
Re: Ok, I guess it's my turn
Goddess Marie Bella See my TER Reviews 3556 reads
1 / 34

Interesting things about me:

1) I always set my alarm for 2 hours earlier than needed with 1 hour reminder...

2) I apply mascara with an open mouth.

3) I have looked for my sunglasses when they were right on top of my head.

4) I always keep different shampoos, various conditioners and five (or more) different shower gels , plus 20 + body sprays .

5) I always have nothing to wear, BUT my closet is overloaded with stuff...

6) I mix mayonnaise with ketchup to dip my chips in. I use hot sauce on almost everything. Plus a different dipping sauce for my foods ...

7) I always use a GPS, even locally at times.

8) I'm afraid of bugs, spiders and mice.

9) When I go on a 3-day trip , I usually, pack over 7 outfits, just in case.

10) I can't watch a scary movie , alone.

11) I always sleep with a cover no matter the season and tuck cover around my feet , so I can sleep ...

Let's hear yours...

-- Modified on 10/26/2017 1:26:55 PM

RandyJ1000 1 Reviews 58 reads
2 / 34

1) The time on my alarm clock I always set 27 minutes ahead of actual time. Doing the math helps me wake up.
2) I enjoy listing to football games more than watching them.  
3) I enjoy striking up conversations with complete strangers at sports bars.
4) Company and conversation with persons smarter than me I find extremely invigorating and relaxing.
5) I’m a map guy with a compass in my head.
6) Tailgaters drive me nuts.
7) Airline passengers who get irate over crying babies and their attentive mom I find obnoxious.
8) I get much pleasure helping folks, but can get really disappointed by persons who abuse this trait.
9) I’ve never met Goddess Marie Bella in person, but confess to admiring her often.

2663460 4 Reviews 61 reads
3 / 34

1) I lose my glasses once a day

2) hunting my phone when I'm talking on it .

3) love Ketchup.

4) Hate mayonnaise .

5) Wake up 30 minutes before alarm goes off.

6) Broke  a lot of bones in my life.

7) Bed covers has to be strait.

8) Closet has to be Organized.

9) meat on bottom  veggies on top of plate.

10)  Bad OCD.

11) Marie Bella is awesome.

BodytoBodyBri 24 Reviews 46 reads
4 / 34

1) Always wake up before my alarm goes off.
2) Hate being late.
3) Will help people even to my own detriment.  
4) Never have had a girlfriend.
5) Was a virgin until I was 37 (thank Zenu for escorts!)
6) Get more happiness from others being happy than my own.
7) I don't like chocolate.  
8) When taveling by car, I have to drive.
9) Love my job.
10) Have a Sandan in Judo
11) Agree that Marie Bella is pretty awesome.

priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 61 reads
5 / 34

1.  I’ve lived in 6 states and 2 countries; visited 37 states and 28 different countries to date
2. I was afraid of water up until I was 21 years old and learned to swim  
3. I shower at least twice a day, every day
4. I’ve had only one boyfriend in my entire life
5. I work 10 hour days, 4 days a week for my day job  
6. I hate melted cheese
7. My birthday is in December, exactly two months before I was actually due. My mom was on a transatlantic flight when she went into labor
8. I lived on a farm with my grandparents and learned how to milk cows, fish, drive a tractor, etc.  
9. I interned for IGN when I was in college  
10. I am missing a large segment from my right rib

SanaaRae See my TER Reviews 61 reads
6 / 34

1. I lost my virginity at the age of 19
2. I do not allow reality tv in my home
3. The # 143 tends to follow me around
4. I like watching porn that involve interracial sex, bbc cum shots, or oral creampies  
5. I’ve never “popped a pill” a day in my life
6. I try to set 3 daily goals for the following day each night before going to bed
7. I still adore music from the 70s-90s
8. I’d let Gordon Ramsay be the first to anal screw me while he talks dirty and grabs me by the throat  
9. I’m currently involved in a steamy love affair with a 50 year old Female lover
10. I like more vegetables in my meals than meat

anomy08513 58 Reviews 58 reads
7 / 34

1.  I'm a lefty...and we're always right!
2. I was born with 12 fingers...had the extra two cut off when I was a baby
3. I could eat French toast every every single day
4. I wake up the same time every morning without an alarm.
5. My first wife also liked women and set up a threesome for us but I was too drunk to participate....NEVER had the opportunity again.
6. I can be extremely non chalant about things and it turns people off.
7. I've considered getting hair plugs, this hairline is reeceding like LeBron James  
8. I'm Team Android
9. I absolutely LOVE to iron, it relaxes me and I will probably open a cleaners one day.
10. Damn this was easier than I thought.

GaGambler 40 reads
8 / 34

Sticking with some common themes

1)  I don't even own an alarm clock, if I have to wake up I just do

2)  Lost my virginity at 14

3)  Saw my first hooker at 15

4)  I always sleep in the nude with with someone, I almost never sleep in the nude alone

5)  I have traveled to close to 30 countries and have seen hookers in virtually every one of them

6)  Someone told me a glass of wine a day is good for you, I drink a full bottle almost every day, I plan on living forever

7)  I have only checked luggage once since 9-11 which amounts to hundreds of flights, I carry a gym type bag that can fit into virtually any overhead compartment. I can carry about a weeks worth of stuff in it. If I am staying longer, I will either get my clothes cleaned or buy stuff locally.

8)  Most of my GFs in the last twentysome years have been hookers or ex hookers.

9)  I ate thirteen lobsters once at a single sitting and I am one of the main reasons that Pappadeaux  quit "all you can eat lobster". lol

10)  My first threesome was at age 17 I am fuzzy on the details because all three of us were tripping on acid.  

11)  I have done one foursome, but I don't know if it really counts as one of the women was a full blown lesbian who I did not interact with, she just wanted to fuck my GF and since I had fucked so many of hers i thought is was only fair.

JakeFromStateFarm 78 reads
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hushfan 11 Reviews 77 reads
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1) I set my alarm clock for 1.5 hours ahead of when I'm supposed to wake up and then SPAM that snooze bar for an hour and a half when it goes off.

2) In the summertime I never sleep under the covers and have to have that ceiling fan on. In the winter I sleep with the covers on but have to stick a foot out when I start sweating.  

3) I love love love DATY in sessions because I love to make sure that the provider gets off, too.  

4) I went to my first massage parlor at 24, and saw my first escort at 35.

5) I mix my ketchup and mayonnaise, too, but I ONLY do it at Chick-Fil-A.  I have no idea why.  

6) Bugs and spiders don't bother me, but I hate killing something when it's so big I risk slipping on the floor when I crush it.

7) I hate slasher style horror movies, but I love the supernatural/ghost stuff.  Don't get me started on Stir of Echoes.  Great movie.  

8) I used to race cars in my younger days.  Real sanctioned racing on real race tracks.  It bothers the shit out of me when people go to a track fun run day and then tell me that they went racing over the weekend.  

9) I have a thing for small nipples.  It's a fetish for me.  If your areola are the size of a dime, instant boner for me.  

10) I can't take a shower with hot hot water.  It has to be lukewarm... otherwise I start sweating like a pig when I'm getting dressed afterward.

11) I just recently started manscaping.  And now I'm wondering why I haven't been doing it since puberty.  

Bonus thing.... I don't listen to music anymore.  I mostly listen to podcasts now so that I can always be listening to content that actually interests me.  

MoMontana See my TER Reviews 59 reads
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1- I served this great nation, honorable.  
2- my tits are real.
3- I masterbate every morning... every morning!
4- my dog is such a major part of my life.
5- I enjoy being a provider & I have fun while at it!
6- I don't have many enemies. I'm a truck nice and sincere person.
7- I have 7 siblings.
8- I have an unhealthy attraction to Matthew McConahay.
9- I love cigar bars and I go to one weekly.
10- I don't like wearing underwear.
11- I love to dance but I look like a fool when I do.

SanaaRae See my TER Reviews 51 reads
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SanaaRae See my TER Reviews 41 reads
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I’m diggin 6 & 7; 10 & 11 made me LOL in my uber!

steel949 21 Reviews 70 reads
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1. Retired from the hobby, but browse the board to keep up with the community.  
2. Dated,  married, divorced a provider.
3. GT gang rocks !!!!
4. Cross me, lie to me,  steel, etc I'm done with you.  
5. To nice at times. Laid back,  easy going,  generous guy.  
6. Rather give pleasure than receive it myself.  
7. Love to daty.
8. Was hobbing before the internet.  
9. Have met you Marie Bella, as Sydney at M&G. You was on my to do list.

SanaaRae See my TER Reviews 48 reads
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#2 is SO me! Especially the foot out!

foguete69 38 Reviews 40 reads
16 / 34

1.  Don't use an alarm or a watch.  
2.  Lived in Asia when I was young and attended British school. Still have nightmares of lizards on the cieling  and prim woman with English accents.  
3.  I have ridden an elephant, camel, giant tortoise, horse, mule and a pig.  
4.  Lost my virginity at 15 to a woman six years older.  
5.  Heinz 57 sauce is the best condiment ever.  
6.  I like women with black hair, but blondes and reds are ok too.  
7.  I don't care for dolphins.  
8.  I rarely wear socks.  
9.  I know sex bruises when I see them.  

-- Modified on 10/27/2017 6:47:10 AM

-- Modified on 10/27/2017 6:56:27 AM

anomy08513 58 Reviews 56 reads
17 / 34

Lol!! Yours was way more interestimy than mine 🤔

hushfan 11 Reviews 44 reads
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People laugh when you tell them that.... but it works!

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 61 reads
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1.  I require 9 hrs of sleep every night.
2.  I am a makeup hoarder but rarely wear it.
3.  I love being creative with decorating and I can look at Pinterest for hours
4.  I dip my French fries in ranch dressing
5.  I follow Paleo and Dairy Free diet most of the time
6.  I take a Probiotic every day
7.  I can't watch horror movies since I was a teenager
8.  I just recently switch from a flip phone to IPhone
9.  I don't twitter
10.  I have sleep routine; cotton t-shirt only, ice pack for my neck, essential oils in a humidifier by night table, no TV or electronics in bedroom dark and quiet
11.  I make my bed everyday
12.  I have an unhealthy phobias fear of all snakes
13.  I have gotten car sick my whole life unless I sit shot gun or drive
14.  I battle and cycle with codependency tendencies because of my huge heart.  It's become easier to say No as I get older.
15.  I love the freedom of the hobby and a break from left brain

Have a great weekend everyone!  If you need rest, I pray you find rest.  If you need adventure, I pray you find adventure.  Live.  Love, Maddie


SanaaRae See my TER Reviews 34 reads
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Right?! My hands are sometimes the same way!

hushfan 11 Reviews 49 reads
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I have a co-worker who does your #4, too.  

SanaaRae See my TER Reviews 47 reads
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Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 58 reads
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puts ketchup on a plate and takes the top off the black pepper shaker and dumps it in her ketchup.  I have tried it and it's not bad, but still prefer the tanginess of ranch seasoning in the mayo!  I didn't eat ketchup when I was growing up so it's not my favorite.


SirSmiley 47 Reviews 68 reads
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Ok, here’s some of mine!

1. No “processed cheese food” at all! Might as well open a vein and pour in some Quaker State!
2. Prefer blondes with curves, but fit is only adjective required by all!
3. I am a walking oxymoron- College Roommate called me the “intelligent redneck”
4. College Football WAY OVER the pro’s
5. Real Maple sryup is definitely worth the extra $3 per bottle.
6. I wonder why they can’t make a good 30 min sit-com anymore...
7. Music owned- Blue Grass, classical, Old Rock, Blues (even from the 30’s), 70’s Funk, Dwight  
8. I know who John Galt is!!!
9. Put 1000 lawyers in a room knee deep in gas, I’ll toss in the match
10. 400 lbs. plus is NOT a disability no reason for an”gub-ment check”!  
11. Mayonaise, Picante, Heinz 57 and Grape jelly are mandatory!


-- Modified on 10/28/2017 7:01:43 PM

-- Modified on 10/28/2017 9:24:44 PM

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 72 reads
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and you have great taste in music!  Buddy Guy, Sly and the Family Stone, Zepplin, the Stones.  I love blues and that is the true heritage of rock.

And I have seen George Clinton :)  a few times!  And huge Funk fan!


-- Modified on 10/28/2017 6:57:22 PM

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 56 reads
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1) I’m an adrenaline junkie with an addiction to Mountian biking... it’s a large enough part of my life where it’s bled into advertising in order to explain random bumps and bruises I get.

2) I’m a veteran

3) I have an extensive collection of perfumes from around the world (about 35-40 bottles) but rarely wear it outside of work.

4) the smell of lasagna makes me physically ill

5) I’m a published author and photojournalist

6) I started doing sex work as a bet, an I realized I loved it and haven’t looked back since.

8) I’ve worked as a provider on 4 continents

9) my sense of adventure is fueled by my childlike amazement of the natural world.

10) I firmly believe that pineapple is an essential pizza ingredient.

hushfan 11 Reviews 39 reads
27 / 34

Thank you for your service.  

rbhobbydude 6 Reviews 47 reads
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1.  I hate alarms, I use my iphone and set it for when I want to get up.  Still hit the snooze at least once.
2.  I have traveled a lot, mainly for business/pleasure.  Phillipines was very interesting to me and would love to go back for fun.
3.  My office looks like a mess, but I can usually find anything I need.
4.  I like a noise machine on with rainfall sounds when I sleep.  I like it cool and dark in the room and under cover.
5.  I always sit at the bar when I go to a restaurant with a bar.  I have met some very cool people at the bar.  
6.  I can talk to just about anyone, and I probably have.
7.  I am kind to people and animals.  At least until you f--- me over.
8.  I pack light and always try to get everything into a carryon and laptop bag.
9.  I dislike having to wear a tuxedo or any suit with a tie.  Though I do clean up well.
10.When I was in Florida, I lived in shorts, tshirt and flip flops and loved it.
11.Some of the politicians on both sides piss me off regularly.  Respect people please!
12. I love women of all colors, shapes, etc.  Some of them piss me off too, but I am not always easy.
Plenty more I could say but this is more than enough.

LillianWest See my TER Reviews 47 reads
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1) I'm a morning person.  I don't need an alarm unless I'm catching a very early flight.
2) I have a pair of readers tucked  in a drawer in every room of the house and in the car.
3) I enjoy mixing interesting vintage pieces in my wardrobe and jewelry.
4) I love to cook for other people.
5) I hate beets. It's just about the only thing I won't eat. I've eaten weird foods like chicken feet, all kinds of raw stuff and organ meats, but I just hate beets.
6) I pack light and quick. I have TSA and Global Entry.
7) I'm a quasi intellectual. I enjoy philosophical debate.
8) I don't have a sister. Only brothers.
9) I ride a Harley.
10) I have a passion for art and music.
11) I'm coming to Atlanta on the 21st of November!

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 38 reads
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I ate 13 lobsters at Pappadeaux also when they opened the one on Mansell, I always wondered why they quit that LOL

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 46 reads
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You should try an Alabama White BBQ Sauce.... hard to find but easy to make if you google the recipe.  Mayo and apple cider vinegar are the primary ingredients

Bre_Jolie See my TER Reviews 99 reads
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1. I started drinking coffee when I was 12. It felt like that's what ~real artists/writers~ did. We've been in a love affair ever since.

2. Sour cream + mayonnaise on anything (except as a baking ingredient) is a sin to me.

3. I'm one of a handful of (only) girls in my family. Between that and my crazy boarding school days, I can confirm the pillow fight-sleepover fantasies really *do* happen.

4. I masturbate almost every night before I fall asleep. Getting a good night's rest is important!  

5. Once upon a blog post, I wrote some interesting tidbits about myself. Click the link to learn more...

-- Modified on 11/8/2017 1:55:52 PM

coldgin499 40 Reviews 61 reads
33 / 34

Wow bre, let's hear more about number 3 lol

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 53 reads
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1) My favorite food is sushi and I make a point to eat at a sushi restaurant every time I travel to a new place.

2) I am naturally an early riser and wake up every morning without an alarm at 6:30am.

3) I have trypophobia and once did a graduate presentation over myiasis which gave me nightmares for weeks!

4) I like going to the beach but don't care much for getting in the water--I just like to look at it (yes, I can swim).

5) I ran for Miss Black Oklahoma as a teen.

6) I hate cardio (who doesn't) but am an avid weight lifter and used to be a personal trainer for 4 years.

7) Anything cute makes me cry.

8) I have a collection of stuffed toy frogs.

9) Books are my favorite gifts.

10) I find cleaning and doing laundry meditative activities.

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