
Re: Seriously
Caldon 282 Reviews 3930 reads
1 / 48

What is it with the prices in Atlanta these days? Are guys actually paying $500/600/900 to see girls?

fmsr 48 Reviews 100 reads
2 / 48

Caldon sorry to say but like everything else ladies prices have gone UP.  Good ones that also look good are asking 700-800 /hour.  Try looking at Nina Bangz.  She's reasonable and attractive.  Sophia Soma is super cool, sexy and performs well but is now asking 800 per hour.

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 88 reads
3 / 48

Have you been on a deserted island the past 2 years?


Prices are up everywhere  
Rent is up 15-20% be it a providers apartment or hotel  
Traveling companions are paying more for airline tickets, rental cars and dining out  

Locals are paying more for everything, just like you and I  

savannaheagle 10 Reviews 83 reads
4 / 48

Simple answer to your second question is Yes. If they weren't, the prices would be dropping. Simple supply/demand economics.

Up to you to decide if the price point is worth it. I've mostly moved away from the hobby to other areas of pursuit or ladies I have long standing relationships with.

Skyhigh 29 Reviews 82 reads
5 / 48

Being this is a leisure thing for most guys, and something that is going to have to come after most everything else in life it would seem that bookings would be down for many providers.  Especially on the high end providers.  Makes sense that most would likely rather see less clients at a higher rate, but how many are there that will drop 800+ and do that regularly?    Or the traveling provider that is 2 hour minimum, 1200+ ?

Caldon 282 Reviews 85 reads
6 / 48

@SATTV4U2 - yes seriously lol

Although there have always been “model types” in atlanta that were typically low-key, Pre pandemic, pricing for established “higher end” girls was in the $300 range - maybe $350-400.

Many of those same girls are charging $400/500/600/800.

Prices for lots of things are definitely up - but Inflation is at 8.2%. The cost of doing business/cost of living argument doesn’t hold water

 My question for the community is really - are girls actually getting/guys actually paying these prices or is it just good marketing

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 81 reads
7 / 48

There is someone in every price range.  If you cannot afford it then it is not the ladies fault.  Maybe save for the higher dollar lady or find some that fit your price range.  I assure you that the ladies charging that much are making money (guys are paying it) or either they would have changed their rate structure.

foguete69 38 Reviews 81 reads
8 / 48

Unfortunately there is only one cure for pussy inflation.

As long as these girls are getting it to supplement there only fans page they
will charge it.

Caldon 282 Reviews 74 reads
9 / 48

This question wasn’t about affordability - I do have SOME experience in the Atlanta market lol. This was purely a question to the fellas about whether they were actually paying those rates.

By your assurance - I assume you are.

Gracekelly See my TER Reviews 94 reads
10 / 48

There's plenty of gents that will pay that regularly. Always has been and always will be.  I think throughout history it's remained the same. If someone is highly desired, the price is not an issue for many gents.  


SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 80 reads
11 / 48

The “higher end girl’s ”, especially the traveling ones haven’t been “in the $300 range” for decades  

  Yes. Inflation is at 8.2%.  That doesn’t mean something that cost $100 two years ago now cost $108.20

The 8.2% is the average of all things measured  
That means some things only increased 2-3% while others increased 15-18% (some even higher)

Have you checked rents lately?    

I can list half a dozen long time Atlanta providers who have gone from mid $300’s to $400, MAYBE $450 in the 20 years I’ve been hobbying in Atlanta  
NONE have gone from $300 to “600/800”

To your last question  
Yes.  Girls are actually getting those prices.  Just as always, theres a high end of the market  as well a low end  

Same as cars.  Cant afford a BMW, there’s a Ford Focus out there for people  

edinathens 85 reads
12 / 48

Posted By: foguete69
Re: unfortunately
 As long as these girls are getting it to supplement there only fans page they  
 will charge it.
The reality is there will always be a minority of men for whom money not an issue, and they will continue to prop up the high end prices.

AriaGoldberg See my TER Reviews 98 reads
13 / 48

The answer to if the woman are getting their high prices are to see if they have reviews.Most do not.And even if a long time escort here has one Review after another you don't know if she charges less for her long time regulars.I think the high priced are seeking a sugar Daddy

Caldon 282 Reviews 85 reads
14 / 48

Thanks for the economics lesson.

I can list MORE than a half dozen long time Atlanta providers that have gone from $300 (or less an hour) that are now advertising rates that are $600/$800 or even higher.  

A quick look at Eros, tryst, Twitter, their websites - or hell, just look at the reviews here. Many old names are now Indy, some are now traveling and most have rebranded themselves with a last name for their nom d’amour.  

This is NOT hard to find.

The question was never about affordability, it was whether guys are now paying BMW rates for a Ford Focus (your words not mine)

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 92 reads
15 / 48

Actually those are NOT my words

I never stated that we’re getting a Focus while paying 750Li prices

I DID say that now, like always, there are providers in every price range   And over the years PLUS the now rampant  inflation prices do go up

And i’d be interested in that list of longtime established Atlanta providers that have more than doubled their rates these past few  years, some now over $800 as you claim ,  

Private message me if you don’t want to post their names here because in the past year I’ve seen legends like Terri, Ginger, Kendall, Gemma Banks, Anna Bankston, Jamie Lie etc etc NONE of whom have increased anywhere near that  

$50 increase, MAYBE

Caldon 282 Reviews 84 reads
16 / 48

Dude - this isn’t that hard.  

Go look at the top 100 provider list for Atlanta. Click through on some of the names you recognize and look at the prices now compared to what they used to charge.  

Trust me, more than a few are way outpacing inflation and the cost of rents.

Don’t get me wrong - Good for them if that’s what guys are paying, just surprised at the level of increases.

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 99 reads
17 / 48


You DO know you’re making my point, right??

A quick look at Atlantas top 100 shows only 2 ladies I mentioned in the top 12  
Leanna at #10 and Kendal at #12 NEITHER of them have raised their rates more than $50 in the  past DECADE!!

The others 1-10 have ALWAYS been higher priced  
Yes. They to have raised their rates but as with Leanna and Kendall its been  commensurate with theor prior rates  

So again. Name  a longtime established Atlanta provider who has raised her rate from $300 t0 “$800 snd even more” recently

Caldon 282 Reviews 87 reads
18 / 48

“Dude” lol - weird bill to pick to die on, but whatever.

The problem with making definitive statements like “NONE” is that a single exception crumbles your argument and makes you look … uninformed.  

I’m not going to name  ladies here, good for them if they’re getting those rate. I PMd you just a small list - in no way exclusive. Others have given examples here.

Don’t feel you have to reply to this or the PM - diminishing returns on this conversation

open2suggestions 8 Reviews 103 reads
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Perhaps an exception but I saw Cameron Jay for 350 just over 2 years ago. She is 800 now.

Caldon 282 Reviews 83 reads
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CyberSatyr 86 reads
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Everything is more expensive these days - including everything the ladies have to pay to live and enjoy their own things.

Repeat after me, "you get what you pay for" in this and pretty much everything else.

open2suggestions 8 Reviews 84 reads
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....Is that it is not always as simple as supply and demand. Due to the nature of our business/hobby, there are logistical issues to be considered by ladies when picking a price point. For instance, even affluent men often have people in their lives that they share a certain amount of financial transparency with such as wives, family, significant others and even business partners. In those situations it is much, much easier to make 400 dollars disappear than it is 800. So when you get into that price range the potential client base is limited by more than simple cost/value equilibrium. For this reason a lady at 400 might be an option for, as an example, 100 guys where  the 800 dollar lady is only  an option for maybe 20. Even though she collects double the price she must now rely on only one fifth the potential client base to stay booked. Now take into account that not all of those guys are available for regular visits because you know, life, and things start to tighten up. Going a little deeper one might consider the fixed costs of incall, advertising, etc remain the same regardless of the number of clients a particular lady sees per day and it gets even trickier. It is entirely possible the 800 dollar lady may be lucky to see one gent daily while the 400 lady easily sees two or even three. End of the day, 800 dollar lady goes home with 800, while the 400 dollar lady goes home with 1200. Not to mention the lady seeing three times the gents gets tipped three times, gets three times the word of mouth, and three times the reviews. I am not sure all ladies when setting their prices consider all of these things.

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 86 reads
23 / 48

Some good points but one you failed to consider  

SOME ladies might prefer to only see  gents that can afford the higher  price range knowing they are cutting the pool down from your aforementioned 100 potential clients to the 20  

Those 20 would most likely be able to afford multiple hours, more frequent visits would probably would be more apt to tip, be it actual cash or gift cards or something off the ladies wish list  

Yes.  3 clients today =s $1200 as opposed to the one at $800 but that $800 could easily turn into much more with multiple hours/ tips AND shes dome thst by only seeing 1 suitor

open2suggestions 8 Reviews 94 reads
24 / 48

Of course what you say is true in one subset of clients and I considered them. I just happen to think they are the typical group, easily considered. I was attempting to shine a light on another less often considered subset where money is not always the limitation. I am talking about gents with plenty of money but for them It's more a matter of discretion and time. I think some ladies consider these men and others maybe do not? And, I think this can be said to effect how a lady chooses to price herself which sort of opposes the idea of "you get what you pay for." Example: Paige Dalton is 350 per hour and a solid 9/10. As a result I imagine she can see or not see anyone at any time and never worry about cash flow. When she needs the money she makes the time and calls the next guy on her list. She is in complete control since the money is always there for the "earning" whenever she wants it. Almost as good as unlimited cash already in the bank. As opposed to an 800 dollar lady dreaming of a half dozen regulars in rotation but what happens when one or two of their guys goes on vacation? or gets sick? or busy at work? or decides that week they'd rather play golf? or see Paige Dalton? Guys with plenty of scratch can be as fickle as any human. I was just trying to point out that the higher price point comes with more risk, less control, more market volatility for the provider; and, just because a particular lady may wish to avoid that it doesn't mean she is lower quality. Conversely 800 dollar per hour ladies may value their time that highly, not because they can guarantee twice as good an experience as a 400 dollar lady, but rather because if no one books with her she can just as easily spend the same time generating content for her onlyfans.  Again, just pointing out ways in which it is not necessarily as simple as  "you get what you pay for" or supply and demand (ladies pricing according to quality vs availability). I believe there are many non-traditional forces at work in this business making it hard to generalize.  

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 85 reads
25 / 48

All valid and correct points  

But I still believe those $800 + ladies can maintain a comfortable lifestyle and at the  same time not have to have a revolving door of strangers day in and day out  

The $800 + lady, with a few multiple hour bookings added in and/ or  some tips could earn well over $150,00 a year seeing just one client a dat for only 4 days a week for only 48 weeks a year (taking off 4 full weeks whenever she would need to)  

Meanwhile?  The $300 an hour lady would need to see 10 clients a week sll 52 weeks of the year to achieve that $150,000 plateau  

All that stated, thankfully, BOTH price point providers (as well as those above/ below /  in between ) have a place in our “hobby”  

So the short answer to the original poster’s query is yes, there are ladies and always will be that get those high fees

Annabankston See my TER Reviews 136 reads
26 / 48

My rates are now $500 + an extra $100 for Greek. Might be going up soon! :)

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 83 reads
27 / 48

Thanks for an  insiders perspective  

(almost ) exactly what I stated

Skyhigh 29 Reviews 91 reads
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One of the awesome ladies that you named on that list, made the comment to me about many of the girls changing to much higher rates and she had no idea how they were (or if) they were getting the higher rates.  So even she was thinking the same thing Caldon was thinking.  Count me in the same.  

Interest rates have gone up, and people are still buying million dollar homes....just not near as many of them.  Most of them probably dont care what the interest rate is.  Or if its 800 or 1800.....with a two hour minimum.  

In the real world, this kind of thing is going to be in the same category with golf trips, fishing trips with the boys or flying first class just to have a little extra foot room.  

edinathens 84 reads
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I think I'll fly first class to Wyoming and go fishing instead of paying the sky high rates. When the price of an item goes up, customers will usually absorb the increase. If it goes up more, customers will buy less of it or buy it less frequently. If it goes up even more, customers will start seeking lower cost alternatives. At the pinnacle, they will change their behavior.

open2suggestions 8 Reviews 87 reads
30 / 48

I see what you are saying and it is very understandable. The higher price point lady will always have the opportunity to earn more money in less time thereby potentially reaching any earnings goal sooner.  But turn that coin over and you see it comes with a greater risk of not reaching that goal at all (and don't forget the fixed costs are still there). Even taking in to account that limiting her clients to the top of the heap ensures she is seeing only men who are capable of spoiling her, there is still a lot to deal with. I mentioned limitations of time and needs for discretion before, but let's talk now about the more obvious group, the "not-limited." The ones ladies may assume they are targeting by setting the high prices. Hypothetically a client with plenty of money, plenty of time, and no need to explain anything to anyone. One might imagine this man is likely to have many time and money consuming interests beyond companionship and can see whoever he wants whenever he wants. His world is full of toys to play with. Golfing, scuba diving, deep sea fishing, skiing, flying airplanes, jumping out of airplanes, traveling here, traveling there, etc, etc, etc.  This man and others like him have the means for sure, but how hard is it now for any one particular lady to stay on his radar? Not only are the ladies limiting their playing field but now competing with a lot more distractions. Maybe she sees 1 a day for 4 days or maybe a month goes by and she only sees 1 a week? I just think there is a lot of wisdom shown by many providers who prefer to mitigate that risk by making themselves available to a larger base and I'd like for them to get a little credit? it not be implied that hey are somehow subpar? And... where this fits into the discussion above... I believe prices in the hobby are more about comfort level with risk vs how a lady values her time more so than actual quality of experience. With this in mind I think the emergence of things like Patreon and Onlyfans have more to do with price increases than simple inflation. And as follows I have trouble completely agreeing with the "you get what you pay for" philosophy. That's all I was trying to say. And yes there are ladies who get 800/hr from the men at the top of the financial heap but it is still a group that gets smaller, not bigger, when the economy is down, inflation is up, and everyone has less disposable income. Therefore market forces alone cannot actually account for the price increases, it's got to be something else.  

ExecutiveCompanionsAtlanta See Agency Profile 101 reads
31 / 48

Can we talk  about how 1 item from dollar tree in now $1.49 out the door

Caldon 282 Reviews 58 reads
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Great points and definitely a supply and demand paradigm indeed, coupled with broad cost increases.

The Atlanta market has had a material shift in the last 4 years - first we had “the busts” then Covid and now the economic shift. We used to have a very active agency culture here with lots of cute college age girls. Many of these girls are still active, independent and a few years wiser 😄 - and their rates have definitely increased. We also have a new wave of college age girls that are coming in at those higher rates - good for them.

However, What I am seeing tho is that the majority of younger women that previously would end up at an agency are now going the SD route. My experience there is that many are still in that $300-400 range. The SD route does require more effort from the guys and as a result, many will default to the easy route and just pay the extra $$.

I do wonder with an imminent recession, mounting job cuts and likely downward pressure on demand, whether some rates will actually start (or need to start) dropping.

Great discussion

AaliyahATL See my TER Reviews 89 reads
33 / 48

We are all well aware that the current economic climate is not ideal. Because of this, we all must do what is best for ourselves. What that entails will not be the same for everyone. Different needs require different solutions, simple. The great thing about any market is there is always someone for everyone. While you might not understand or agree with some ladies rates, it is ok because yall are simply not a good match for each other. Whether someone is successfully earning her listed rates should not matter to the next person because it ultimately does not affect them.  

As others have already mentioned, there are plenty of lovely ladies who do not charge 500+ for the hour. I myself am one of them. I strongly urge people to look at sources other than TER for reputable providers. Tryst and Twitter seem to be consistently popular regardless of the area. For those who do not know, Tryst even has a feature that allows you to search by price. Trying new ladies can be daunting, but your new favorite playmate could be just a click away 😉.

Asslater 36 Reviews 86 reads
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I’ve basically dropped out of the hobby secondary to what I think are ridiculous prices charged by women that aren’t particularly attractive. There, I said it. Still seeing one woman I’ve known over ten years on nearly a monthly basis for a fair price. While I can afford a BMW, I prefer my Outback. Fortunately, I’m riding in a BMW every month for the cost of an Outback. Admittedly, I miss the variety of the pre-bust days.

Blakelovely2 See my TER Reviews 78 reads
35 / 48

Ginger broke it down to exactly what it is. Unfortunately, things are expensive but I did the same I grandfathered my old friends and that helped with my transition so I could up my rate to accommodate the overhead expenses that have increased.  


edinathens 92 reads
36 / 48

It seems to me the Latino/Hispanic, South American, Asian, and AA providers are tempering their price increases and/or offering half-hour appointments to keep sessions affordable for working guys.

FlipSwitch 12 Reviews 77 reads
37 / 48

Not to pile on but I must agree with many of the rates doubling in the past 2 years. Hell, even in the past 6 months they have really risen. Yes, there are exceptions but for the most part they are way up. It has definitely put a damper on how many dates I have scheduled.

edinathens 91 reads
38 / 48

"a principle stating that profits or benefits gained from something will represent a proportionally smaller gain as more money or energy is invested in it." As applied here, you're not going to receive twice the joy at $800 as you would $400, and certainly not three times more at $1200, et ceteris paribus.

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 74 reads
39 / 48

Last year I paid $.99 a pound for Kroger brand butter (4 sticks) on sale.  Last week the same package of butter was $4.79, so far I have not posted on Krogers Twitter, Facebook, etc... demanding they tell me why butter has gone up.  Prices go up especially when we choke out the production of oil.  Everything is more expensive for me to buy, so I imagine it is expensive for others as well.  Providers are people too with the same pressures everyone else has work, family, etc... and the inflation hits them just as hard.

Now are there providers who I THINK are overpriced? certainly so.... Are there providers I THINK are underpriced? certainly so.  I see reviews where you guys say "Run, do not walk to see her, she would be fantastic at twice the rate" but when they raise the rate we bitch.  My job is not to run providers businesses.... I'm not running their family budget, their business budget, I don't know their bills, their family situation, etc... What I know is what they charge for a few hours of their time and my job is to determine if that is worth it to me.  If not then I move on, If so then I contact her, follow her rules, and compensate her for her time.

FlipSwitch 12 Reviews 45 reads
40 / 48 is a great place to find hotels for day use. The selection is a bit limited but works wonderfully. I have booked with them at least a dozen times and have been happy. Just an FYI. 😁

edinathens 49 reads
41 / 48
Martin Mann 16 Reviews 99 reads
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It might be useful to consider one particular change that took place in the Atlanta market a few years prior to the pandemic.  At that time there were an number of highly reputable agencies operating freely in the metro Atlanta area.  Now there are less than a handful.

Those agencies typically had price points in the lower to mid range compared to independents.   Also, it was one of the primary ways that new talent appeared.  I don't know what the recruiting process was like but there was always a wealth of  young, very attractive newcomers with these agencies.  Some stayed with the agencies long term while others eventually became independent usually with a moderate price increase.

Some local municipalities in whose districts much of the agency incalls were located ran operations to target and shut down these agencies.  As a result, we now have only a few.  Some remaining are still excellent and maintain similar price points.  

The broad availability, quick and easy booking with multiple providers available after one screening process and cooperation among agencies extending that reach even further combined with the reasonable price point provided lots of downward price pressure on the overall market in Atlanta.  This combined with outlets such as OF and other online means of generating income has led in part to the price escalation we are now seeing.

Of course, all of the fine points made by others earlier in this thread are also a major factor but the reduction of agency availability at the lower to moderate price points may well have been an important consideration in the new pricing.

DrCooperPHD 94 reads
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Bono41 40 Reviews 77 reads
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These new prices priced me right out of the market. I still need to retire one day and maintain a few bucks in savings just in case. I still see one provider that gives me a special pre-pandemic rate, but that's still $400 an hour, not pocket change, so I have to limit it to when I'm losing my mind it's been so long.  

I suppose if some guys can afford to drop $600+ for an hour and it doesn't affect them, then hallelujah, good for them. But unless you are independently wealthy, one day they will look back (as I have) and realize that if they'd taken that same amount of money and invested it in a 401k... they would be rich. I probably spent an average of about $10-$15K a year on escorts, strippers, etc. I would try and see one or the other roughly once as week.  

Take $12.5K and multiply it by the approximately 25 years I did this, and... $312,500. Add in interest compounded annually and... likely over a million bucks.  

And that is why I just can't do it anymore. I love sex and beautiful women as much (or more) than the next guy, but I cringe when I realize what might have been if I'd just had a hot, horny woman to service me instead of the cold dead fish I ended up with.

Caldon 282 Reviews 79 reads
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I hear you on the spend and the life regrets - I stopped counting at 6 figures many years ago.

I reconcile the spend as my charitable donations, the food on the table, clothes on backs, toys in kids stockings at Xmas. I realize that’s total bs and I am a raging addict, but we all figure out out coping mechanisms right 😄

Bono41 40 Reviews 80 reads
47 / 48

Yep, been there, done that. i even would occasionally look up a providers Facebook page and think, "Well, that new dress/toy/laptop... I might have paid for that.  

I loved the sex and would have lost out on a lot in life but... damn, a million bucks??? :O

Shaft1 129 Reviews 80 reads
48 / 48

This is a very competitive line of service.  You will always be able to find the right service, at the right price, with the right provider to meet your needs.  I wouldn't waste time squabbling over rates,  just look elsewhere.  May take a bit more effort but you can and will be successful.  Trust the market place dynamics.

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