually prefer the ladies I play with to be around my age but you definitely have an old soul Ava :) you and Layla Love are 2 ladies that I definitely connect with beyond the norm :)

... because the image I just fantasized of Ava, Layla and TL together got my full attention!  

Buy these ladies some sheer "I Dream of Jeanie" outfits in blue, green, and pink and have them call me "master" or Major Nelson... or just call me.  I'd be a very happy man.

Very nice way to start a day. Thanks TL!


It's my pleasure to bring you pleasure.  Even though we haven't met I still consider you a dear friend :)  
Hmmmmm. ... I think I still may have an old belly dancing costume ;) will that work Major?  

You in a belly dancer outfit? Nice. Please tell me, lie to me if you have to, that you have one those dangly, jingly, metal coin belts as well.  
I would love to share those wind chime sounds of our loveplay rhythms when we finally do get to meet in person ;-)

jingle jingle jingle...,

Posted By: terrilynn
It's my pleasure to bring you pleasure.  Even though we haven't met I still consider you a dear friend :)  
 Hmmmmm. ... I think I still may have an old belly dancing costume ;) will that work Major?  
-- Modified on 2/29/2016 3:40:20 AM

Damn - I am 1 year outside the preferred range.  For some reason, this post was really hot, but I am not sure why.  I think the reason I like it so much is that it shows why I prefer experienced providers - they know themselves and I think really understand what men are all about.

Lol!! 1 year? Oh I think I could make an exception lol besides Khori said that you're awsome!  Speaking of Khori,  that's one woman that is simply just ageless.  She is even hotter than the day I met her. She has evolved into really enjoying women too though.  That's fantastic for me!! Hahaha!! Gosh I love all of you so much that now I'm getting turned on AGAIN!  THANKS!  LOL
This is, all your fault Ava :D

Khori is as hot as they cum (pun intended). I would say that I would share her with you, but I know where I stand in the pecking order.

Oooh, that night was a blast! TL you are in a class unto yourself, you should write books, maybe have a talk show (I could totes see you being the Oprah of providing). I do like the whole "feeling more comfortable in my own skin" thing about getting older. And my provider spidey sense has certainly gotten better over the past year.  

Thank you so much for the compliment, I so enjoy your guidance, friendship, and shared bath time :D

Much love,

teach someone that already is enjoying herself :) btw, I have a big tub at my place too and it's open for you anytime :)  
See you soon my beautiful friend :)

I've always had a thing for women older than me. It is fair to say that wisdom comes with age and the women I typically click with are mature souls, if not chronologically.  Since I have become a full-fledged old man, I don't necessarily prefer women older than me, but when I am seeking someone new, I definitely click the 31+ box in the search field.  

I Love a woman who is secure in her own likes/dislikes/sexuality and is comfortable with herself.  That's why ladies like Terri of Atlanta, Terri Lynn and Ginger Taylor are so special and so universally loved.    At least in MY OPINION that is why they are able to stay in this industry and succeed.

I was lamenting to myself just this week the lack of ladies in this demographic.  It's logical that the field of providers evolve...just not thrilling for those old guys like me who like the experience.

Awwww....thanks Larry!  You are universally loved too ya know :)
Hugs and kisses,  

I look for providers at least 25 years old because they are more experienced, and I don't just mean sexually.  maturity level means a lot to me. on the opposite spectrum, I also don't want to see ladies who I feel are "older".  Older to me is late 30s to 40.  This is a fantasy hobby so I look for someone who fits my fantasy.  Right now, I have found that woman who fits my current fantasy!  The good thing about this hobby is fantasies change so there is usually a selection for everyone to choose from.  Happy hobbying people!

For myself, age affect my choice somewhat based upon maturity level. From my visit with other providers, there is a difference, but it is nominal. Typically, I prefer the 25 years and up range because those providers have an level of experience as well as a level that I can vibe with. Now that isn't saying providers younger than 25 isn't mature, but for my comfort and style based upon having an old soul.

I have vibe with many providers older than me and a select few younger than me, but haven't had that deep passion, which I had developed by a select few. I think that age can make a difference between providing style. For instance, there are some providers like 21 or less that are used to the revolving door aspects because of the fact that they are looking for quantity or numbers. However, a lot of older providers are looking for an connection with the hobbyist which brings a philosophy difference between the 2.  

Are younger providers judge based upon the age? Yes but that is the part of proving yourself and gaining experience. Its similar to hobbyist being judge by the same age factor

I have had incredible experiences with girls not yet old enough to drink, with women in their 60's, and every age in between. I find it easy to fall into the illusion of love with a woman who responds sexually to me-- and sometimes even when they only submit to my horny desires.  This hobby is incredible!  Thanks to all the wonderful Atlanta providers for doing what you do!

CanIaskaquestion316 reads

I have seen that the age range that is given in the TER review does not change once its posted so a provider who started lets say 5 years ago was at a age range 31-35 in 2010 will be still 31-35 in 2016. :) and I have seen this with a lot of providers and its throwing me off at least on when I am choosing whom to see . I wish there is an auto adjust on this :)

I want to make absolutely sure that the girl is legal.  To my mind - this means 25 and up.  Not worth risking a felony sex offense.  Period.  End.

Over and above all that - I believe in the concept of informed consent.  My "civilian" experience with persons below the age of 25 is that they have NO business voting or drinking much less deciding to rent their bodies.   In other words, I do not believe that their consent (though legal) is informed.

There are, of course, always exceptions, and you appear to be one of them.  You do look young - but you do not look under age, and you express yourself in a literate manner.  Further, TL vouches for you.... and that's good enough for me!

Nice topic.

-- Modified on 2/25/2016 7:19:24 PM

Very, very thoughtful Ava, beyond your years actually. No intended lecture here but I find that few of your years are so well grounded.  

Regarding the age of Clients, that really became irrelevant to me of recent, not that I have had bad experiences but I have had time to be more thoughtful recently reflecting on experiences and realized that overall many on the high end of the age curve acted selfishly, immaturely and were lacking in grace while some of my younger friends went to all extremes to act with thought, care and consideration for me as a result I have become a lot more motivated to be cognizant of the attempts of younger NUBs, becoming more accessible and  open to them.  Overall I am very pleased and happy with my decision for exploration below the age of 35.  I guess I am trying to say it is much easier to help those with no bad habits to develop good habits and behavior as well as more rewarding (oh, yehhh) than it is to break bad habits and overcome bad behavior.

As for me, well I really do love my age, at 25 I was fucking my brains out on a pretty regular basis (actually probably 10 years before that) but it was just fucking, it was good, but it was just good.........not memorable at all.  In my 30's I began to enjoy having sex, not just fucking and began to appreciate the power of it.  I still remember experiences from that period and I explored, did I ever, wow.  I became multi-orgasmic during period and ohmygawd I have been rocking since then.  Now, I remember every encounter, they are all memorable in their own way and I have become quite submissive, I love to be used (not abused) and used well.  I relish the return of those I have I met before so we can expand on our previous encounter to reach a new height and honestly it just grows each time.  I am have learned how powerful it is for me to be submissive, something I would have never thought possible before.  The only drawback to my increased sexuality and responsiveness is I am so incredibly sensitive that I sometimes have to stop and because of that I cannot continue on for a time.

So, Ava I think that with your outlook and thoughtfulness that your 40's and beyond are going to be pleasurable for you and others too.....Suze

I prefer a woman age 26-33.  Very rarely older or younger.

When I first started out in this business, I was 27 and advertising as such.  I've always been told that I don't look my age, so stating current age when I first started was pretty important.  Why so important? Well, I entered this industry as a pro-domme, and most traditional submissive clients appreciate a domme with some age, wisdom, and experience behind her (this is what i'd read, anyway).  Having the experience was no issue- i've been doing kinky things for a very, very long time. But the age was a bit of a hinderance.  Most well-known and respected dommes in my area are all 30+, and when you're 27, 35 seems a little out of reach.  I had to learn how to market myself differently and in ways that didn't emphasize how long i'd been a pro-domme. So I did.  

And that's carried over into my marketing as a kinky companion. I don't emphasize my age. It's there, and it's honest (although I just turned 31 and need to update my profile here), but it's not something i use as a marketing tool or something that i've constructed a persona around. Will I as i continue to grow older in this industry? I honestly don't know at this point.  I'd honestly like to think that my marketing will continue to revolve around the experiences i provide instead of how many candles happened to be on my last birthday cake.  

As for age of entry into this industry, I couldn't have done it any younger.  What happened in my life between the ages of 21-27 was nothing short of a turn-around, and what's happened to me between 27-31 is another completely different cycle of growth.  I'm thankful that I entered into this industry when I did, and I truly feel that my age has allowed me to grow and take criticism and critically think about my work and not take too much too personally.  

As far as being able to relate to clientele, I'm an only child and have had to make conversation with all sorts of people all outside of my age range since i was a kid.  Some ladies are innately engaging and can relate to anyone about anything no matter what their age is, and some don't develop that skill until much later in life. Personally, I always wonder why clients seek out ladies that are much younger than they are; I can't imagine having much in common with a person aged 18-21 years, I'd personally feel even more disconnected as I aged.  But that's just my own personal bias.  

Overall, my 30s have been the best years of my life so far, and I'm excited to continue to grow and evolve as the calendar pages turn.  Great post, Ava.  I really enjoyed answering this!

I actually role play with age is a super kink for some of my atfs.  I play the mommy or the step-mommy that is oh so naughty!  Have had threesomes and foursomes where I am the more experienced provider coaching my protege to give more etc etc.  I have younger clients- early 20s.  It is a bit ofd but the teaching role is quite sexy.  Personal tastes- I prefer 35 and up with the emphasis on up.  

As for my personal feeling, it was a wonderful world when the body was tight and trim...but it is equally delightful to have the wisdom and experience of where I am now in life.  I thank the men in my world for helping me really own my inner beauty and sensuality at any age.

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