
Re: Auto response can have signatures. (e)
YouAreSaying 381 reads

Then they would come everytime you sent an email.
I got a response only the 2nd time I sent a reminder.

Posted By: xyz23

YouAreSaying2178 reads

So you see this pretty thing on the AdBoard and try to make a contact.
You provide all the details in your own way: provider referrals, ter handles etc., and you hope for a genuine response.
What you get instead is an impersonal, mechanical reply asking the same information again.
I mean, seriously, why these assistants are paid when they dont even take the pain to read any email to find the information that they are looking for?
It appears as if they have too many clients and they cant care less.
This happens more often than you'd like to believe.
And when you gently point out that information is already provided, they just go blank and wouldnt respond any further.
In my opinion, lot of them do more disservice than service to both the hobbyist and provider

YouAreSaying673 reads

I dont want to hurt anyone's business. It has to be something really annoying when I bad mouth anyone.
I just hope that either upscale providers will take note of this post and ask their assistants to use their brains or
 when enough people are pissed off and stop calling, they will know.
As for my alias, I am not in a mood to waste time answering trolls(not intended for you).

GaGambler619 reads

So why worry about hurting their business? Think of it as doing them a favor.

Or is it possible you are too chickenshit to name names? Not calling you chickenshit or anything of the kind, but it does raise the question.

I hope you realize that calling out assistants for doing their jobs poorly is just like when a hooker calls out "some" of her johns for not knowing how to wash their ass. The ones that it applies to NEVER think she is talking about them. I doubt any assistant or hooker is going to read your post and think you are talking about them, I am sure they are all confident that you are talking about some other hooker. BUT if you'd come out from behind your alias "perhaps" a couple of the ladies you've seen might wonder if indeed it is them you are talking about and take steps to make sure their assistants are doing their jobs properly.

and just how does using an alias prevent trolls from contacting you?

GaGambler504 reads

Not fed up enough to actually do anything about it.

You and I can't be the only two people here who are fed up with whiners without the balls to name names, can we?

I have to tip my hat to the guy who blasted VIP Veronica for bad behavior and did it under his real handle and wasn't afraid to stand up to the White Knights, we need more guys (and gals) like him and less like this cowardly little whiner.

YouAreSaying457 reads

Enough. This what I was trying to avoid.Stop pretending that you are some kind of hero by posting on a fuckboard. John is a John just like a Hooker is a Hooker.No matter how many names you take.

YouAreSaying501 reads

And there's hardly any chivalry about posting on a fuckboard,  real name or alias. Just dont want to spend the energy on trolls.
If I take names, even if it wouldnt hurt their business, it will get into a mud-slinging match with their supporters, white-knights etc.
Again, not afraid of them, they are not worth the time.
I am much better off taking the long shot.'ll be taken to the alias's PM window. Type what you want to say and click submit.

Thats why I left the agencies, I had a lot of people saying they were trying to book with me for months meanwhile I was barely doing calls. Glad I'm independent and I can be more personal with clients, I don't mind the good morning or good night texts and the occasional meet up for lunch on a friend friend bases.
Going independent Its NOT that hard to screen clients and get the appointment set, That just sounds like pure lazy.

Best of luck

e-mails.....Screening, booking, etc....Sometimes it takes 2-3 days, AND when you are working with popular/in demand Ladies., their e-mail accounts are flooded..

The ladies I book, have full lives OUTSIDE of the industry. travel alot, and don't have the time to sit on the computer all day...If it works for YOU, great., but don't throw shade at the Ladies who "choose" to have one.

As far as the "OP"???....Reservation Forms/Screening questions are there for a reason, and when it says "100% of the info is required", that's EXACTLY what it means....When a potential client JUST sends me an e-mail that says.........Hi.....You available?......Here is my TER handle, and I have reviewed "Jane Smith".....He will get back EXACTLY what he put out.....A VERY short reply saying, Please read the Webpage AGAIN, and send the proper info...

Some Clients create waaaaaaaay too much UNNECESSARY work, and most do it on purpose., just to have communication....Those I can spot a mile away, and they will not get an Appt.....They will forever go directly to this Vacation spot, called "SPAM"....Ever heard of it?. :)

Mimi says it's NOT hard to go independent, well it's NOT hard for Gents to READ the screening requirements....You would be surprised "Mr. "OP", as to how well you are treated., when sending the proper information in your VERY FIRST e-mail.....Not just the information "YOU" choose to send. :) :)

I have a hard time believing that any Gents who respect the screening process, would ever post something like the "OP"......Soooooooo, kinda makes you wonder....You said it was "not worth your time" to name names Mr. "OP", BUT it sure was "worth your time" to post this thread.....Hmmmmmm

If a lady requires info you are not comfortable with, then it's best to move along to another Lady.

Peace out..

Kayla~ Xo



Posted By: Mimilovesyou
Thats why I left the agencies, I had a lot of people saying they were trying to book with me for months meanwhile I was barely doing calls. Glad I'm independent and I can be more personal with clients, I don't mind the good morning or good night texts and the occasional meet up for lunch on a friend friend bases.  
 Going independent Its NOT that hard to screen clients and get the appointment set, That just sounds like pure lazy.  
 Best of luck  
-- Modified on 5/12/2016 9:32:14 PM

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 9:33:09 PM

YouAreSaying369 reads

Ladies are busy and so are the hobbyists.  
Thats why you are hired to do some stuff on someone else's behalf.
Otherwise, there is no use for you.So, when referral for a popular provider is given including ter handle, contact info, reviews etc. move that fat ass of yours and find out the particular information that you are looking for on this very board.  
Its not rocket science.
For another case, if you really need to confirm an appointment made only a day ago with agreed upon time around noon, then let the client know that you will be sending an email to confirm in the morning. That way, they will be looking for it.
Just like providers have private lives, so do some hobbyists. I may not be looking at each and every email from you, no matter how hot you think the provider is. This is specially true when appointments are made in a small duration. Show respect to your clients like any other business does or wait to get perished due to your own arrogance

Or, these dozen donut's!!. :( :(

I will get off my fat lazy ass next time, and give you better "Assistant" service...

Paaaaaaleeeezze forgive me!!.

My bad..


I am trying to understand what the problem is. Did you try to book someone and the assistant didn't help you out or did you two had a disagreement? Please explain.

YouAreSaying533 reads

No disagreement. I already provided the personal and reference details in the very first email.  Got a machine language response: "please provide 2 references, your contact number, yada yada yada".  
When I politely said its there, just in a different format, they didnt respond.
There was another instance when I booked an afternoon appointment for the next day and everything was set. Then I came to know at the last moment that my  appoinment was cancelled because I didnt confirm meeting time in the morning of the day of appointment!  
When I am asking for a particular time and you said yes, do I have to reconfirm? Time was mentioned in the very subject line that you confirmed.
 How dumb one has to be to not even look at the subject line and say" you did not confirm the time" ?
There have been lot of such instances, all because either someone was too dumb or just not wanting to put effort.

Was the email an automated response?  Sounds like it.  Seems like a lot of the ladies are now using assistants.

Yeah that does suck. Well, there are plenty of others who will be more than willing to see you. I mean if you provide the screening requirements and etc, and you still getting the run around then that isn't right at all, especially since you passed screening, that is what I assume.

Some ladies like you to confirm the appointment the morning of just to make sure nothing has come up to cause the meeting not to take place. Were you asked to confirm the appointment the morning of? If so, how much trouble is it to shoot a quick e mail stating everything is still good to go?

Sounds like you got an auto response...Independent ladies do this as well....what is the problem?

It's nice that you provided a beans. Doesn't mean Mr.Hobbyist will not change said time. Also what is wrong with confirming. You could have got stuck in traffic, things come up on Mr.Hobbyist end.  

Do you know how many hobbyist cancels minutes prior to the appt with the they were abducted by aliens blah.

I'm sure you were going to show up, keep in mind some don't.


YouAreSaying435 reads

No it wasnt a machine-machine auto response. It was a human-machine auto response because it was signed by a dumb assistant machine.

YouAreSaying382 reads

Then they would come everytime you sent an email.
I got a response only the 2nd time I sent a reminder.

Posted By: xyz23

Maybe I've been lucky but, I've only had a VERY FEW issues with assistants/schedulers. I gave up on Niki a long time ago due to no response and more recently, LKAtlanta. With the latter, I sent the required information and after not getting a response, I emailed to ensure they got my info. Again, no response. There are so many great Indies and Agencies in ATL, I figure "no big deal." Generally, I'd have to say the assistants I've dealt with have been great.

Use them because they have a busy life outside of this lifestyle, families to  
take care of, or *gasp* a career in a different profession or than escorting, not sitting round hovering over y emails, or lurking sites like this :)  

I LOVE my assistant. She's up very early, and doesn't stop until very late, day in and out. She has been a blessing.  

I'm always peeking at my emails when I can, and will respond if warranted. I too believe they get the short end of the stick, and should be praised more. They weed out the time wasters, bad boys and boys who wont give the information we need to feel safe to see a gentleman.

Maybe she has a rule in place regarding any of those mentioned above.  

Please do not take it personal, just research a new lady and cross your fingers. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

All the best,


YouAreSaying473 reads

No need to spend time.
But then the troll in you will not be satisfied.
So have the time of your life reading and commenting on stuff, and then blame the poster.

Dreamcatcher350 reads

You're right. He did not get the response he expected. That's because most of us are level headed enough to know nothing is perfect. Roll with it the best you can, and have fun! This IS supposed to be about having FUN right?!?!

I like what Ginger Taylor posted too.

Kimberly DC and Kate M. You rock ladies....They have both been extremely responsive and professional over the years.

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