
Re: I'm generally
Gracekelly See my TER Reviews 1678 reads
1 / 18

Hey fellas.  

Just curious, how often do you partake in this hobby?  


lbl076 42 Reviews 46 reads
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Once or twice a month, depends on how full my calendar gets.  At least once a month though.  Gotta make time for fun and relaxation.

RandyJ1000 1 Reviews 41 reads
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SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 45 reads
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After an extended self imposed break I jumped back in (pun intended) back in November  

The intent was to “hobby” once every 3-4 weeks  
specifically revisiting some of the areas legends and meeting a few i never had the chance to see  

But a medical issue at the start of February has put me on the shelf since then and looking at another 2-3 (hopefully ) weeks of recovery
But then??

I’ll be BACK!!!!

WVhilbly 19 Reviews 54 reads
5 / 18

I have a formula. When I travel I take 33% of my consulting fees off the top for taxes and then divide the remainder in half and spend that amount on playtime. So if I do a $3000 job I have $1000 to use for fun.  That usually allows for a dinner date in most locations.  
I usually do 2 or 3 jobs a month in the 3 to 5 thousand range and sometimes I carry over if I know I will be visiting a city soon where I have an ATF and then I will splurge on an overnight or doubles.  
It's a tough job but someone has to do it......

claire16 See my TER Reviews 44 reads
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With all these hot women in ATL I would go broke!  :D


SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 42 reads
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That’s why I took a self enforced break and now limit to once a month or so at most

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 54 reads
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twice a week, I'm not married, no long term SO of any type.  I have 3 regulars that I see every other week then  I rotate in a different lady.  I'm in my 50's, I've owned my own business for 25 years, I have employees that run it for the most part.  Why should I not enjoy myself?  My accountant and my executive assistant are the only ones that (I know of) that know my hobby.  I have friends who spend a ton of money on golf, Fishing, hunting, etc...  I spend mine on two things college football and gorgeous women.  I keep my schedule 4 to 6 weeks out.

eightmillions8 45 reads
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claire16 See my TER Reviews 48 reads
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That’s what I’m talking about!

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 40 reads
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I have thought about this since I responded and thought I might provide some context.  It would be easier and I would not be opposed to having just one favorite that I see twice a week.  The issue is really a me issue, if I did that I am sure I would fall in love, speaking from experience.  That does not work in this world.   I'm old school in that I don't want my girlfriend/SO having sex with other men, I can assure you it has nothing to do with my confidence as a man, it is just how I am built.  So having one favorite would not work because none of these women want to wake up next to a 55 year old man with a CPAP every morning.  So I see each one of my 3 regulars twice a month, usually a lunch or dinner date.  Then I rotate that other spot looking for the next regular when inevitably one of my favorites moves on from the business.  Having regulars also makes it easier for a weekend trip to the beach or an away game for my Dawgs.  My accountant told me last year I spent just over 175 thousand on my hobby.  My house is paid off and no other debts, my kids are done with college and I am making more money with less fixed expenses than I ever have in my life.  Why not enjoy it.

RandyJ1000 1 Reviews 44 reads
13 / 18

Funny how life takes individuals down different paths. I totally follow your thought process. It’s where I was about a decade ago, when I was near your age. In my case, there was one unicorn that stood out as different from my other then regulars. She wasn’t any prettier or attentive, but she had an uncanny ability to have feelings and share herself, and (in most cases) remain measurably distance at the same time. I’ve met most of her family and friends. They know me. She helps me. I help her, including being an adult figure for a child which for more than a decade I’ve watched grow and flourish along the way with lots of feedback and positive reinforcement and support from me. She’s nearing college, and my intent is to help with that too. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be in this, but those I chose to spend time with are part of my life, and caring for them is like caring for myself, and it is fulfilling in ways exceeding what drove me twenty years ago.

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 42 reads
14 / 18

Thanks for your perspective and story.  Maybe that will occur with me, I doubt it because I actively try to not let it happen.  I lead a fairly full life outside the hobby.  I take Golf lessons on Monday nights and Shooting lessons at the gun range on Wednesdays.  Travel to see my kids, I rarely eat alone unless that is what I am looking to do.  I'm expecting grandchildren in the next 5 years or so.  I don't know... I am just really enjoying life right now, but it seems as though you are too.  thankfully we can all be happy doing different things.  Thanks again for your input

Wildfree1973 4 Reviews 40 reads
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So if your accountant knows what you spend, do you somehow write this off as a business expense?? Inquiring minds want to know.

ValdostaKid 16 Reviews 44 reads
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I've asked him that question, his response was that you can hide some of it but not six figures, The only way to really write  it off is if I issued 1099's to the ladies as consultants or some other legit business.  My regulars might do that but then they would have to claim all of it as income.  I know the ladies pay taxes but I also know in a cash business you don't necessarily have to claim ALL of your income.  So I just eat the taxes as a part of the cost.

My accountant only knows what I spend because while I can afford a hobby that expensive it is still a lot of money to just go missing with nothing but memories to show.  Those memories are definetly valuable but not on a balance sheet lol.  He keeps my business and personal books, I don't have a wife to hide it from so no reason to hide it from my accountant.  I don't tell my kids but I don't hide it from them either.  It's funny they both have told me they really like one or the other ladies they have met but they also have said "you know she is just after your money".  That tells me I'm probably dating out of my league.  

socalstud 2 Reviews 38 reads
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175k after tax $ is legit. Your regulars I'm sure are hoping to never lose that income stream.  Life is meant to be lived and as long as nobody is getting hurt, enjoy.

xyz23 45 Reviews 43 reads
18 / 18

3 times a month. That does include trips to strip club vip rooms.

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