
Oh most certainlyteeth_smile
katy shaw See my TER Reviews 89 reads

I am an Army Brat...long family line of West Point Grads guys who have served the military get the VIP ...let me say thank you for your sacrifice and service. Not all providers are cold or rush you ok. I left for over 2 years and it seems holy cow it went to a level I am not certain I even fit into . I started 10 years ago and it was so much fun just not sure its ever going to be the hobby pre-economic collapse of 08'...but listen to me ...there are such wonderful ladies who don't charge 400...and there are wonderful ladies who don't rush you out the door ....i am not saying hey come see me ...this isnt my intention to reply ...but i saw your post and wanted you to know that there is no greater quality a man can have than the one he possesses from serving in the military protect our freedoms...our constitution;So we may sleep peaceful at night . From me to you ...thsnk you and i honest to god hope you find the perfect provider for you that you can indulge your fantasies/fetishes. Trust me fantasy/fetish play is amazing when there is a connection to the partner you are with ...if there isn't that chemistry its like that social awkwardness we all had at 16 on our first date . well  

I am a Retired Military Officer, I served 25 years 7 months, 23 days.  I have been an Active Hobbyist since 2008, the date that I turned my BDU's and combat boots in for casual wear. I served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a lot of horrible things, I , myself  was in the hospital for almost a month after the vehicle I was in ran over a land mine. We as Americans celebrate Veterans Day and Memorial Day and in those days were pay homage to our fine men and women of the armed services, in which we should. Now, on today I am a little disappointed,  First if all. I must admit that I am a harmless freak with some pretty kinky fetishes/fantasies. To a certain extent all Hobbyists have fetishes/fantasies that they like to play out. I describe those fetishes/fantasies of mine's when I write my reviews, I have the best sessions with the courtesans who allow my fantasy to play out. There is this Young Courtesan who is taking Atlanta by storm that I had a few conversations with and I was feeling her and looking forward to experiencing her skills that my fellow hobbyists have described so eloquently.  I had been attempting to contact her to schedule a date and time for this Thursday , 10 August but to no avail. So I sent her a private message and asked her if she was still open to seeing me and if she was not please inform me. She replied somewhat arrogantly and stated that she was not interested in scheduling an appointment.  Here I am a Veteran and a hobbyist since 2008 was willing to pay your entry fee of $400 , although your donation increased from $300 after only 17 review. I selected you from among the hundreds of Providers in Hotlanta to see. Although I have my harmless fetishes/fantasies I never stay over the time I pay for, most of the time I leave with 5 to 10 minutes to spare. I feel as if the hobby scene is changing drastically from when I first started, it is more cold and business like, it is no longer about a connection for repeat business. Whenever I hear the voice of a courtesan that is an afrodasiac to me and it gets my motor running. Thanks for taking the time to listen to a 56 Year old Vet vent.

Thank you and all the other vets, both male and female for your service to this country. Without you, we would not enjoy the freedom, rights, and liberties we have today. Having said that, each lady has her own business model. That may or may not include military appreciation discounts.

I can think of at least one bombshell, who I will not mention by name, who is an avid supporter of veterans, and in the past offered packages similar to what you are describing.

I wish you the best of luck and thank you again.

ATLDAWG117 reads

I am a veteran-(just wanted to get that out of the way) and in my opinion the majority of the people who "Thank You For Your Service" really don't mean it-not that the fact that you are one but the compliment has become clichΓ©-and while I am sure some of those that say it really do sincerely mean it-but in reality most have no idea what being a veteran entails-whether you were wounded, served in various "Ass Hole Spots of the World" , etc.....

I am a US Navy veteran because I volunteered to avoid being drafted-I wish I could have my 4 years back-but that isn't possible.  

I was in Vietnam and then other arm pits to which I say Thank you Lyndon Johnson and General Westmoreland-2 of the  most highly incompetent "Leaders" in our history.

I appreciate all other veterans because we share a bond-regardless of the branch of service-because of the time sacrifice we made if nothing else.

Have a nice day !

Gentlemen,  thank you for doing service for our country. I served in 2 hot, sweaty and nasty places, albeit with lovely women.  I agree with you about the incompetent leaders that cost us so many lives and then gained nor stopped anything.  

So you're upset because you served 25 years, 7 months, 23 days, took an injury while defending this nation, (Thank you Sir) but when the provider decides to exercise her right to refuse to see you based on whatever reason that may be, you come here and complain ?  And you used the fact that you were injured fighting for our rights to gain sympathy? Sorry dude but that's fucked up in my opinion.  

Unless you have an email from her that specifically says she will not see because of your service in the military....but there again, it's her right...Where you served, how long you served, what happened while you served does not matter in this hobby, providers are not the VA...they don't "have" to see you for any reason.

dude you are missing the entire point, I proudly served and I am not looking for any sympathy (1)  for being injured in combat , I Thanked God that I am still alive. I thibk I made my point perfectly clear and if You can not say anything positive, please keep your comment about me to yourself, I did not name any provider on my post, I just stated my disappointment,  which I have a right to do. I will not go back and forth with You on this issue, I have more important things to do scheduling an appointment with a courtesan who is more than willing to see me and take this hot $$$ or $$$$ that's burning a hole in my pocket. Have a Great Day

I promise you, I completely understood every single word....Now UNLESS you have a specific conversation with the provider, in which she states she will not see you because you are:
A: A veteran
B: You were injured

Then the fact that you were either of those has ABSOLUTELY no reason to be brought up in your post, other than to gain some patriotic sympathy for your cause...Which in this case is getting your dick wet.  

The fact that you mentioned the provider and her number of reviews and her rate change shows your intent to out her without naming names, in MY opinion.

This is not Burger King, you do not get it your way....If she wants to charge 50 million dollars, that's HER choice..If she wants to offer a 99% discount to guys who have 1 blue eye and 1 green eye, that is HER choice....If she doesn't want to see you, no matter what her reason is....AGAIN that is HER choice.

This is not about your service to the country, it's not about Memorial Day, it's not about Veterans Day.

I have no desire to go back and forth with you either, but the poor pitiful me routine, along with the insinuation that it has something to do with your military background is just wrong, UNLESS you have proof that she is using that as a reason not to see you.

GaGambler139 reads

If you weren't a whiner you never would have brought up your military service as it's hardly relevant to seeing hookers, and yes, I wore the uniform too, big fucking deal. Millions of us served, it doesn't make us entitled to shit. Now grow the fuck up and quit your God Damn whining, you're an embarrassment to the rest of us who served and who now go about our business with out expecting to get our asses kissed.

and while you are whining, will you please explain for us just how your prior military service has ANYTHING to do with why this girl didn't want to see you?

Wow!!! It appears that certain Hobbyists have gotten more upset about my post than the provider that I was referring to. I am done with it and I have seen 3 providers since who teally rocked my world as I did their's.  Why so much hostility and name calling??? I have an idea but that's ok. I am thick skinned and I will continue seeing courtesans who excite me sensually. So please keep all the hate filled tirades to yourself. Happy Hobbying

Wait, so did you see 2 providers or 3 ????  You can't seem to make up your mind. I'm not upset at all, I don't have a dog in this fight, I just think it's damn disrespectful to try and use your prior military history as a basis for a provider not seeing you, when in fact it had NOTHING to do with her choice.

And FWIW, the fact that the lady you called out didn't respond on the thread...Well that shows a shit ton more class than you have. Nice try at baiting her to come out and engage in your childish bullshit.

I want to take this moment to thank you for your service to this great country of ours. I commend you on putting others before you and yours during your time of service. Again thank you for your service.

Now that I have got that out of the way. You sound like 2 year old that was told he cannot have a cookie. Just because you served our nation this provider is supposed to spread her legs and take you in to her body? Boy oh boy you sound like a winner to me. I see you have quite a few reviews under your belt and have been in the hobby since 2008 ( that of course are your words to make you feel better about yourself i am thinking ) . All those reviews and the length of time you have been in the hobby should make you very proud of yourself. Is that why you feel that you can come on here and be a fuck board bully? Trying to damage this providers reputation because she decided not to see you. Tell you what my man, I will find out who this lady is and fuck her.  Then i will let you know how she was and what you are never going to get.  OK enough of the safe a hoe reply , i have a provider to research for now.  Off of my soap box.

lol! hey, I concur with your post. I too am a vet but I don't bring that up to get hero points.  In fact I was not in combat since I served during peacetime so I'm not even in the same league as these brave servicemen and women who are being deployed.    

Anywho, I'd too will research for this provider. Great idea!

GaGambler121 reads

My bet is that he is talking about Naomi/MochaBarbie.

Any takers?

Rule #1: Never bet with a man who has Gambler in his name...LMFAO

Gambler, cut that shit out!  There's no point (other than fun) defaming our local ladys.

GaGambler127 reads

Now the douche bag OP, THAT is a different story. Do you really think anyone is going to pass on Naomi because of anything that idiot said about her? Quite frankly, I think she is going to see a bump in business if anything after being named here.

Or do you have any doubts that I have guessed correctly which provider the OP was talking about? If so, I'll give you ten to one odds that I am right, wanna bet?

I'll pass on betting against you-- I trust Airman's perspective on betting against anybody named "Gambler"!

No need to but any Providers name out here. The issue is with the douche bag OP.

GaGambler138 reads

She did NOTHING wrong, not to mention she is a bit new, an active poster on the boards and I think the publicity will do her good.

In almost every case where a butt hurt loser has whined about a provider, as long as the provider doesn't go BSC in return, she is almost guaranteed to get some extra business by guys who "like her style". I predict this will only help Naomi's business

JakeFromStateFarm147 reads

The answer, of course, is NO!  Then why in the world would you expect to get a discounted rate to put your penis in someone's vagina?
I am happy to thank all veterans for their service.  But that does not entitle any of them to be a douchebag.

The sugar baby route. Set up some babes on some sort of arrangement to where your goal of a more invested mutually beneficial  relationship can flourish.  

Btw maybe she freaked when learning your fetish?

Thanks for your service.

Lets have a conversation about it and if your kinky, ( harmless fetiches ) aren't to appalling let me show you my appreciation sometime .

Thank You Vanessa. I will be in contact with you very soon.

Fuck him and his "service" Literally MILLIONS of men and women have served their country besides him (myself included)  I neither expect, nor do I really enjoy hearing "thank you for your service" from people who have no idea if I served in combat or pushed paper in the Quartermaster Corp. Why everyone has to start off their post with "first off, thank you for your service" is beyond me. The guy is a first class douche bag and a whiner, I am not "thanking" him for a Goddamn thing!!!

News flash people, military service doesn't make a douche bag any less of a douche bag. Vets are people, just like hookers. I knew a lot of total fucking assholes who joined the military, guess what? They were still total fucking assholes when they got out. It's pretty fucking obvious that military service did not make a decent person out of the OP. I have heard from more than one of Atlanta's lovelies about just what a douche bag this guy really is.  

So is it really necessary to say "thank you for your service, but you are still a douche bag" when just saying "you are a douche bag" would work just as well?  

Qdog, these girls don't "owe" you a fucking thing, if  young lady won't see you even at her published rate, try looking inward for the answer why instead of blaming her. She does this for a living, if she won't see you there must be a pretty good fucking reason. Maybe she did some asking around about you in the course of her screening and didn't like what she found? I didn't even have to do any asking to find out how bad your rep is with the ladies.

Well it made him feel all warm inside to hear all that the praise.  

But from this day forth he shall no longer be known as qdog1 ,but as Douche Bag of Atlanta!!  
Kinda has a smooth tone to it believe.

I very much agree with the overall sentiment expressed by others here but I love the way you said it!!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘

Wow!!! Ga Gambler. Your comments really mean a lot to me. Not one iota.  You are just showing who You really are. Just an excuse to hide behind your true self with your hate filled tirades over something that has nothing to do with you.  It shows how elementary you are having to resort to childish antics like name calling.

Dude. I just saw 2 well known providers this past week.  You do not have a clue as to what You are talking about. Icompletely understand why You and your cohorts wants to voice your opinions about me as it relates to my post. It is so obvious. The Provider in question has not come on and said anything about my post but it appears that You and your cronies are so upset. My question is about what.  Anyone can sense the hate and venom in You and your cronies tesponses. Trust me, I am just laughing at all the Hateful attitudes that is being shown. Really, guys douche bag. Not one provider has said anything negative , matter of fact , I have gotten much love from the lovely courtesans of Hotlanta and I never look for or ask for any discount.  Have a Lovely Day, Hater of You know what.  Yes I am a Que Dog . Ruff, Ruff.  

AMEN! That's  right AMEN.

I am an Army Brat...long family line of West Point Grads guys who have served the military get the VIP ...let me say thank you for your sacrifice and service. Not all providers are cold or rush you ok. I left for over 2 years and it seems holy cow it went to a level I am not certain I even fit into . I started 10 years ago and it was so much fun just not sure its ever going to be the hobby pre-economic collapse of 08'...but listen to me ...there are such wonderful ladies who don't charge 400...and there are wonderful ladies who don't rush you out the door ....i am not saying hey come see me ...this isnt my intention to reply ...but i saw your post and wanted you to know that there is no greater quality a man can have than the one he possesses from serving in the military protect our freedoms...our constitution;So we may sleep peaceful at night . From me to you ...thsnk you and i honest to god hope you find the perfect provider for you that you can indulge your fantasies/fetishes. Trust me fantasy/fetish play is amazing when there is a connection to the partner you are with ...if there isn't that chemistry its like that social awkwardness we all had at 16 on our first date . well  

i am a provider and had  worked DMV for no spring chicken but  no old washed up addict either lol, but  i see servicemen n even offer discounts on certain best clients have been service men young or seasoned...check out my website, travel is available

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 3:56:41 AM

Nice theAD ..... It was never about his military service. It's about him being a douchebag and crying like a little girl when he didn't get his way.

Just make sure you don't forget to put that link to your website in there ...SMFH

lol never that discount on vets day n its a whole 20πŸ΅βœ…

86H13LTP80 reads

Even that old leaker conscript is a vet .  

You sound like the embarrassing clown who asks for a military discount at every store you go to .  You volunteered so boo Hoo Hoo

Wow!!!  I am just LMAO over all the Hate and childish name calling.  Hint: Hint:   I can care less what You think or say about me, it just confirms the obvious.

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