
Meagan See my TER Reviews 616 reads
1 / 30

I'm pretty sure he knows who it is if he also knows the agency she works with.  If it were me, I'd want to know.  If I already knew and was okay with, then no-harm-no-fowl.  

Your logic here is a little off IMHO.

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 624 reads
2 / 30

With all of the Celebrity Sex Tapes out there, with all the scandals of sexy pictures over Twitter and Facebook. why would anyone engaged in any sexual activity think that a camera in the room means anything less than World Wide Web exposure? Why doesn't everyone presume, perhaps wrongly, that a camera in the room means you're consenting to seeing yourself on some random free video porn site spreading malware?

I've seen a number of customers in my personal business, particularly females, who have had to live with the shame of an alcohol coerced BJ (gangbang, etc.) video sent through school/college/work. hey, we were all young and dumb once, right? I know for certain that the providers I've seen are aware of this consequence, and when they say discrete - they are aware of all of what that entails.

Inform her if you wish, but if she's a pro like you say, then I think you're wasting your efforts.

my 2 cents

MSHSEX 569 reads
3 / 30

There is nothing "coercive" about alcohol. It merely reduces one's ability to think clearly and reduces inhibitions to a certain extent. As for being "young and dumb", people reap what they sow.

Posted By: ga_kosh

I've seen a number of customers in my personal business, particularly females, who have had to live with the shame of an alcohol coerced BJ (gangbang, etc.) video sent through school/college/work. hey, we were all young and dumb once, right? I know for certain that the providers I've seen are aware of this consequence, and when they say discrete - they are aware of all of what that entails.

cmorganz 4 Reviews 1349 reads
4 / 30

I came across a video of a well reviewed provider that works for an agency depicting one of her "appoinments"; it was obvious she knew she was being filmed.  I have not seen her personally; nor have I dealt with her agency.  It seems to me that this could be a breech of trust between her and a client and I am compelled to at least let her know about it. My question is: is this any of my business? Do I let her know(if so, how)? Is it expected that if you allow filming, that it will end up on the internet?

I WILL NOT be providing a link, nor will I be naming the lady in question, please don't ask.

bballs 40 Reviews 523 reads
5 / 30
pwilley 59 Reviews 752 reads
6 / 30

So, you feel that "any" time you happen to run across a pic or video on the web that might depict somebody you think you know, that somehow it's your duty to locate the person, contact him/her, so you can reveal that you saw it.  What is there about what you saw that makes you think it's any of your business or that it is on the web without his/her permission?  

There are literally hundreds of thousands of "amateur" porn vids on the web.  Hell, I've probably seen a hundred or more where the participants are people I know from their photos on this site and others.  Following your lead, do you think it's your duty to call every one of them too.

Just saying....

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 428 reads
7 / 30

It's a common request for Gent's to ask to film or take pictures during a session and some providers are very ok with it.  In fact, it may have been done by her agency as a promo video.  I would definitely tell them but I have a feeling everyone involved is probably very aware.  Thanks for caring enough to get involved.  e

Posted By: cmorganz
I came across a video of a well reviewed provider that works for an agency depicting one of her "appoinments"; it was obvious she knew she was being filmed.  I have not seen her personally; nor have I dealt with her agency.  It seems to me that this could be a breech of trust between her and a client and I am compelled to at least let her know about it. My question is: is this any of my business? Do I let her know(if so, how)? Is it expected that if you allow filming, that it will end up on the internet?

I WILL NOT be providing a link, nor will I be naming the lady in question, please don't ask.

RileyCum See my TER Reviews 574 reads
8 / 30

I agree, please tell the agency, so that way we can all be notified and take caution of people who do things life this..
Just recently I was a victim of a client trying to record me. I confronted him, he treatened to black mail me. He was  banned from ever coming from our agency. And from this site.
Its scary, we use complete discression with our clients. Protect their lives ect.. But who protects us..
So yes tell some one...

Posted By: Meagan
I'm pretty sure he knows who it is if he also knows the agency she works with.  If it were me, I'd want to know.  If I already knew and was okay with, then no-harm-no-fowl.  

Your logic here is a little off IMHO.

MSHSEX 532 reads
9 / 30

What is the harm in his alerting the subject of this video? Do YOU have something to worry about with regards to this issue?

Posted By: pwilley
So, you feel that "any" time you happen to run across a pic or video on the web that might depict somebody you think you know, that somehow it's your duty to locate the person, contact him/her, so you can reveal that you saw it.  What is there about what you saw that makes you think it's any of your business or that it is on the web without his/her permission?  

There are literally hundreds of thousands of "amateur" porn vids on the web.  Hell, I've probably seen a hundred or more where the participants are people I know from their photos on this site and others.  Following your lead, do you think it's your duty to call every one of them too.

Just saying....

Honey_Badger 574 reads
10 / 30

All the responses thus far assume the client was aware of the video or was the person initiating the video.  But in rereading the OP, it isn't that clear.  

If the gentleman client wasn't aware that he was being filmed and the lady was, that is an entirely different question - both the Agency and lady should be exposed.

However, if he was aware (or initiated the video) and she was also aware (as you do indicate), the fact it ended up on the internet should be expected, even if there were promises keep it private.  Anyone that is stupid enough to be filmed in a P4P session should be at least smart enough to realize that it may not remain private and that is the risk they take.

Meagan See my TER Reviews 477 reads
11 / 30 I meant 'no-foul'.  oops.

pwilley 59 Reviews 548 reads
12 / 30

Your insinuation is unwarranted and frankly out of line.  But alas, it is typical... never anything posted by you that isn't couched in sarcasm... I know, must by your upbringing... LOL

It never ceases to amaze me how some folks just can't seem to keep their nose out of everyone elses business.  So he saw a video and decided, oh my, I better go tell somebody... WTF.  As someone else said, if he thinks his destiny is to be the "saintly" then just send the girl a note.  But alas, no, it's gotta be a thread on the board... And, we've got others who think it's their destinity to be the personal trainer for newbie girls, and then we of course have the typical folks who feel it's their destinity to tell others how to act in the hobby, what pictures to post, what themes to present, ad vomita...  Ya, maybe I'm one of these too because I'm writing this.... guilty....  but it just makes me have to sit back and laugh at all the experts who think they know and must tell everyone else how to conduct their hobby activities.

Why can't folks just deal with the hobby in their own way and stop presenting themselves like they've been appointed by the gods as the master of the hobby.

MSHSEX 525 reads
13 / 30

Thanks for the nice long-winded answer and attempts of obfuscation. You still did NOT answer the question. Namely, what's the harm in alerting the subject of the video? YOU don't have anything to worry about, do you?

Posted By: pwilley
Your insinuation is unwarranted and frankly out of line.  But alas, it is typical... never anything posted by you that isn't couched in sarcasm... I know, must by your upbringing... LOL

It never ceases to amaze me how some folks just can't seem to keep their nose out of everyone elses business.  So he saw a video and decided, oh my, I better go tell somebody... WTF.  As someone else said, if he thinks his destiny is to be the "saintly" then just send the girl a note.  But alas, no, it's gotta be a thread on the board... And, we've got others who think it's their destinity to be the personal trainer for newbie girls, and then we of course have the typical folks who feel it's their destinity to tell others how to act in the hobby, what pictures to post, what themes to present, ad vomita...  Ya, maybe I'm one of these too because I'm writing this.... guilty....  but it just makes me have to sit back and laugh at all the experts who think they know and must tell everyone else how to conduct their hobby activities.

Why can't folks just deal with the hobby in their own way and stop presenting themselves like they've been appointed by the gods as the master of the hobby.

pwilley 59 Reviews 515 reads
14 / 30

Nosy little devil aren't you.... LOL .... of course not .... never posted any pic/vid on the web, not even U tube.

HarlandSanders 2 Reviews 478 reads
15 / 30

Posted By: ga_kosh

I've seen a number of customers in my personal business, particularly females, who have had to live with the shame of an alcohol coerced BJ (gangbang, etc.) video sent through school/college/work.

The sad part is you are probably a public school teacher.

MSHSEX 661 reads
16 / 30

Not nosy, but the "Devil IS in the details". Just trying to understand why you are against alerting the working girl in question when there is no harm in doing so.

Posted By: pwilley
Nosy little devil aren't you.... LOL .... of course not .... never posted any pic/vid on the web, not even U tube.

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 412 reads
17 / 30

Do not disagree with your opinion, but like the new word.

Theme day pictures about how sweet and good a provider can be vs some of their naughtiest or nastinest fantasies?

Not sure where this reply fits in your categories?  Probably sarcastic huh?  Lol

pwilley 59 Reviews 512 reads
18 / 30

I don't either, but I like it... LOL .... Now if I could just get you to think like I do it would be a better hobby world.... LMAO

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 524 reads
19 / 30

I agree that perhaps "coerced" was not the best word, but how often do we hear "I was Soooooo Drunk" as an excuse by males and females alike?
Me? I learned my limits and try not to push them. I was also "a pass out, got A$$HOLE written on my face in permanent marker after my so-called friends shaved just one leg and hid my truck around the block" type of drunk.  
Young and Dumb, my friend, but back then it was more of the "Alcohol made me do it" denial BS.

Posted By: MSHSEX
There is nothing "coercive" about alcohol. It merely reduces one's ability to think clearly and reduces inhibitions to a certain extent. As for being "young and dumb", people reap what they sow.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 543 reads
20 / 30

You don't know her. Have not seen her but still you raise a privacy issue which I understand. But the video could be by request may be it is to get into porno!

Posted By: cmorganz
I came across a video of a well reviewed provider that works for an agency depicting one of her "appoinments"; it was obvious she knew she was being filmed.  I have not seen her personally; nor have I dealt with her agency.  It seems to me that this could be a breech of trust between her and a client and I am compelled to at least let her know about it. My question is: is this any of my business? Do I let her know(if so, how)? Is it expected that if you allow filming, that it will end up on the internet?

I WILL NOT be providing a link, nor will I be naming the lady in question, please don't ask.

MSHSEX 477 reads
21 / 30

You're right about so many men and women using alcohol as an excuse for the stupidity of their actions and behavior. It happens so often that it's hard to find sympathy towards those who have been seriously injured as a result (e.g. the recent revelations of Military Academy students (women) who were raped because they were drunk on their own accord and blitzed out of their minds).

Posted By: ga_kosh
I agree that perhaps "coerced" was not the best word, but how often do we hear "I was Soooooo Drunk" as an excuse by males and females alike?
Me? I learned my limits and try not to push them. I was also "a pass out, got A$$HOLE written on my face in permanent marker after my so-called friends shaved just one leg and hid my truck around the block" type of drunk.  
Young and Dumb, my friend, but back then it was more of the "Alcohol made me do it" denial BS.
Posted By: MSHSEX
There is nothing "coercive" about alcohol. It merely reduces one's ability to think clearly and reduces inhibitions to a certain extent. As for being "young and dumb", people reap what they sow.

pwilley 59 Reviews 443 reads
22 / 30

Well, dude, I answered all your questions and you haven't answered any.  Such as why is any of your darn business to "assume" foul play just cause there is a vid out there?  What gives the OP or anyone the right to go be the police of the web and go making contact with one of the actors... Geesh, why can't you just mind your own darn business and quit trying to be the "saint" of the board, hobby, web, or whatever you aspire to be.  Your turn.... LOL

cmorganz 4 Reviews 534 reads
23 / 30

and I half expected as much.  Guys saying it's none of my business, and providers saying they would like to know.  I did send an e-mail to the agency, and it was posted to the internet with her permission. No harm, no foul.

bballs 40 Reviews 449 reads
24 / 30
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 517 reads
25 / 30

Only you know the agency so why the fuck did you bring this up on the board?

MSHSEX 587 reads
26 / 30

Thanks for the update. You did the right thing to check to make sure that everything was kosher. Well done, sir.

Posted By: cmorganz

and I half expected as much.  Guys saying it's none of my business, and providers saying they would like to know.  I did send an e-mail to the agency, and it was posted to the internet with her permission. No harm, no foul.

NemisNimbo 527 reads
27 / 30

I know, 11-12 years ago, maybe longer,  that there were cameras at an in-call location for an agency that did a lot of business.  I am not sure of the particular locations in the apartment but I saw the closet, by mistake, that housed the recorders.  There were 6-8 of them.  Go figure.  I never saw a film of me in action or any of the girls.  I used the agency and that apartment several times.  I "asssumed"  it was for security.  The internet was younger then, but who know.

MSHSEX 366 reads
28 / 30

While I DO blame rapists for perpetrating a CRIME, I do believe that the victims share some responsibility IF they put themselves in a situation that helps enable the crime to take place (e.g. the victim is passed out from drinking too much alcohol).

I also believe that those who help COVER up rape crimes by PROTECTING rapists are JUST AS GUILTY as those who perpetrate the rape crimes in the first place.  

Posted By: MeenaAtl
You believe if a lady is drunk and gets raped, it's HER fault?

No, it is the rapist attacker who is to blame.

The women you reference were raped because of the criminal actions of another, not because they were drunk. (I have not read the news story, I'm commenting based on what you said, which is that they were raped while drunk)
Posted By: MSHSEX
You're right about so many men and women using alcohol as an excuse for the stupidity of their actions and behavior. It happens so often that it's hard to find sympathy towards those who have been seriously injured as a result (e.g. the recent revelations of Military Academy students (women) who were raped because they were drunk on their own accord and blitzed out of their minds).
Posted By: ga_kosh
I agree that perhaps "coerced" was not the best word, but how often do we hear "I was Soooooo Drunk" as an excuse by males and females alike?
Me? I learned my limits and try not to push them. I was also "a pass out, got A$$HOLE written on my face in permanent marker after my so-called friends shaved just one leg and hid my truck around the block" type of drunk.  
Young and Dumb, my friend, but back then it was more of the "Alcohol made me do it" denial BS.
Posted By: MSHSEX
There is nothing "coercive" about alcohol. It merely reduces one's ability to think clearly and reduces inhibitions to a certain extent. As for being "young and dumb", people reap what they sow.

MSHSEX 547 reads
29 / 30

I don't believe the OP does know, nor is he claiming to. He's just giving her the benefit of the doubt and doing the gentlemanly thing.

Posted By: anonymousfun
You don't know her. Have not seen her but still you raise a privacy issue which I understand. But the video could be by request may be it is to get into porno!

Posted By: cmorganz
I came across a video of a well reviewed provider that works for an agency depicting one of her "appoinments"; it was obvious she knew she was being filmed.  I have not seen her personally; nor have I dealt with her agency.  It seems to me that this could be a breech of trust between her and a client and I am compelled to at least let her know about it. My question is: is this any of my business? Do I let her know(if so, how)? Is it expected that if you allow filming, that it will end up on the internet?

I WILL NOT be providing a link, nor will I be naming the lady in question, please don't ask.

MSHSEX 565 reads
30 / 30

NOT very classy, bro. Ha.

Posted By: bballs
no harm no foul

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