
Re: I'd like to check that out! Yum! (e)
fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 457 reads

Anytime. Add a little whipped cream and or chocolate for additional taste and pleasure.

Can you all just manscape a little bit....?   I flossed prior to the appointment....LOL!   Shave those boys.....thanks......


Just a fun post.......

you crack me up.  

no prob for me.  I do it daily even if I have no intimate plans.  I hate being all hairy down there.

magicsam480 reads

Any new client who goes from hairy to clean when he starts hobbying may have some explaining to do to a spouse or SO.

Didn't think of that!   Thanks!

Every four weeks. Smooth and soft as a baby's butt. Lol

Anytime. Add a little whipped cream and or chocolate for additional taste and pleasure.

I definitely like the look, feel and taste of a freshly waxed man, or woman for that matter.

I've felt a freshly waxed woman and it felt so good. The first time for me was painfull but now I fell the need to keep having it done. It makes the skin more soft and cleaner verses shaving. Leaves a guy more sensitive down there.

Posted By: Sammie Jo
I definitely like the look, feel and taste of a freshly waxed man, or woman for that matter.

Nothing like the feel of a freshly waxed or shaved lady.   I get wet thinking about it.

I know what you mean. Not only does the waxing pull the hair and root out, waxing makes the skin so soft. I think the waxing must exfoliate the skin. The lady feels so clean and soft there. Wish more ladies would wax. I'm not complaining but it just feels better.

Posted By: Sammie Jo
Nothing like the feel of a freshly waxed or shaved lady.   I get wet thinking about it.

My skin is very rips off the skin when I waxed....I'll never do it again....I have very soft and silky skin.....too sensitive.....

Posted By: Khori
My skin is very rips off the skin when I waxed....I'll never do it again....I have very soft and silky skin.....too sensitive.....

I'm sensitive there too and my girl is Brazilian and uses the hard wax. Then she uses Cornstarch baby powder from Pubix after the wax. I use the powder after my shower. It really helps with sensitive skin. I know that some places do not use hard wax. It costs over $400.00 per container. Didn't know if you tried the hard wax. I can PM you my girl's number if you want to try it.

Posted By: Khori
My skin is very rips off the skin when I waxed....I'll never do it again....I have very soft and silky skin.....too sensitive.....

I had the skin ripped off my balls a couple of times.  I then switched to one of the hard wax places (chain).  My problem is the boner I get when she is working. This place is professional, so no happy endings. ;)

I wonder if a guy ever asked a lady to place him in a burlap sack and beat him with a rake. of my favorite movies....and scenes......creepy at the same time....   :)

every little advantage helps!

I do take a hedge clipper to the bushes to bring them into so semblance of controll😊

It's hard to lick balls,  which I totally enjoy if they are super fuzzy/hairy ----it's a bit tough.........oh and suck too.....

-- Modified on 2/25/2015 2:26:22 PM

I learned a LONG time ago that my balls get MUCH more love and attention if they have little to NO hair on them.  

High Five!

Better yet why don't you just feel the smoothness

Posted By: Khori

Balls,dick and groin! I have a system and do if everyday before I shower! I know I have had girls that were jealous I'm so smooth and want to know my secret! LOL

But, the fingernails have got to go!  I love when a gent wants to fingerbang me, but only if there's no fingernails.

My GF works in a salon so she gives me regular mani/pedi's. I tell you what I love them too!  Any guy that don't has never had one! The ladies love it too!

for some of older hobbyists. This clean shaven is relatively new. To go from 20 years one way to a drastic change can send up a flag to a SO.  It just may not be prudent for some.

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