
Re: False assessment
Caldon 282 Reviews 107 reads

I used to write a lot of reviews, not so much these days

I’ve noticed a trend in reviewing suspect providers on here lately. I’ve learned to check out the number of reviews that each reviewer has before I actually believe the review. Case in point, a new provider has either 4 or 5 reviews by people that for each one this was their only review. Be cautious when deciding on seeing a provider based on review.

I noticed the same thing...  three glowing reviews from first time reviewers and then one bad one from a known reviewer, followed by another glowing review from a first timer...

Oddly enough, three were removed by TER.

I have had a hobbyist email me directly after reading my review (which was glowing) and it didn't jive with some less than optimal reviews in the past.  So he emailed me directly to inquire.  
I would recommend emailing other users to try to get a clearer picture of the provider.  Plus, you can make new friends/users (online only) to discuss providers and other issues!

But if you email a (suspected) bogus reviewer won’t they just verify that yes, the provider they reviewed was as amazing as they indicated in the review??

Been on here 2 decades  and only get 1 or 2 reviews  a year if that alot of guys aren't writers

Indeed…2-5 reviews a year is great if you don’t pay clients to write reviews for you

Posted By: ExecutiveCompanionsAtlanta
Re: False assessment  
Been on here 2 decades  and only get 1 or 2 reviews  a year if that alot of guys aren't writers

I used to write a lot of reviews, not so much these days

Another review posted this morning about a brand new provider posted by someone that this was his first review. What are the odds?

That's why it's always good to do your homework, and why going with your "gut" can often be helpful in avoiding a bad situation with a suspect provider. I had someone DM me about a provider I've reviewed, questioning whether it was a fake review.  

I find that insulting, as anyone who knows me, knows that I don't do fake reviews. Ever. I may not be as prominent as I once was, but my reviews are always trustworthy. I will gladly help anyone who reaches out, as I appreciated help I received when I first started out. It's a crazy scene out there these days, and it helps having a guide thru choppy seas.

I think some people just make up reviews also. I have reviews that say they met me at a hotel. I've never worked at or met anyone in a hotel.

Hi Rxrep: I recently came back into the world of providing. I decided to reopen my account on TER just because... From a female perspective, I think it's cool to review but I also think you should be able to ask your provider what he or she wants and they like. I was on a few years back and I was able to see a portion of my reviews because they were on someone else's account because I worked with an agency. I recently was asked if I had reviews and I said I prefer not so share I don't mind if you write a review but there are so many expectations that come with reviews. I'd like a person to experience me for me.  

BTW you can find me on or IG - Maddisonkr221

I also don't write reviews very often. I had sort od moved into the SB scene for a bit but have started getting back in the hobby. I only write reviews if there's something everyone needs to know.

OlympicGold75 reads

I don’t really understand your point  

Did someone rip you off ?

Reviews should always be taken with a grain of salt and vetted as best you can.  Even Amazon, which is where online reviews began, has problems with bogus reviews.  It used to be one could even earn a little money on the side writing phony Amazon reviews.  So, no matter the platform, you're going to have slicksters and scammers trying to game the system.  

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