
Re: Let's chat /email @ your Gmail account listed on your profile.....eom
1woody 18 Reviews 64 reads


one thing ive ALWAYS wanted as a young independent provider is a similar best friend, like somebody i have an unbreakable bond with, we live together and work together and make sure we're both ALWAYS ok, this kind of trust is obviously something that has to be built over time but idk where to start, its sorta difficult having square friends as i cant fully open up about my work and the few i was able to our relationship changed and i felt they saw me different. it'll just be nice to have somebody to relate to and talk to definetly about common situations, so if anybody feels this way looking for another provider to connect with im your girl, super fun and down to earth. preferbly somebody just starting off as well because from my experience with older more seasoned proviers they will pretend to want to be your friend but will have other intentions such as harming you or tricking you into being with their PIMP bf's, im not trying to join anybodies "family" or be a sister wive only real independent providers please :)

I'm always down for drinks dinner to see if we connect. I have no boyfriends, pimps and my heart is always in the r That place. Would be cool to have a friend in this business to lean on time to time. This part of my life is a total secret and sometimes I'd love to vent or even bounce ideas off of others.  
So , let's chat if u feel up to it.

go have another drink.  Has somebody started a pm club ... mine suddenly jumped to 14.

BTW, I still have a few open spots in the pool, anyone else want to join in and guess just how much longer old woody can hold out before curiosity gets the best of him? lol

As for the drink, I appreciate the offer, but I rarely start drinking quite this early, unless I am on vacation, or fishing, or golfing, or.....Oh fuck it, maybe it is time for a drink. lol

Jumped to 17 tonight.   I rarely got this many in a year before.

No one wants to be a sister wife. Ew. Espically to a whack "pimp" boyfriend. Having that similar comrade is needed in this type of industry.

Literally I want the sister wive connection but we're our own taz but also no crazy controlling bitch cat just a pair of AB's having a good time being beautiful. Truly the american dream lmao

when i heard the word sister wife i  thought of a cult! lol . its the weirdest ever.  but i will be into town this week :)  
you can PM me or reach me on my social medias , if your still around during my tour.  

ms london

I am not sure where you got hooked up with said provider. I have been in the business a long time and I personally don't know of any older more seasoned providers that would even think of wanting to trick you into being with anyone
that they know. Much less pretend to be your friend. And harming you?? I would bet you that most of them reading this post will probably not want your friendship now anyway.  You will have to learn some things the hard way. Sorry

lol sis you can't speak on an experience for me, I have no reason to lie or even  exaggerate Never said I came across these women in Atlanta and if it seemed that way I didn't mean to imply that. So far I've only had a few attitudes and mean private messages from providers in Atlanta and idk why anybody would see this and not wanna be my friend. I don't see anything I said that was offensive or anything.

Hey girl,
  I would definitely like to hang out sometime. It can get so lonely being a provider and not having anyone in your circle know your secret life. I've read some of your posts and you seem like a really decent girl. Pm me if you want to chat.

it the wrong way.   It just looked like you were implying that ALL older providers were like that.  And No, I didn't  
think you were lying or exaggerating. I just don't know of any that have a pimp, or would want to hurt you. I know  
girls all around the country. That is why we have to be very careful about what we say on a public board because  
someone (like me) might read it the wrong way and take offense to it.  
But, I can see from your response that isn't what you were trying to say.

Wow yeah no! That's incredibly rude to assume that of all seasoned providers and yeah I can understand how that would definitely be offensive if somebody interrupted that. Just from my experience with two women in Miami one was older and I never met with her but they have a board like this Indy girl and a few of my clients saw the post she made about me and warned me about her and another girl that I also made plans to see, she never actually attempted to trick or hurt me but she was giving me advice and was seeming to be there for me and wanting to be helpful but ppl were like from her history it's better to be Alert and  then I was told about the other girl she has a bf she was always trying to get girls for. So definitely wasn't trying to offend anybody I promise! Just wanted to avoid that!

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