
Re: It came back
SeductionMindHacks 77 reads

Agreed, it's definitely not something a guy needs to subscribe to

I'm just saying it might make sense to be familiar with what it says about yourself, kind if like checking your own credit report for errors

SeductionMindHacks868 reads

This may help explain the trend of guys posting lately about filling out booking forms and getting turned down or never hearing.

Lots of ladies are using the Truthfinder app to do their background research on the guys who are willing to submit all the info requested.

I never screen that way and never have any problems, but just for fun I downloaded the app and checked on myself.

The info in the app about me is about 25% correct - the rest of it is way off (I was a chiropractor in Marietta for several years?? Umm no) -

Just wanted to let guys know about this -  

I'd suggest - if you're going to screen by giving full personal info - that you check some screening apps for what they're saying about "you" -

Have fun y'all

about 25% correct on me too.... it does give a lot of avenues for further research if one is inclined to do so and I imagine the premium reports are more inclusive (invading).  I don't see anything wrong with it personally, of course I'm not letting them near my money again and the last girlfriend took care of telling everyone what I was doing, So I don't have much to lose.  The ladies that employ this verification should consider that the guys may be using the same methods of verification on them.

If I was establishing something other than a business relationship with them I would go to such lengths to verify them, having been lied to and manipulated in the past makes one leery of people, but cash for an hour or two does not justify the cost and hassle of Truthfinder for me.

Agreed, it's definitely not something a guy needs to subscribe to

I'm just saying it might make sense to be familiar with what it says about yourself, kind if like checking your own credit report for errors

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