
Re: There's no place like home
OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 1957 reads
1 / 30

I'm alway interested in the nature of the hobbyist community--ladies and guys alike.

Guys, do you strictly see ladies in Atlanta (tour girls included) or whatever city/town/village (lol) where you reside?  
-If you are willing to travel, what is the max distance you will travel to see someone of interest and why?
-Have you ever traveled to a nearby state to see someone or flown someone here from another city (or country) that you were interested in and why?
-Are donations for companionship
-very important all the time
-Important most of the time
-slightly important
-not at all in certain instances
**You can DM directly if you don't want to post to the board**

Question for the ladies:
There has always been alot of talk over many years that Atlanta is a saturated market (my opinion on that later) and is one of the most difficult markets to work in.

-Do you do the bulk of your work in Atlanta and why?
-Do you find it necessary to expand your regular advertising (at a minimum) to the entire Southeast region in order to meet business goals?

I like to blog (written and video) and I am looking for ladies who are interested in a group discussion on film concerning Atlanta and/or the Southeastern Region. If you do not wish to show your face, I have the capability to blur while on film as well.

-Alexandria Fox

-- Modified on 9/9/2016 1:10:08 PM

anomy08513 58 Reviews 519 reads
2 / 30

Hey beautiful.  I  live in Atlanta and typically don't like to "play where I stay."  It's just so much easier to hobby when traveling on business away from wife, kids, etc.  I have seen a few providers here but it can be a headache trying to get away. Just my two cents!

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 460 reads
3 / 30

Thanks for your reply. What are cities where you commonly find play partners if you don't mind my asking?


mongo19621954 23 Reviews 494 reads
4 / 30

I play strictly in the ATL  I do repeats with the occasional new lady for variety.   The ladies here are wonderful; I have no need for travel.  I haven't had an experience yet that I did not enjoy.   Lucky, I guess.   It's going to be a few years (if ever...) before I start worrying about finding something "new" here.  

Cost is always a factor.  It's not the most important factor - but it is always a factor.   Honestly - whether or not I think I am going to have fun with a lady (and what I am in the mood for...) is most important  - but she can price herself out of my consideration.

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 450 reads
5 / 30

Thanks for your reply and glad you are having a great time (and safely). I know that many men have their favorites and I think that is wonderful actually. Would you say that you have a type or no? What attracts you to a particular woman and how do you go about selecting new ladies you would like to meet?


electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 394 reads
6 / 30

I only hobby in Atlanta.  Most of my career I traveled extensively and got to sample the scene across the country (and a bit internationally).  I'm pretty convinced that Atlanta is the perfect hobby city.  Bullshit politically motivated busts close to election time notwithstanding of course...

Atlanta has the prettiest, friendliest, sexiest, most diverse, and most affordable ladies anywhwere.  Can I get an "Amen!"?  Atlanta is the provider promised land.

I tend to see only locals.  I have nothing against traveling ladies (some of which are quite tempting in fact) but I'm the kind of guy that prefers a regular (or two) and if she doesn't live here then that's not going to work for me.  

Donation is always a consideration.  Absolutely.  Would I occasionally break my own rule and get a High Dollar Hottie (HDH)?  Perhaps.  It's happened.  But again I like to regularly visit with someone and repeated dates with a super expensive hottie isn't economically sustainable for me.

In other words, if I have the choice to see an affordable lady once a week or a HDH once a month - guess which one I will choose?  And Atlanta fortunately has plenty of lovely ladies at all price points.  So both quality and quantity of female companionship can be achieved.  Quite easily in fact.

I am a "I want to have my cake and eat it too" kind of guy after all.

Mmmm cake.

lydia69lydia69 See my TER Reviews 538 reads
7 / 30

I personally love Atlanta. So many great local gents. While there are a great many excellent providers here ,recognizing and accepting ones own niche is key. There is plenty to choose from as a client and ample clientele.Lucky there seems to be a fair amount who appreciate what I offer. I also have many regular gents who travel through Atlanta these guys also have been so very good to me! I enjoyed travel to Boston a few times and did very well but lately so much locally I am just happy here in this great city with my local sweeties and my routine repeat travelers.

mongo19621954 23 Reviews 439 reads
8 / 30

I would like to think I am not typical - which is ironically typical.   After all, no one will admit to being average.   I have never done an hour session - typically a morning or an evening.   This year, I'll probably do a dozen sessions (with three multiples...) and that includes seeing two "new" ladies.

As far as a body type, hair or skin color - really not all that important.  It's really about whether I think I am going to enjoy spending time with a lady.  My assumption is that a professional understands the mechanics of fellatio and intercourse as a given - and so far, I have been right about that.  Honestly, if it's just about an orgasm - I can do that self service for free.  

But...  the experience of a first rate courtesan (or two..) dedicated to providing me a wonderful morning,  afternoon or evening fantasy as a lover, exotic dancer, mistress, sex slave or whatever - now that is worth spending my hard earned money on.

It seems from my review choices that I like older women who are comfortable with themselves and sex work  -and take their work (pleasing me) seriously.  

As far as how I go about selecting new ladies to see - it takes a very looong time. Just as an example, it took me about three years to decide to pull the trigger on seeing TL - which, in hindsight, was about 2 years and 11 months longer than it should have!

I often have some interaction with providers on TER and the providers I have seen often seem to post.  I do look at reviews - though I don't take the scoring seriously.  Oddly - I get some really good tips from the ladies I see on a regular basis.  During recovery - we'll be chatting about nothing in particular and she'll say - "You know who you should see?  .... "  Networking is a good thing.

Usually though - there's "something" that's a little out of the ordinary about the lady.  So - if you are going to sell me - you need to persuade me that you are in fact worth spending time with...  because, believe it or not,  I am paying you for your time - though I will admit there will be sex involved...

doogan44 23 Reviews 515 reads
9 / 30

Hobby mostly in Atlanta since it is the city most often visited for work before I retired. Do not hobby much where I live (Birmingham), but may change a little now that I am retired without a fixed daily schedule.

Would I travel? Would have to plan, would have to be for an extended date, and with someone I have met before whose company I really enjoy. I have traveled, but not with regularity.

Money does matter to a degree since I am not wealthy. I usually meet for at a minimum two hours to keep from being rushed and get to know the person so it could get expensive with someone with high fees. My experience is money is not indicative of how much I enjoy their company. Ladies with all 10/10 scare me since no one should be that good to that many people. If makes me skeptical.  

My perspective on the question posed to the ladies: Atlanta saturated? Do not know, but I will say a lot less advertise on EROS and TER than a few years ago. Do not know what others use. I no longer belong to P411 since I seldom end used it. I will say I have hobbies in Florida, Nevada, New York, etc. and, as a general rule, prefer the ladies of Atlanta.

PRS2005 461 reads
10 / 30

I almost always drive to Atlanta to see providers. Coming from northern Alabama, it's always a two day affair. There are some great ladies in ATL.  

The lady's rate isn't a concern until it gets over $600 per hour. Then I make absolutely sure it's going to be someone I absolutely go nuts for.

foguete69 38 Reviews 388 reads
11 / 30

I have did the hobby in other states, years ago but only hobby in Atlanta now.  I do travel for work
so I am out of town quite a bit, coastal Ga and all of Fl.  I like to test my skills when on the road and do all right although there is no sure thing outside the hobby.

Important to me is punctuality although it is rare.

Stating donations are for companionship is like calling pay for play a donation.

I refuse to put a donation in an envelope.  lol

Good luck with your blog.

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 432 reads
12 / 30

Thanks for even more detail and insight into what--from your POV--interests you. This discussion proved quite lively on Twitter as well with several ladies essentially saying the same thing, "A lady must stand out from the crowd of sameness in order to capture her audience."

Across the board it seems that the average "sales cycle" looks just like any bell curve.

-One extreme certain types of ladies have short sales cycles (1 day-2 wks of views) and typically lower rates.
-Mid length (2-5 mos of views) seems to be where alot fall when making a decision to see a particular lady and their rates seem to be around $300-$600 for an hour
-Long cycles (6mos or more of views) and these ladies typically don't offer one hours and often offer more niche encounters than the aforementioned.  

*Not that the others do not offer "specialty encounters" and not that one's rates are better than another's. A lady charges what she wishes and no one should ever judge that.*

It seems that many gents have an age bracket as well such as yourself. What do you find interesting about the mature women you see over some of the younger providers?


OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 431 reads
13 / 30

You say that Atlanta has the most diverse ladies...others feel that Atlanta might have diversity in cultures/race but many feel that Atlanta ladies all sport a similar "look" because all the guys here go for that particular asthetic; would you say this is true?

What do you consider a "High Dollar Hottie"? Everyone's criteria is different as to what they consider HDH. For some its a provider charging $300/hr for others high dollar is anything over $600/hr. Your thoughts?


OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 376 reads
14 / 30

Thank you for being the first lady outside of Twitter to reply here on TER.

The consensus with ladies on Twitter is exactly what you state: Accepting and marketing one's specific niche is key.

What are your reason for not touring or ceasing to tour beyond those that you gave (if you have no other reasons that's ok too)?

Gauging by your answer, you do not feel that the Atlanta market is saturated. This has been something that so many ladies over the years have stated and I personally view it this way:

The Atlanta market is saturated but I don't view this as a hindrance IF YOU ARE LOCAL. I speak with quite a few ladies from all over the U.S. and Canada who state they don't tour Atlanta because it is a locals-only market (which is what I am seeing on TER) and that most guys are more comfortable going to posh private locations over even the most upscale hotel. I also feel that if you are a local lady and don't differentiate yourself very well in some way from the bevy of available beauties then you will have a tough time. Nothing sells better than being yourself and allowing your personality to shine through in one's own special way. I also think that changing up photo style and going for something beyond the ordinary works quite well too.

Thanks again for your comments. They are greatly appreciated.


OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 316 reads
15 / 30

Do you feel that B'ham can offer you what it is you seek in the way of variety? Why or why not?

I agree (and not for financial reasons) that 2 hours is the minimum amount of time required to really relax for both parties and get to know one another, connect and have a good level of intimacy injected into especially a first time experience. Not that I have a problem with an hour, but there is a different feeling quality to lengthier dates and for ladies that really like to cater to their dates (food, fetish, role play etc) such time allows for the experience to truly unfold.

Ahh...the review board. Lots can be debated about that and I am sure there will be many opinions for years to come. Personally, guys should just use it as a research tool in their due dilligence process making sure the lady is real/verified, certain things that are important to them are consistent and that she seems to give a good time. It seems that many great providers have 7's at times but many ladies are aware that a 7 is the kiss of death because guys see that and don't bother to read any further.

I won't go into reason for your last statement regarding the changes you have seen when it comes to advertising...I'll let someone else (should the chose) open that topic. It's a Pandora's box...maybe it will just be another video or blog post one day.


OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 425 reads
16 / 30

Why do you feel punctuality is rare??? That's interesting!...

"Stating donations are for companionship is like calling pay for play a donation." do not consider what providers offer companionship? You see it purely sex and nothing else or do you personally seek only sex and nothing else? Please clarify.

Companionship is very much so something sought by many men (and women) who seek out the company of providers but as you stated this is your POV which I can respect and all POV (agreeable or not) are of interest.

Why do you refuse to put a donation in an envelope? Does it seem like such a request on the part of a provider is an attempt to make the exchange less of what it actually is in your opinion?

Do you do this to be spiteful, flippant, hostile or confrontational?

Do you have a particular price point and if so why?


electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 378 reads
17 / 30

Miss Fox, you ask interesting questions.  

Shame on you.  ;-)  

Before I meet your questions with more questions let me just clarify what I meant.  By diversity I mean that I can pick pretty much any size, shape, and color lady I'm interested in.  Which of course includes ethnicity, body type, and stature, etc.  Now I admit that if you have a taste for a 6'2" Amazonian bodybuilder musclegirl for your upcoming Wonder Woman role play they might be in short supply.  But generally speaking there is a LOT of variety to be had in this city.

To your point about many gents looking for a particular aesthetic, I'm not exactly sure how to answer that.  I can answer only for myself but how well you can extrapolate that to other gents is doubtful.

Aesthetic...  hmmmm.  I think this ties in well with your other question of do we gents have a "type"?

Yes.  I do.  My type is fun.  

Oh, I suppose you want a definition of "fun" now... ok.  

Fun to me equates to a woman with a good sense of humor, a quick and creative mind, a sense of adventure, someone likely to surprise me in bed, and a willingness to be "in the moment."

That's fun.  Well for me anyway.

So, on to aesthetic.  Assuming a woman is fun (I covered that part already) I like a pretty smile, sexy feet and mischievous eyes.  Oh and a killer booty.  Yeah that.

Breasts are nice too.  Not that I don't love them - I do, but I'm a butt man. And enhancements are fine, I just like breasts to be in proportion to the woman's body type.

Ethicity, height, weight, piercings, tats and all that other stuff is negotiable.  Experiencing all the different flavors of the rainbow is a definite perk for me in this hobby.  You only have to peruse my review history to see I like a fair amount of variety in my diet.  :-)  So you tell me, do I have a certain aesthetic I fetishize?  No idea.

What's my definition of an HDH?  Ah, I sense a trap here.  And I'm going to try hard not to trigger it.  I blow myself up enough as it is without help from outside forces.  Lol.

I won't give you an actual number but my definition of an HDH is a lady that asks more than double the going rate.  That's just my opinion - take it for what it's worth.

And for what it's worth I wasn't disparaging high dollar ladies, any woman is of course free to charge what she wants.  I was just pointing out that HDH's and long relationships tend to be mutually exclusive.  For me.

A sample of just one.


One insignificant tiny little data point.

So before the HDH's bring their dream team of HDA's (High Dollar Attorneys) down on my ass be aware that I liberally scattered disclaimers all through this bitch.


mongo19621954 23 Reviews 458 reads
18 / 30

I have been told you are a smart lady by some of your colleagues;  I believe it. Your insight at the beginning of the post seems blindingly obvious once you put it that way - though completely opaque beforehand.  Bravo!

Maturity - there are lots of reasons I seem to gravitate towards that - but it's really the last one that counts.  Though the others are valid as well - they are more intellectual than visceral.

1.  I do not want the SLIGHTEST risk of involvement with a minor.  Both for legal and moral reasons.  Below the age of 25, they all look like jail bait to me....  I really can't tell the difference between 16 and 20, for example.  

2. Discretion is also an issue.  It takes a while for folk to understand that they aren't bullet proof and to stop doing stupid shit.  I did lots of stupid shit when I was in my early 20s.  I still do stupid things - but I have gotten better at hiding it....  In other words, I have become discreet.  Further - I have noticed that the more mature providers actually have a life they care about (kids, husbands, dogs, houses, cats, whatever...). and are therefore less likely to do something really stupid that will get them (and subsequently me) in trouble.

3. I think Benjamin Franklin's apocryphal advice is well taken.

4.  Most importantly - My youngest is mid 20s.  Spending quality time with that peer group does not appeal to me

anomy08513 58 Reviews 398 reads
19 / 30

Charlotte and Raleigh for the most part.  Not a lot of local talent like ATL but there are a few gems and they get a lot of touring ladies coming thru.  Chicago is great for local and touring talent.

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 422 reads
20 / 30

All the money I've spent (and some gents) on tuition and an education in STEM has not been for naught!

If the U.S. or individual states were to ever seek to legalize and decriminalize sexwork my POV is that it should be 21+ only, but 25+ is even better. Yes, yes I know that an 18-year-old has the right to do what she (or he) will with her body as that is the age of consent but science has shown that the decision-making areas of the human brain aren't fully developed until ~25...just when many are graduating university (see link below).

I do think that we older women are more discrete IMO. I for one have alot at stake and why would I ruin my life by ruining the life of another or even risking important people in my suitor's lives knowing who I am and what we do? Fastest way to become a black sheep in this community.

Happy Hobbying and wishing you a great weekend! When the video is complete, I will be sure to give you a shout.


-- Modified on 9/10/2016 11:04:24 AM

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 407 reads
21 / 30

Oh my dear! That's what we curious minds do--ask questions. Learning/understanding begins with the asking of pointed questions. :-)

Atlanta does present with a great diversity in the variety of which you speak. Hell, even walking through downtown during lunch hour one's eyes are assaulted with a bevy of bouncing breast, swaying hips and lips painted in every shade. The women are of every color of the human rainbow and every sexy size and shape that we come in...providers are no different.

(On that Amazonian bodybuilder...I got you! lol)

Not a trap on asking you to define an HDH. Traps are not my thing--understanding consumers' mindset and the reasons they do what they do is. I think from the collective responses I have received from here and Twitter I have gotten a pretty good gauge on what the Southeast considers an HDH. Again this is all about understanding the market...I think guys trap themselves.

I knew you weren't disparaging HDH--I added that in there for myself personally. We ladies might set highly variable rates but the woman who charges $1000 is no better than the woman who charges $100. Elitism among providers is something I find sickening and have written about, as I am a firm believer that when it comes to human beings a price tag for sexual services does not make you more "high class", one's attitude and the way one carries herself does.


foguete69 38 Reviews 454 reads
22 / 30

My experience is punctuality is rare.
Stuff happens right?

You can call it companionship. Intimacy comfort or whatever. A rose by any other name.  

I am not going postal on anyone so no envelope  

By "do this" do you mean participate in the hobby?  If so I am strictly seeking companionship.  

Why do you ask about my price point?

Posted By: Alex326
Why do you feel punctuality is rare??? That's interesting!...  
 "Stating donations are for companionship is like calling pay for play a donation." do not consider what providers offer companionship? You see it purely sex and nothing else or do you personally seek only sex and nothing else? Please clarify.  
 Companionship is very much so something sought by many men (and women) who seek out the company of providers but as you stated this is your POV which I can respect and all POV (agreeable or not) are of interest.  
 Why do you refuse to put a donation in an envelope? Does it seem like such a request on the part of a provider is an attempt to make the exchange less of what it actually is in your opinion?  
 Do you do this to be spiteful, flippant, hostile or confrontational?  
 Do you have a particular price point and if so why?  

souperman 7 Reviews 441 reads
23 / 30

My current and all time ATF currently resides in Atlanta.  ATL has the best variety and best "price points" of just about any other city, except possibly Dallas, IMHO.  Yes, cost is a factor but given that ATL is somewhat saturated with options, I think it (the competition) keeps the hobby affordable for many of us.  Chicago rates are getting to the point of being unreachable  for the type of provider I desire.  $400/hr and up has almost become the norm here and that makes it hard to hobby as much as I would like at home on a regular basis.

-- Modified on 9/10/2016 2:23:11 PM

-- Modified on 9/10/2016 4:41:55 PM

doogan44 23 Reviews 380 reads
24 / 30

No, I do not think Birmingham can provide the variety I seek. Several of the beautiful ladies in Atlanta come this way and usually will send a PM if you desire.  

Agree on the review board. It is a tool to use judiciously. After you have been in the hobby a while you learn to read between the lines, have regard or disregard for some reviewers with their preferences. Still would prefer one who may get a random 7 than one with solid 10's

spinnaker17 46 Reviews 348 reads
25 / 30
OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 335 reads
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Thank you to all the men and women who provided valuable information via Twitter, DM or directly to the board. The information will be used as stated in the video discussion soon to be filmed (we will try and change up the ladies each month in our topic discussions). Any direct quotes or board/handle names will not be used unless permissions are specifically granted.

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and is looking forward to a great week ahead!


Alexandria Fox

Onerealhotmomma See my TER Reviews 437 reads
27 / 30

Alexandria you are a very intelligent and interesting young woman ( Yes I do like being at a point where I can say young woman).  I find your outlook and thoughts  both intriguing and intuitive.  Please keep it going....Suzee

fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 320 reads
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fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 360 reads
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I live in Atlanta but mostly hobby in Las Vegas. In Vegas you can have a nice room for your date with adult beverages on ice, see a show, go sight seeing and have a nice dinner date where most don't know us. I think that companionship is a big part of my reason but there is nothing better than great sex to make you related and feel good. Also, the gals are lots of fun and entertaining (I do my homework). I used to have dinner by myself but it's much nicer to have a hot provider with you.

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 380 reads
30 / 30

...for the inspiration of the writing I do on my blog and occasionally here. Most inspirational of all, are the ladies I have encountered in this business. I believe everyone can teach you something positive if a situation or person is approached positively.

It's Monday let's get motivated and I wish everyone a fantastic week ahead!

Alexandria Fox

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