
Re: Geez! Just call out the girl you're pissed at
AFICIONADO13 1822 reads
1 / 39

With all the talk across the boards about NSNC providers or ones that cancel at the last minute causing an inconvenience to the client. An idea pop in my head which I am sure some where this might have been mention before or something similar. Guys get black balled, charged cancelation fees and become talk of the town if we did this. Let me start off by saying that guys should pay a cancelation fee if they have to cancel within whatever time frame that provider has stated in their website or made put up a deposit to rebook. Both clients and providers should consider an appointment the same as a doctor, lawyer, or any other professional that their time is valuable and it means money.  

Some ladies may have a real reason, others are double booking to the highest bidder, and others just stop answering once you get to their place without explanation.  

Most guys will not name the provider or agency in fear of being blacklisted for outing them. An alias will not help you unless you wait 3 months or longer to report it if it’s even allowed for you to report a NSNC under an alias (I'm not sure) and it would not surprise me if most respectable providers that do this don’t keep a list of who they NSNC in case something pops up and blacklist everyone just to cover all their basis.  

What if TER had a spot on each provider’s profile where you can mark if they cancel, NSNC, or got you to their place and ceased all communication. Example: (they would have to at least have one review in order to have this function)  

A Box to check she canceled with 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, 6 hours, NSNC, or ceased communication once you arrived. That way there is a statistical number/percentage based on her amount of reviews she has located on her profile for guys to make a determination on whether or not they want to chance it.  

Let’s face it, the discussion post of a NCNS gets lost after time, but this way would be a quick way to see what her track record is.  

Now this would not affect her Appearance/Performance scores in any way nor would it remove them from a Top 100 list.  

The client cannot do an actual review nor can he select any services provided. Maybe they can have a spot where you can add details of what happen like “her car broke down” “sick” ect. But it would need to be under a different tab on her profile separate from her reviews.  

Of course the question would be if his name pops up by it, or an alias, or not at all. I personally don’t know which one would be best. I feel for guys that want to report but fear being blacklisted but I also see the right for the provider of facing their accuser.  

TER would have to investigate if the provider contest it as I imagine they do on reviews. I don’t imagine my review would stay up long if I posted a rip off on a provider that has 100 10’s even if it did happen. Unless I had proof or a lot of weight in my standing.  

This way a provider would maybe think twice before doing this or only in real uncontrollable circumstances.  

Guys would you use this feature if it was available? If so under what conditions? And you could still maybe get blacklisted.  

Ladies would you be willing to give a guy a discount to make it up to keep him from reporting it?  

Example Within 24 hours 25%off 18 hours 50%off 12 hours 75% off 6 hours, no show no call, or cease communication once he arrived a 100% free session. If he book 1 hour at 300 and you call within 24 hours he gets to rebook for 225 or he booked a 4 hour dinner date at 1200 and you called him 4 hours before and cancel he gets a free 4 hour dinner date. With all the trimmings. :)  

Would this make sense to compensate him for his frustration and earn his business? And deter ones that double book because they would lose money in the end so overall it did not benefit them to double book?

Both sides feel free to join in on this discussion. I would like to hear your opinions

TaylorLeighxxx See my TER Reviews 1486 reads
2 / 39

I offer ridiculous discounts to my clients if I have to cancel.. typically due to family matters. Do we really need another whore grading category on ter where guys can retaliate even if the situation was rectified? Men already post fake reviews for free membership, post a bad review after the girl declines to see him again (based on his behavior) nevermind the several appts prior that were all stellar.  
There was a ridiculous post on the GD board earlier about categorizing GFE standards and how a list of acronyms should place an escort. WTH??! Do guys all feel the need to write a new book of guidelines for p4p?
It is what it is! Find a reputable girl, be nice to her, and have fun! Those who keep bombarding girls with a list of acronyms, keep canceling on the girl, treat girl with little respect.. Expect the same in return!  
If your appts keep pulling a NCNS on you, call her out and find someone reputable.  
I can almost guarantee that the hobbyist vs provider NCNS is 2-1.  
Do gals incessantly bitch about this on the boards? .. NO.. because they'd catch shit til kingdom come from every asshat monger lurking on the boards.  
I just can't understand why men want to keep adding categories to judge and grade and belittle women.. especially since your purpose of being here is to stick your dick in them. Am I missing something?

Flame away boys!
I don't advertise here and I don't give a F**K:

malattomale 14 Reviews 996 reads
3 / 39

Wow Taylor Leigh! I think I'm in I understand your position.. I feel that after all, we all have lives and shit comes up. If you communicate with eachother all usually works out. Like you said, find a reputable girl and be nice to her. She will always put that first!

Bucky11 115 Reviews 1157 reads
4 / 39

Either call the girl out.....or don't, but I don't see the need to track this on  TER. The majority of reputable ladies will make things right and for those that just blow off appointments - word typically gets around.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 885 reads
5 / 39

I totally agree with Taylor.  In this space we play in there has to be a certain amount of trust given and expected.  If you stick to well established, well respected ladies that should minimize your exposure to NCNS.  Even so, we are human beings with complex lives and eventually something will get in the way of those plans.  And a good provider - or a good client - will make apologies and offer to "make it right" if that happens.  It's good business, it's common sense, and it's polite social behavior.

Ultimately on both sides of the fence all we have are our reputations.  If a provider or client develops a habit of NCNS you can be assured that word will get out and their reputation will suffer for it.  It may not seem like it at times ;-) but this is a small, well educated and close knit bunch of folks who generally do a good job looking out for each other.  I don't see any benefit to asking TER to develop the ability to track NCNS events on someone's TER profile.  Just do your homework and try and treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself.  Pretty simple really.

AninaLove See my TER Reviews 630 reads
6 / 39

Snaps finger, flips hair, and struts away!

ThisIsCaylee See my TER Reviews 2021 reads
7 / 39

If you were 15 minutes late to an appointment, does the donation go up 25%? Lol!

In my experience, if all communication just stops, it's because the client said or did something to make the provider feel uncomfortable. For instance, mentioning donations in an email. Any hobbyist who's been around for a minute or two should know that's a no-no. And if I think I'm being "set-up", I will cease and desist all communication, without an explanation. Soooo, if this is happening to you too frequently, stop and ask yourself, "What am I doing?" instead of bashing the provider.


alboy 1 Reviews 731 reads
8 / 39

Damn, Taylor nailed it!  But that's life.  Stuff comes up and our plans change.  There's no point in dragging a provider's name through the mud because of this.  If you don't like it then just move on and find someone else who can provide you with the service you want and expect.  Maybe providers should have the option of marking hobbyists as NCNS when they pull the same thing.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 1244 reads
9 / 39

If a guy starts acting unstable or bsc before a meeting then I will stop comunication or tell him to turn around n head back home.  
This stuff does happen n every single lady I know is not going to take any chances.
Hugs and kisses

cashorcredit 705 reads
10 / 39

And that's the shitty part, it happens on both sides.  

I don't understand why some men and woman make this so complicated, you schedule the appointment if something comes up let the other person know in an ample amount of time.  

NCNS and Last second cancelations should result in blacklisting plain and simple.  

I don't know how much the men are guilty of this, but I can say 98% of the ladies I see are very professional heck some even show up earlier than scheduled appointment time, but there is one gal because she's become very popular and high volume now, I receive ever excuse in the world when I book her and she no shows.... on the + side she's saved me a lot of money lol.  

If you feel you are getting your time wasted, just tell her how you feel. I find that it's better to work things out with a provider, before blasting her on the boards. Tell her how you feel give her a chance to improve, if she continues to no show, at that point you can let us know who it is so the rest of us can avoid.

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 4:19:54 AM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 855 reads
11 / 39

You must have a lot of time in your hands and don’t know how to enjoy your free time instead of pissing it away. You do realize that, your just pissing in the wind.

Most who are in this hobby know how to handle a NCNS situation if they ever get into one (which is rare) and those who get into the NCNS situation is looking for fun in all the wrong places.  

Write away all you want but you rate the only giving two hoots about your opinion.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1142 reads
12 / 39

There are ditzy providers around so, you are not 100% correct. Best solution is stick with reputable agencies and Indies. The issue is bit more acute with ides compared to reputable agencies.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 711 reads
13 / 39

reputed agencies and indies. Agencies does have an advantage, they can always offer an alternative.

DamienScott 755 reads
14 / 39

WK rim boy lol

Posted By: malattomale
Wow Taylor Leigh! I think I'm in I understand your position.. I feel that after all, we all have lives and shit comes up. If you communicate with eachother all usually works out. Like you said, find a reputable girl and be nice to her. She will always put that first!

cashorcredit 773 reads
15 / 39

she was reputable and she was notorious for NCNS.  

There's only one gal that I have scheduling issues with, she's reputable as well... and she's a phenomenal provider... she just has scheduling issues that she needs to address.  

But like I said in my above post, 98% of the gals I see treat me well and they're very professional, so I tend not to harp on the one provider that needs to improve her customer service.    


-- Modified on 10/11/2014 5:38:18 AM

malattomale 14 Reviews 918 reads
16 / 39

Not sure what that means.. But any pussy can talk shit behind an alias..  

Posted By: DamienScott
WK rim boy lol  
Posted By: malattomale
Wow Taylor Leigh! I think I'm in I understand your position.. I feel that after all, we all have lives and shit comes up. If you communicate with eachother all usually works out. Like you said, find a reputable girl and be nice to her. She will always put that first!

jbob0099 14 Reviews 653 reads
17 / 39

Could not have put it better!!!! Well said and I would assume reasonably accurate analysis.

GaGambler 1542 reads
18 / 39

and you know what a big fan of "drunk hookers" I am. lol

NCNS happens at both ends of the P4P spectrum, as you said about CK, she was a VERY highly reviewed provider here, but as flakey as they come where it comes to actually showing up as scheduled.

cashorcredit 764 reads
19 / 39

They wanted to see if she would show up lol. That was the point I was trying to get AF to see, highly reviewed means nothing when it comes to NCNS.

We know CK's known for throwing back a few, but I've always wondered if she could out drink you.

LeslieAwnwoodxxx See my TER Reviews 800 reads
20 / 39

OK, so my policy is discounts on last minute cancelations, unfortunately things happen and it sucks for BOTH parties

bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 816 reads
21 / 39

Personally, I feel that if an unexpected emergency comes up or unexpected circumstances comes up. It would be right to notify the provider or client that you can't make it and be respectful by it. Now if a person does a NC or NS then the right thing that the provider or client do is keep it moving and put a block or whatever on their phone or whatever communication de facto and move on. Sometimes its baffling that either the client or the provider harp on that the party does either wrong for cancelling or not calling. Life is more than that one person or whatever and there are so many providers or clients out there then to cry over spill milk. Now I have a question about your point. Lets say that there is an extreme emergency like their child might have to go to the hospital or something extreme and they couldn't call you the exact time frame for meeting but try to contact you maybe hours later or the next day. Should they be blacklist or punished for some really unexpected emergency? Also, what would be the chances that you would see them again?

AFICIONADO13 686 reads
22 / 39

I see from all the comments this would be a bad idea. It's really sad that some clients and providers blackmail and extort the other for their own gain. Whether it's reviews, money, discounts, services, ect.  

I don't know if some of the comments was directed towards me or just speaking in general but I wanted to clarify that I have not been canceled on or NSNC in a long time so this was nothing personal it was just a thought and a topic

AFICIONADO13 622 reads
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Well Joe in answer to your question "if" something like this did exists. I think the client should give the provider 2-4 days to respond back and state her reason if it was a NSNC. I don't think the guy should harass her he should try to make contact when the appointment time has pass and then again within a day or two. After that if she did not respond I honestly don't think she will. I think it would be ok to post your experience of what happen publicly but not before then. For this no I would not rebook.

If it was a medical emergency  and her reason was for a "child" then I would certainly hope she is not one that would lie about something like this. I would not make no public announcement and would not have the nerve to ask her for any type of discount or accept one if she offered and I would certainly try to rebook again. For a death in the family the same thing

AFICIONADO13 752 reads
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Of course not silly what do you think this is you know all of us men are just one sided and want things our way. LOL but seriously I would leave after 45 minutes. I always set a timer on my phone. Not for the provider it's because of me.  I like to talk to much over some wine and if I don't watch myself all of a sudden I get that glare and it's like oh lord I did it. One of the reasons I normally book 2-4 hour dates to meet first at a bar for a couple of cocktails or restaurant for dinner and still learn to carry enough for an extra hour donation amount and have to ask if the have another appointment and pray they don't because of my motor mouth, while ignoring her touch to my knee to get things started and look over at the clock and notice I got 15 minutes left, but I am normally a one pop guy anyways.

See my point I have I have already gone off subject. Anyways...

I mean I know all the no no's. Donations, services, non business emails, text, calls that are just creepy. I am sure some provider has gotten the "hey what are doing" or worse!!! After pre book a green light email/text the day before and one 3 hours before that should be it.  

And I don't want to know any trade secrets of what a provider "looks for" or "set up". From the guy getting out the car with an ax to just a really old ugly fat guy and you say ugh I can't do this.  

But the one question I do have is.  

Why would you ignore the guy and cease communication without at least a I change my mind, I'm sick, f off, or something. Just to let him know this appointment is not going to happen. Not carry on a conversation or explain yourself just a few words or sentence? ( I know I know a lot of guys still will not leave it alone) Is this really better damage control than saying something? Has it proven that he is more likely to out you and posted a fake review because you said those few words or sentence as revenge vs. not saying anything at all? or any reason you think this is the best way to handle this?

Instead of leaving him standing there scratching his head

ThisIsCaylee See my TER Reviews 679 reads
25 / 39

As a matter of fact, I am I said, "In my experience"...

Anything I say, that tells MY experience is just that.

Posted By: anonymousfun
There are ditzy providers around so, you are not 100% correct. Best solution is stick with reputable agencies and Indies. The issue is bit more acute with ides compared to reputable agencies.

GaGambler 663 reads
26 / 39

We were supposed to get together for drinks a couple of times, but our schedules never seemed to mesh, I think we might have had some fun as she seemed like a fun girl. Flakey as all get out, but fun. lol

TaylorLeighxxx See my TER Reviews 812 reads
27 / 39

I don't consider highly reviewed and reputable to be the same. Everyone reading this board (when she was around) knew that she had a reputation for flaking

DamienScott 742 reads
28 / 39

Good to see your lady WK's have surfaced to support you here. Candyass.  

Posted By: malattomale
Not sure what that means.. But any pussy can talk shit behind an alias..  
Posted By: DamienScott
WK rim boy lol  
Posted By: malattomale
Wow Taylor Leigh! I think I'm in I understand your position.. I feel that after all, we all have lives and shit comes up. If you communicate with eachother all usually works out. Like you said, find a reputable girl and be nice to her. She will always put that first!

Bucky11 115 Reviews 486 reads
29 / 39

As you may know, I am well acquainted with miss CK and  must say  = the good times well outweighed the bad times... and I wish she was still around! We didn't always see eye to eye but when we did......mmmmm...oh yeah!

GaGambler 651 reads
30 / 39

Fuck what the herd thinks, I like the idea. Right now the only recourse is to call her out on her regional board, which usually ends up with her WhiteKnights telling the poster "How dare you?"

Not to mention on the few occasions where the guy has the stones to name names, the thread falls off the first page in a couple of days about and except in the cases of repeat offenders is forgotten about.

Women definitely remember the guys that NCNS on them, and rightfully so. Why shouldn't we have the same option, after all TER was created for the guys, wasn't it?

AninaLove See my TER Reviews 660 reads
31 / 39

Don't worry, that's just his way of flirting.  

The boards just wouldn't feel right without the trolls, ya know?

DamienScott 622 reads
32 / 39

"Proof?" Such as? Please help here.  

Posted By: JuliasLittleSecret
NCNS and double-booking ladies should be reported as well, as long as there is proof of it happening.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 594 reads
33 / 39

Thanks so much for proving her point. Its people like you that should just go fuck themselves n save all of us the time of dealing with a miserable Fucktard! You're either a guy that can't get his weenie sucked right or a bitter ass bitch so seriously GFY with all your negativity on this board  
Have a great day :)
Hugs and kisses

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 750 reads
34 / 39

Yep he rims my ass but who's rimming yours?? You seem to be a miserable person? here is a great idea!! If you can't find someone to fuck you real good  to make yuu feel better then GFY.;) Ya know you only come here to spew shit from your mouth. Gee how attractive lol!!  
Ummmm have we met????? Lol

austin197 2 Reviews 612 reads
35 / 39

CNS isn't that big of an offense. While it is frustrating there are just too many providers out there to let it be a big deal....for me anyway. I have a very tight schedule and if I get a NCNS I just remember it and move on. Where there is one provider who does double book or just is plain uncourteous there is another that doesn't do this.  

I have an ATF that is the best. Great communication and has worked with my schedule. That is one of the reasons I keep returning. Those who have been a NCNS are on my personal blacklist. It would be no problem to post bad reviews or try and retaliate but what would be the point? The only benefit would be perhaps saving some other client the headache of having to deal with the same crap. I could see that.Other than that it is best to be courteous and considerate at all times. If a provider doesn't act the same in return then just move on.

AFICIONADO13 553 reads
36 / 39

I just through something together and put it out there. I didn't spend days working out this perfect model. The problem with the proof is us clients cannot expect the provider to fax over a hospital bill or EOB to prove it actually happen for very obvious safety concerns. So.... (will everyone get a ding sure it’s going to happen but that’s life) What I personally would be looking for is the NSNC Cease communication after arrival at her incall, and 3 hour ummmm somewhat.  

It would just if something like this did exist like I said before, it would have to be a number and percentage relative to the amount of reviews the provider as.  Scratch that. Actually it would have to be very proactive due to a client seeing her once doing a review then becoming a regular seeing her once every week or two.  

So the best way I see it as of now (once again this is just a thought/topic for discussion) Every time you see the lady you would have to go to her TER profile and find whatever box, drop down menu ect and make a selection. Say... (I am not going to include being late because that is really crazy because I am not going to sit outside your incall very long without answer because I don't want attention drawn to me and neither should you and for outcall well after a reasonable amount of time I try to find someone else or go to bed)

This could only be used in a 24 hours or less situation. (More than 24 hours you cannot report)
In the form of a check box or drop down menu with a submit button.

A. Appointment Completed
B. Canceled with 24 hours
C. Canceled within 12 hours
D. 6  
E. 3
D. Ceased communication/Once you arrived at her incall

Then as TER does they have the Total Number overall/each category and percentage overall and each category.

Yes this needs to be stamped with a user name/alias something it cannot be totally anonymous with their reviews to that name if applicable to put creditability behind it or this was some guy that just created one yesterday. Some type of moderation would need to be in place to stop clients from staying up all night going in order clicking whatever I felt. No more than one a day or whatever. Look for suspicious reports and maybe an easy removal system for questionable reports. TER could remove and archive the report unless a pattern forms and they place them all back.  

As stated this would not affect her appearance, performance, or top 100 and anything else.  

A separate box just showing numbers and statistics so a client can make an informed decision of this provider has 85% complete 5% NSNC and 10% cease communication after arriving at her incall.  

Hell most of that probably don't make any sense because I just pulled it out of my butt. However you get the point.  

To make a lady think twice about canceling for something that is not legit or double booking.  

Yes I know there will be evil of blackmail and extortion just like any other review or black list.

malattomale 14 Reviews 755 reads
37 / 39

Lmao.. I know.. if you search.. you will see that he said he missed me when I was gone..lmao..(in a previous post)..  
Someone please offer this guy a discount so be can finally get laid!

DamienScott 630 reads
38 / 39

Huh. And here I thought we had something going. At least we did in another incarnation. Your bitterness and anger are kind of hot here. At least you were sweeter in peeson. Adios!

Posted By: terrilynn
Thanks so much for proving her point. Its people like you that should just go fuck themselves n save all of us the time of dealing with a miserable Fucktard! You're either a guy that can't get his weenie sucked right or a bitter ass bitch so seriously GFY with all your negativity on this board  
 Have a great day :)  
 Hugs and kisses  

DamienScott 637 reads
39 / 39

I DID miss you! You're my BFF!

Posted By: malattomale
Lmao.. I know.. if you search.. you will see that he said he missed me when I was gone..lmao..(in a previous post)..  
 Someone please offer this guy a discount so be can finally get laid!

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