
Re: I'm with Erealm and GaKosh
cummingslane See Agency Profile 195 reads

What would you do if your GF wanted you to fuck her best friend on facetime while she was out of town?

Sitting here thinking about how much we stop ourselves from exploring the full potential of our imaginations.. So I am curious would you ...

1. Play a game where you have to say yes to everything sexual?
2. Allow your self to be blindfolded by your companion?
3. Allow toys on her or on you?
4. fuck everywhere but the bed?
5. fuck her friend while she watches on facetime?  

and remember there is no such thing as a wrong answer

1) No. There are fetishes that do not appeal to me and actually are a turn off beyond the point of ED meds. Yes, shrinkage from some sexual fetishes can be that bad.
2) Been There. Done That. Lost the t-shirt.
3) See Answer 2.
4) Christened every room of the house, several state and national parks, and atop the front and rear deck lids of a '57 Bel-Air in our neighbor's garage, but not in the neighbor's bed.
5) Yes, and also done threesomes together... how do you think we got into the neighbor's garage?  

"I'm not the kind to kiss and tell but I've been seen with Farrah..."

Posted By: cummingslane
Sitting here thinking about how much we stop ourselves from exploring the full potential of our imaginations.. So I am curious would you ...  
 1. Play a game where you have to say yes to everything sexual?  
 2. Allow your self to be blindfolded by your companion?  
 3. Allow toys on her or on you?  
 4. fuck everywhere but the bed?  
 5. fuck her friend while she watches on facetime?  
 and remember there is no such thing as a wrong answer.  

"So what kind of T shirt was it?"

"It's not cheating when my wife watches"  
"Life is Short. Play Naked"
"I'm so good with my rod I make fish come"
'Smiling is the 2nd best thing I do with my mouth" (Also, " do with your..")
"Made it with all the Bridesmaids"
"Mile High Club Instructor"
 and others...

You know you're bad when Goodwill won't accept your donations anymore.


1. Nope.  I've seen way too many things on the internet that don't do anything for me sexually: needles, fire, blood, scat, Axe body spray, etc.  MC Frontalot summed it up well in his magnum opus "Pr0n Song" -  the internet is F.I.L.T.H.Y.
2. Sure.  I've been both the blindfolder and blindfoldee many times.
3. Sure.  I've been both the toyer and toyee many times.
4. I guess.  But what's wrong with the bed?  Unless it's broken.  And yes I have broken a lady's bed.  It wasn't my fault... she kept saying "harder, faster, harder, faster!"  I was only following instructions.  ;-)
5.  I guess.  Where's the fun in that?  Get her in the room too and have a threesome.

Pr0n S0ng (MC Frontalot)

Just got hard-pressed underneath my desk.
No jest! It’s time Frontalot confessed:
at the best of times, got the worst of rhymes.
And I don’t think I’m the first to find
my life devoted less to lyrics
than it is to my struggle for pyrrhic
victory in the race to be
teh intarweb’s number one devotee
of smutty little things that occur onscreen
(risqué to — hey! — quintuple-x obscene):
MILFs who shave themselves so cleanly;
twins in positions unseemly.
My spleen ain’t the part that gets vented.
I grabbed a hold and fapped like I meant it.
Distended, probably oughta leave it alone,
spend more time stroking on the microphone.

Got a boatload of midgets and they’re in command
of a full-grown woman on her knees and hands.
Got a long hard donkey and a farm girl too
and the braying’s so dismaying when he starts to spoo.
Got to click close, put it away
‘cause the internet is f-i-l-t-h-y.

Lurking in #pass chans on the IRC,
got DCC’d unexpectedly
with an 80-minute XviD: Nuns In Heat
Part III: Bad Habits. I’m so l337
that I had that one already.
Skipped to the part with the fishnet teddy.
Whipped it out, but to my chagrin,
one toss from a win when the boss walked in,
said “nuh-uh Front, that terminal ain’t
for a latex crucifix spanking a taint
in big 32-bit color
while them rosary beads get yanked out the cruller.”
I said “you can’t fire me; I quit!”
Opened up the case, yanked out the hard disk.
Absconded, all with the data in hand:
31 years of Hustler scans;
plans for how to construct a love-swing;
archived since spring of ’92;
receipt for my RealDoll’s stripper shoes;
tools for an online poll I ran
(vote once, tub girl or goatse man);
glands galore, explore for hours;
diaper play and roman showers;
glory hole video, deep as it gets;
mpegs of an heiress that she ought regret,
cap’d on cam from a hijacked feed.
Half a terabyte, so whatcha need?
Got grannies in the front, trannies in the back,
red on brown on blond on black,
ganged up, tied up, all alone:
every delectation to which I’m prone.

Got the Japanese schoolgirl tentacle love.
Got the furries in a flurry, they been yiffing it up.
Got a Craig’s List poster trading poo for pee.
Got a deep dark dungeon full of hot bi Swedes.
Got to click close, put it away
‘cause the internet is f-i-l-t-h-y.

The backslash on my keyboard’s stuck.
Mouse wheel don’t turn ‘cause it’s all gummed up.

Somehow I just don't see you as following orders you don't want to, nor directions of any kind - not even the pictographs on IKEA furniture. Heck, rumor has it you argue with road signs along the Perimeter - but I'm not one to gossip so you didn't hear that from me.

I am almost certain that particular bed you broke had some inherent faulty design and/or manufacturing flaw(s).  

That's why I always recommended Samsonite beds from way back when. You now, back in the day I did some nude modeling for their luggage ads, and would have been offended by people thinking I was a 500 lb. gorilla... had I not been young and in desperate need of the money.

Thanks for the link,  ga_kosh

Ah - you got me.  Road signs?  They think they know everything, don't they?

And I usually don't follow directions well.
But when a beautiful, sexy woman commands "harder! faster!" in the bedroom, well that's an order I just have to obey.

I mean, I am a gentleman after all.  :-)

"But when a beautiful, sexy woman commands "harder! faster!" in the bedroom, well that's an order I just have to obey.
I mean, I am a gentleman after all."

A gentleman when she says "harder! faster!"  How do you manage to remain gentle?
I mean, when I get that response I take it as her consent for me to momentarily forget my manners and go all Bloodhound Gang.

Ya know:  
"And then we'll do it doggie style
So we can both watch X-Files...

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
(Gettin' horny now)"

P.S. - Their album "Hooray for Boobies" is a top 5 candidate for Kosh's official album title, if I had such a thing.


You made my day.  That's genius.  Any song that can pay homage to Waffle House hash browns and animalistic sex at the same time - brilliant!

And where can I get a monkey costume like that?  I need it for an upcoming role play.  It's called "The Organ Grinder" - I'm holding open auditions now for lovely  ingenues.  :-)

Speaking of monkeys and being animals...  I'll see your Bloodhound Gang and raise you some NIN.  Sorry it isn't funny.  But intensely gothic and deeply angst-ridden still counts for something right

Like Shakespeare, which you cannot appreciate until you have experienced it in the original Klingon, I think you can't enjoy NIN unless you have heard Johnny Cash's version. "Hurt" is below,

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
 You made my day.  That's genius.  Any song that can pay homage to Waffle House hash browns and animalistic sex at the same time - brilliant!  
 And where can I get a monkey costume like that?  I need it for an upcoming role play.  It's called "The Organ Grinder" - I'm holding open auditions now for lovely  ingenues.  :-)  
 Speaking of monkeys and being animals...  I'll see your Bloodhound Gang and raise you some NIN.  Sorry it isn't funny.  But intensely gothic and deeply angst-ridden still counts for something right?  

Watching from the next room can also be fun till he gets to join. Spice it up just a little bit

Well I'm glad I didn't disappoint a lovely young lady.

Posted By: cummingslane
Watching from the next room can also be fun till he gets to join. Spice it up just a little bit

I choose all of the above considering everything is safe. Yes, it's true. ...sluts do have more fun! :D  Hahaha! !

1.  Pretty much "yes," but the question is the definition of sexual.  Excrement, pain, degradation, etc. aren't in my definition.  Also, I'm totally hetero.

2-4.  Been there - done that - look forward to repeating.

5.  Sounds situational and never had that situation.  Can imagine a scenario where a GF was out of town and requested a variation of phone sex, but not sure how it would come about in the P4P world.  As many know, I'm not shy - but would rather be "watched" in person than on facetime.

What would you do if your GF wanted you to fuck her best friend on facetime while she was out of town?

Posted By: cummingslane

 1. Play a game where you have to say yes to everything sexual?
     Absolutely. Have done variations of this. Boundaries upfront, though!
Posted By: cummingslane

 2. Allow your self to be blindfolded by your companion?
    Always fun, as blindfolder and blindfoldee.  
Posted By: cummingslane

3. Allow toys on her or on you?  
   Yes, and yes! I have some hard limits on certain toys to be used on me, though!
Posted By: cummingslane

 4. fuck everywhere but the bed?
   Oh hell yes! Get a suite and close the bedroom door; explore it all including the floor!
Posted By: cummingslane

5. fuck her friend while she watches on facetime?  
   Of course, if she's into it. Have a similar scenario planned for August!
Posted By: cummingslane

and remember there is no such thing as a wrong answer.  

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