
Re: Huh, well...red_smile
eb100 3 Reviews 271 reads

Good call on referring to condom use in reviews.  Will remember to do that in the future.

We are on the same page as far as trying to keeping what we do as safe as we can.  But, we know that condoms are not always used, break, slip off etc...

We also know people are pretty selfish and are not going to get tested to keep others safe for the most part.  Which is why I posted the review.  It is important to remember you have a small window of time to get tested and to start life saving treatment if something shows up.  The sooner, the more likely you will be able to manage any health problems.  Does not get anymore selfish than self preservation.  

Even with that, you run into the excuse of not wanting to go through your doctor to test, use your name and shell out the cash.  

That is why I wanted everyone to know I finally found a place that is inexpensive and does not ask for ID (even says "don't ask for ID" on the lab papers you give to the front desk). On top of that, you don't have to see a doctor to get the results...they just email them to your monger email account.  

With all of these factors coming together, I think most of us will make the right call and get tested asap...It costs less than a 1hr session and could save your life.

Decided it was time to do my duty and make sure I was playing safe for the safety of everyone and scheduled a 10 panel STD test online  (link below):

It looks like all of the sites offering the same test use the same lab network and offer the same 10 panel STD test. The only difference is price. This one has the best price for the same lab work ($198).

Followed the link and typed in my zip. They found a lab within walking distance of my office.

Used my monger email address to register. They said I didn't need an appointment and to just check in with the paperwork they emailed me from the site requesting the blood/urine work.

Went to the lab that day. Drew blood, peed in a cup. 3 days later, they emailed me the results. Feels good to have a negative test in your hand fellas (and ladies).

Anyway, you can use a fake name and the instructions on the form you give them tell the front desk person to check ID. They asked for an address, and I told them they didn't need it and to just put down the lab address. They said that was fine.

I highly recommend.

It's all good.  And I am sure those that play take tests regularly.  I know I do.  But, reading your reviews you NEVER mentioned a cover, aka  CONDOM.  Is that something that you use? Or do you just go bare?  I find that mentioning it is very important.  Thanks for the PSA.  Appreciate  it.  And NO, I am not blasting you,  just merely asking.  Thanks, again.  


Good call on referring to condom use in reviews.  Will remember to do that in the future.

We are on the same page as far as trying to keeping what we do as safe as we can.  But, we know that condoms are not always used, break, slip off etc...

We also know people are pretty selfish and are not going to get tested to keep others safe for the most part.  Which is why I posted the review.  It is important to remember you have a small window of time to get tested and to start life saving treatment if something shows up.  The sooner, the more likely you will be able to manage any health problems.  Does not get anymore selfish than self preservation.  

Even with that, you run into the excuse of not wanting to go through your doctor to test, use your name and shell out the cash.  

That is why I wanted everyone to know I finally found a place that is inexpensive and does not ask for ID (even says "don't ask for ID" on the lab papers you give to the front desk). On top of that, you don't have to see a doctor to get the results...they just email them to your monger email account.  

With all of these factors coming together, I think most of us will make the right call and get tested asap...It costs less than a 1hr session and could save your life.

and good for you getting peace of mind.

Yep...helps you sleep at night knowing you don't have something viral expanding inside of you and knowing time is of the essence to treat it.

One correction from the post.  The paper work tells the front desk to NOT check ID.  Wish I could edit.  Anyone know how?

you have a limited time to edit your post 12 or 24 hours.  There is a edit  button on the bottom
that will bring up your post in edit mode.

Is the edit button next to the reply button when it is available?  Never saw it.  Will check and see if it appears after I post this reply.


yes and you may have to be a vip to have edit privilege.

Never did see the edit button show up.  Are you using the new site or the classic site?

StirThePot168 reads

and thanks for sharing the information. I agree, $198 is a small price to pay for the great peace of mind it brings.
You should sleep very well knowing that you have an excellent clean bill of health.......all the way up to the moment that you walk out of your very next session. Then the same level of risk and worry is back to square-1.

Well...yes in a way.  This is something you are going to want to do multiple times a year.  You can start life saving treatment for everything under the sun these days if you catch it early enough.

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