
Re: Intimidated?
bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 234 reads

I agree with you. Thanks for your response.

I have a question that I am curious about. Do providers have a height preferences? I mean if the guy is shorter or taller than the provider, would the provider feel intimated by it or no?

That is a true statement. Thank you for your response.

-- Modified on 2/23/2016 3:02:51 PM

How tall is your stack of bills? And your hygiene. Thats what matters.

Posted By: bigjoe2002
I have a question that I am curious about. Do providers have a height preferences? I mean if the guy is shorter or taller than the provider, would the provider feel intimated by it or no?

Me and you are in the same boat too. Thanks for your response.

I definitely agree with you. Thanks for your response.

Based on my asking this question to European based advisors some years, here is what I learned.  Again, comments welcomed.

In a booking setting the height of the client does not matter.  What matters most was;

1. Is the client respectful of men. Does he treat me like a lady?  Now sure behind a closed door, in private, once a comfort level is there, the girl and will have the capability to blow you awe your socks if you want. Instead, if something desired is ore passive, fine too.  Showing respect was the runaway number one.

2. is he clean.  Being clean amounted for a lot.

3. Does he know what he wants. A surprise to me that in their minds the client does not know what he wants.

4. Endeavors to treat me like lady.  Again, a surprise. I thought this old fashioned.

5. A nice hug and a thank you at the good bye is nice.  Don't just rush to hurridly get dressed and go. Like who am I going to tell??????

6. Done ask me personal questions.

7. Done try to save me.

Now sure, all girls would love a Brad Pitt. I am not and don't try to me. I wish I was cool but I am not.  Heck, for once I wish that I was 6'5" for a lady, but my 5'7" will have to do.

What I found, and other folks are free to chime in, the height for the provider did not matter. Now research does show that in standard social situation, for the female, height does.  Looks do.  Everyone discriminates everyday.  To be candid at my stage of the game and circumstances, if I want a partner that I really want, I book.  Bars and other social settings don't work.  Because of what I do, in spme professional situtations I could do quite well. I do think that trying to get it on with a good looking lady, as much as I may fantasize about it, is a violation of the trust they show be as being their boss.  

Just my writing of the day....

Great post Joe. Someday, once, I need to be like you dude -lol.

Well, I am a lot of work hahaha!. Thanks man for your response.

nailed it above.  I'm an inch or two taller than him, but I've had super ongoing relationships with ladies who are taller than me barefoot and ones who barely reach my chin.  The only time there has ever been any awkwardness has been at initial greeting with a couple of tall ladies wearing high, stacked heels taking them well over 6 feet.  Made that initial hug/kiss sorta awkward.  In both cases we laughed, she kicked them off, and it went great!

While I've never gotten a list like LDS did, it lines up very much with the observations made by ladies I know well and respect.  Like in the Pointer Sisters liking a man with a "Slow Hand" who doesn't "come and go in a heated rush!"  I think those are the attributes that make for the primary preferences in the hobby world.

Posted By: bigjoe2002
I have a question that I am curious about. Do providers have a height preferences? I mean if the guy is shorter or taller than the provider, would the provider feel intimated by it or no?
-- Modified on 2/23/2016 6:54:32 AM

I'm almost 6'6" at a solid 275lbs thanks to the gym! LOL..... And have a size 14 foot!....... But very average size junk which I'm very proud of,so you can dispel all those rumors about big guys! LOL..... I'm sure the ladies know this better than me! LOL

That might be a true rumor hahaha. Thanks for your response man.

I can't say that a guy's height has ever made me feel intimidated. I'm 5'8" flat footed so easily 6' in most heels myself, but physical traits are not something that would cause me to feel uncomfortable. That would come from personality or intuition.

I agree with you. Thanks for your response.

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