
Re: I say what I mean and I mean what I say
electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 107 reads


I think it is great that you can be yourself.  It gives gents an impression of who you are when you are with them.  It's refreshing.

And I agree with your comment about diversity (adversity?) making the world go round.  I certainly don't look for girls that I always agree with.  In fact, I like a woman that speaks her mind.  Some sparks in an argument often mean sparks in bed.

I'm a fan of ladies (and gents) participating on the boards to get to know them better.  People sharing their likes and dislikes, opinions, and advice make life interesting.  Lively debate and bawdy exchanges make the time pass a little easier.  For me anyway.  I love stories.  But you probably know that by now.  :-)

That said, there are disadvantages and advantages to opening yourself up that way - I think for the ladies especially.  Opinions on most anything can have strongly polarizing effects.  And since they are marketing their own "brand" it can have unintended consequences for their business.

Gents - do providers posts factor into your decision to see them?  How does their virtual persona sway your decision to pay them a visit?  Is there a list of "do's and don'ts" in your opinion regarding how a lady presents herself in the virtual world?  Feel free to include her ad or website as part of her virtual person.

Ladies - do the guys posts influence your decision to see them?  Have you ever declined to see a gent due to his on board persona?  Feel free to include his review history as part of his virtual persona.  How does it factor into your decision to see him (or not)?

Just curious.

I am not naming names but there are women who I won't see because they post something along the line of:

a) Thank you for the new boobs Mr. X
b) Thank you Mr. Y for the week long overnight at (fill in the blank resort)
c) Thank you Mr. Z for the boat load of gifts you have showered me with

This type of ad gives me the impression that I am not the ladies 'type' since she makes such a big fuss over Messrs. X, Y, and Z. To me this is a turn-off since I look for someone who will rock my world each and every time, regardless of the length of our meeting.

Interesting.  I haven't seen much of that but now I'll be on the watch.  I can see where it would be indiscreet for a lady to call a gent out in that way, and how it could also make it awkward for her other clients.

Of course - if I bought a lady new boobs I guess I would want a shout out too.  But that shout out would be behind closed doors.

If you know what I mean.


I think you're looking at that in a manner that kind of inconsistent with why girls post stuff like that. I'm not sure on motives of others, as I only have  my personal experience, but it's actually the opposite. I have fans and secret admirers  that buy me things occasionally and I thank them for it--sometimes publicly, sometimes privately. It's being done out of gratitude for whatever it was and showing appreciation for that.

I absolutely agree on the appreciation angle and I'm all for that.

Thoughtful gifts are... well... thoughtful.

And thanking someone for that is common courtesy.  I was just wondering if calling out large gifts in a public forum was a great idea (to Bucky's comment).  Being "appreciated" in private is a completely different matter.
I do think it is appropriate to return a kind word or compliment.  I'm always surprised to see gents leave a complimentary comment on someone's ad to have it go unacknowledged.  Not only is it courteous to say "thank you" - it is an opportunity to connect personally to that gent.  Connecting even in a small way is better than none in this business.  You never know where these little interactions will lead.  I've had many dates that started with a compliment.  Given or received.

Look at it this way - if a gent were to pass you on the street and give you a nice compliment on how you looked (or how you were dressed) would you just pass him by without saying anything?  Of course not.  You would acknowledge the nice gesture.    

So why do so many providers act differently in the virtual world?

I don't see this kind of stuff on the boards a lot, usually on twitter.  

I do see how it could be a big turn off if ladies do this regularly and for high ticket gifts they receive.  

I understand that some ladies do it intentionally to show off and encourage men to "compete" with one another in making her feel special. But I think most ladies do it just to show appreciation in a way that many clients who give gifts/book long dates like to be appreciated.  

Speaking for myself, I like to share my gratitude form large and small gifts, or just randomly mention how pleasant a client may have been. Whether a client brings me biscoff, a good book, takes me on a dinner date, or just entertains me with a good story.  

Either way, I enjoy and I am thankful for any client, gift or not. Hour or days. One time or repeat. And hopefully everyone leaves our date knowing that!

Ah, now I see - I pretty much ignore twitter.  That's probably why I haven't seen it.

Nice post.  Both guys and gals like to be appreciated.  Most definitely.


Great subject.

I really enjoy the board exchanges.  Though, with only a couple if exceptions, the board isn't what it used to be.  I miss that.

Ive really learned a lot about this experience from reading posts from the ladies and gentlemen on TER.  And, for the most part, I've been very entertained.

However, ice also learned that the written word, alone, can completely hide context, flavor, intent and the personality of the individual.  Comments intending to be a joke or sarcastic can be taken as bitchy or harsh.  Complaints about a general group or an individual might be due to naiveté or ignorance, not mean.

For this reason, I think it's wise to be careful what one says on the board just because it might be taken the wrong way.  "Think before send" is a good rule.

By the way, I've never been involved with a more kind, gracious, forgiving supportive group of people that I've met through TER.

Kudos to you all.

"Think before send"...?  I'll have to try that sometime.

I too find the Atlanta community a wonderful bunch of folks, and it's nice to hear it.  And your posts are always so kind and positive - I appreciate them.  I do agree about the board, but life is what you make it.

Be the change you want to see in the world.  And all that stuff.

GaGambler127 reads

Yeah right, not in this fucking lifetime. lmao

Somehow I don't think anyone is going to claim my posts are always kind or positive, much less both, but I haven't had any problems getting dates. My position is, and always has been, that if any woman doesn't like GaGambler, she is not going to like the "real" me either.

I am sure we have all heard the expression "well SOMEONE had to say it", Maybe I should just change my handle to "someone" because I am often that guy who says out loud what everyone else was thinking, but couldn't think of a "polite" way of saying it. Sorry folks, but some things really need saying and some things are impossible to say "nicely" lol

LOL I find your posts to add up net neutral and make logical sense, which is the most important thing.

Sensibility (in my opinion) makes up a great deal for irrational negativity/bias.

I've been told I'm very opinionated.   They like that about me.  I don't hold back and I'm always honest.  I like to be upfront and forthcoming in everything I do.  I used to be nice to a fault and was stepped on repeatedly.  Now,  I really just try to be a kind and good person and tell it like I see it.  You, generally speaking may not always or ever agree with me, but, that's what makes the world go round'.  I live with a healthy conscience.  



I think it is great that you can be yourself.  It gives gents an impression of who you are when you are with them.  It's refreshing.

And I agree with your comment about diversity (adversity?) making the world go round.  I certainly don't look for girls that I always agree with.  In fact, I like a woman that speaks her mind.  Some sparks in an argument often mean sparks in bed.

LOL!  Sparks do add to a zesty session!  Agree!  I try not to argue,  unless it's for more!  

Lol, whenever I hear "Sparky" I think of Clark Griswold.

Which probably sums me up pretty well.

Ok Khori, you can call me Sparky.


I think quite a while ago, I may have used what I found on social media, boards, reviews, etc as some sort of deciding factor of if I was willing to see them or not. Over time that's kind of evolved in a manner that /most/ of it is irrelevant, with some additional pragmatism sprinkled on.

I think the pragmatism angle the most heavily weighed factor. I'd be happy if the only people I saw had the same outlooks and views of/on life as I do, but if that were the case, I could probably cross half of my current regular clients off, as well as entire cities. I also like where I'm at, so it was a pretty good thing to get over...

 The time I spend with somone doesn't need to have that in, and on the rare occasion where it does (if it's a similarity or complimentary view) it's because it was specially part of why they're seeing me anyway. So as long as o and whoever can have an enjoyable time, then other views don't matter

Great post, thank you.

Yes, having different or interesting opinions is often a plus for me.  It leads you thinking in different directions you hadn't thought of originally.  How creative can you be when the people around you are doing and saying the same thing as you?  Being with someone with an alternate viewpoint can often be invigorating.  Both in and out of bed.

And you are right, if they want to see you then you know they either welcome those differences in personality and attitude, or they are willing to look past them to have some fun time with you.  As I see it either way is a win.

A ladies board persona would definitely be a factor in seeing them.
Everybody wants good chemistry, no?

Yes, I agree with you.  For me it factors in.
I look for a good sense of humor and a sense of adventure or open mindedness.  Also I look for someone that doesn't take themselves too seriously.

I know I don't.


When someone gives me their TER username, I do look at whitelists and contact the ladies there for references on a client. I don't typically look for their board posts, reviews, and etc.  

However, if someone continuously posts negative things or demeaning posts/replies on a board- their username is usually recognizable to me (like a bad first impression). I would definitely decline to meet with them if they told me their handle for screening.  

I don't really care about disagreements or contrasting perspectives on the business side of things- but respect is not a hard thing to give or convey in your posts. If I see someone post about how he would never pay a deposit, or sees it as a waste of time to book more than an hour, or any other opinion that I think is silly... it just means we disagree.  
On the other hand, if I see someone is always posting about providers being dirty, scamming, conniving whores- their username is going to stick out like a sore thumb to me and I am not going to want to see them because it speaks volumes about how they may treat me.

Yes, that's very understandable that you wouldn't want to meet someone that has a history of being derogatory or abusive.  Absolutely.

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