
Re: STOP FEEDING THE TROLL!!!!!teeth_smile
foguete69 38 Reviews 670 reads

but he seems like a nice guy.

antares2184 reads

The Ladies have a BF
The "Gentlemen" have a GFE. BFE??

GaGambler910 reads

is that "somebody" is fucking her for free, it's just not him.

If every hooker has a BF, that means there is some guy getting exactly what our angry and bitter OP is NOT getting, and that seems to be driving him nuts.

Life is not fair, get over it.

I am a woman that's still wondering what you're talking about.  Lol
what gives???? You seem to post something like this every week.  
I honestly don't think this hobby is good for you

I understand that you are hurt, but not a great idea to speak that way to one of the respected provider in Atlanta.

Teri  First of all I think this hobby has got to be good for anyone.  Second I agree this dude is not the curliest pubic hair in any ones panties.

It's obviously not good for someone looking for love.  I just don't think he's going to find the love of his life here on ter.  
This hobby is really not good for someone that seems to be very unstable either.  
Who cares if a lady has a bf? It's none of the OPs business anyway. Many of the guys have wives or girlfriends. You don't see the ladies crying on their tits over it.  
He post something like this almost weekly.  
Yeah I think he needs a dog and a dating site,  not p4p.  
Either way, I hope he finds what he's looking for.  
Hugs and kisses

A dog will love you regardless of what these other people think.

half the time we have know idea what your talking about. Now I Agree most people have no idea  what i am talking about Cheers

It's supposed to be 5-7-5, or some ratio like that.  I would even say, had you sandwiched the longer line in the middle, you could have gotten a B . . . I am of course counting your subject line as your first line.  

So you went 6-7-12, this is known as bad form.

Perhaps you could try rephrasing in prose instead of poetry, then we could better understand you.

I think the OP is bemoaning the fact that hobbyists pay for ass coupled with the fact that he thinks it's easy for an escort to find a BF.

Happy Friday all.

Antares has realized that there is a market for pussy.  He has found that the
best most sought after pussy belongs to women with breeding, poise and personality
which also make them desirable in the world of human interaction and relationships.
He is puzzled that a woman would be nice to him after the sex but will not be seen with
him at starbucks for fear her hubby or SO ( who we know is a bum from previous posts )
would find out she is cheating on him????

But foguete69, how is it cheating when she is banging every single monger in Atlanta for $$$?  Yet
she tells him that going for lunch at Maggianos would in fact be cheating on her hubby even though
when said hubby ( the lazy bum ) goes to dinner with her, SHE PAYS!  With TRICK money.
Its bullshit!  I am sorry my friend, I do not make the rules.

The worst part is he (The lazy parasite of a boyfriend ) is tired of banging her ( probs bareback )
and no longer even speculates on why her lingerie collection is so extensive.

I may be wrong though.

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 1:44:02 AM

GaGambler769 reads

and what most of you who have never dated or been in an LTR with a hooker is that many hookers don't want to be seen in public, places where they might be recognized with some guy other than her SO.

I remember dating an active provider a couple of years ago and she would NEVER take a client to any place that she thought the two of us might go to together. I never told her not to, she did it out of respect for me, as I respected her desire to do honest work even if it meant having sex with other men. After a few weeks of us being together she quit offering dinner or overnight dates altogether as she considered them too intimate and in fact "cheating" on me. These were her choices, not my demands.  

and yes, she did have to chase off a few of the needier, clingier clients just like Antares who confused good service with actual feelings.

lmao @ "I remember dating an active provider a couple of years ago and she would NEVER take a client to any place that she thought the two of us might go to together. I never told her not to, she did it out of respect for me, as I respected her desire to do honest work even if it meant having sex with other men."

it gets complicated sometimes, no?  lol

There are many providers in this business who would give you thie same feeling; however, you are still fixated on the current provider that you are not taking a chance to see someone else. You are definitely sprung, and it isn't a good picture. You need to shake off and move on.  

However, I could be wrong and maybe you are trying to start a conversation on the boards.  

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 10:45:57 AM

I completely agree with Miss Taylor.  As myself a (largely) reformed control enthusiast (notice I didn't say freak, lol) she is right on point with her observations.  

There is a time and place where being a control freak is desired or even necessary - in the operating room, in the cockpit, defusing a bomb, or writing a beautiful symphony.  But not in the hobby.  And I would extend that to any social type relationship.  It just doesn't work and it will drive you and everyone close to you crazy.  Or away.  As you are apparently already aware.

To call on my virtual cocktail party analogy again - we are here socializing, having a drink, dancing, telling jokes, chatting with pretty girls, and trying to hook up.  Do you really want to be that guy that is going around trying to sell people life insurance?  Please don't be that guy.  You won't be very welcome at the next party.  Please, for our sake and yours - try and get a better attitude.  Or find another hobby.  You are headed for a great deal of frustration, and frankly no one wants to hear it.

If hobbying didn't work out for you or just isn't your cup of tea - fair enough.  But why post things that just bring everyone down constantly?  I'm all for controversial opinions and even spirited arguments but your weekly nihilistic rant posts are really bumming me out.

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 11:20:09 AM

Isn't it obvious that the op is not interested in doing anything other than stirring up shit? IGNORE! IGNORE! IGNORE!

Look, if I want a GF, I can get that.  But do I want that extra baggage

With GFE, I get the temporary pleasure of beautiful, intelligent, and witty ladies for the time I want to invest in.  Clean simple transaction.

No wooing, unless I want to as part of my fantasy, and then I know it's going to be successful.

So, my friend, pick a partner, stuff the envelope, and enjoy a simple, easy interaction that if researched right, is exactly what you are paying for WITHOUT any required followup

antares835 reads

This is an apology not a justification. There is no words I can use to justify my past behavior.

I just wanted to say that I am replying to you while in a sober state. I am saying this because I don't even remember the last time I posted sober, maybe since Mai...

I just wanted to say thank you  for your nice and wise words. This is not the first time, your inputs have always been impartial, and well intentioned. I appreciate that and I think I don't even deserve that. You are just so kind.

I just wanted to say I've been trying to let it go. I  just wanted to say that I' ve  been trying to let go not because she has done something wrong;  no, she is fundamentally good, she is one of the nicest, the most down to earth,  the most intelligent persons I' ve ever met. I can't tell how many time she suggested that I should try You,  (Ginger), Terrilyn, and others I will not mentioned here. She is reserved, almost never talk about people other than to say a nice  thing about them. 

I' ve been trying to let it go because I thought that  it would be better, but who would say that it is going to be easy when given the option to see all the wonderful ladies of Atlanta, I chose to see just her almost on a weekly basis, for almost a year. Interestingly, before, I had seen some of the most beautiful ladies in Atlanta, and the only one I have seen more than twice is one of the Goldclub hotties.  I have seen just once the one I thought is the hottest girl in Atlanta, Riley Renae. So, Why did I became so infatuated specifically with this one? Sincerely I can't tell, I don't know. I have two degrees, mathematics and engineering, but when it is  about matter of heart,  equations  and algorithms don't work, and logic moves a few steps behind...

So, I did let it go,  but the recovery is going to be a slow process. You know they say "Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over."

To you,  if you reading this, I say I am sincerely sorry for all the bad publicity, I will always have nothing but respect for you, to all of you on this board I  sincerely regret my behavior. I will make sure that last night was the last time.

Thank you all

But please don't expect me to kiss your ass or believe your bs. I honestly think you're unstable and need to leave the lady alone.  You seem like a stalker and unstable to me.
For all those that think otherwise,  wait until next week I guess.  
Thanks and I really hope you get some help.
Terri Lynn

antares719 reads

Ok, let's wait until next week! Lol

antares885 reads

I will be back, in better mood, then I will try Tailor Leigh,  Valentina, Ginger, TerriLyn and of course You, that is if all of you give  me another chance. I know my friend foguete69 will say give  him another chance! Because Foguete69 is the best. Who else would ignore  his own interests and defend the cause of the poor, the needy, the desperate? I love you my friend!

Right Now.... this is the best course of action to step away for a while. You presented yourself on the boards in a bad way. There isn't a problem with stepping away from it. We all from one time and another do it. It is healthy. You realize that you have a problem and that is a great way to get help.  

My advice is if or when you come back, do not make the same mistake again. Do not try looking for love from the boards. That is one of the very few mistakes that new hobbyist make and that is scary and damaging but have seen several bounce back. You are your best or worst emeny. You can either have an successful hobby life or a damaged hobby life.  The choice is yours. ....

Like what MyFriendTony$$$ said. Instead of looking for a relationship, try to establish a friendship because it can last a lifetime

Anina... I've never met you and would only be able to point you out of a lineup because of your sheer sexiness and grace but the fact that you just dropped a Seinfeld gif strikes deep. Any woman that can quote Seinfeld is a few steps ahead in my book.  

To that end I give you George and one of his lady friends in bed and she says ... its not like the proscuitto... I'm full after the proscuitto".  

Shrinkage.... you mean laundry...  

Take care All.

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