
Not into astrology
XLTrojan 54 Reviews 265 reads

But I am a Leo.

What does that mean other than great lover ?

What does your sign say about you?  You first.  But I will say I am a Scorpio....

Do tell!


Am fiercely independent and ambitious but also secretive. I have to be in control but maybe that is just me. I am also dominant and prefer submissive women.

in every way ... and in bed!! lol ;)

Posted By: Khori
What does your sign say about you?  You first.  But I will say I am a Scorpio....  
 Do tell!  

As if you didn't know that already.  ;-)

Gemini.  Creative, social, quick learner, good communicator... oh, and I can be a bit indecisive at times.  No I'm not.  Well, maybe - sometimes.  Ok, yes - I am.  Possibly.  Now I'm just being a stereotype.  Argh!  Pfffttt.  Who believes in this pseudoscience stuff anyways?  But I can assure you all the good parts about me are true.  For sure.

And... it says I'm a fiery lover.


That's good right

Motion, Experimentation, Optimism
Sagittarius to Scorpio
Both having positive attitudes - build togetherness. This is a passionate relationship that can become quite aggressive and combative. The two of you are very different and it will take a lot of compassion and understanding for you stay together for any length of time

But I am a Leo.

What does that mean other than great lover ?

Leos are so much fun!!  Just like you are, my good sir!! 😉😉

I'm a leo, and while I'm not really big into the astrological signs and compatibility (mostly because I get lost in it) I will see that I love being the center of attention ;) But what girl doesn't right?  

Any way I'm a giver and a pleaser, I'm not sure if that's a part of it but I've been told I fit the LEO description.



Can't remember. Happens when you get old.

I think I'm more Dog since I get called SOB a bit online - but Dog is supposedly "faithful" so maybe I am a Pig.  
As far as the normal horoscope goes, I haven't been a virgin in years so Virgo doesn't likely count anymore.

I'm surprised one of these smarmy ladies hasn't laid claim to the sign:  
"Caution. Dangerous Curves Ahead"


Posted By: Khori
What does your sign say about you?  You first.  But I will say I am a Scorpio....  
 Do tell!  

AnAliasAlias281 reads

Perseverance, to get job done right.  High stamina but not terribly experimental, happy to follow a lead and once comfortable will get it done right

Actual double whammy for me, born in year of the ox, nearly same description.

Need to find a lady to lead this bull by his special horn

-- Modified on 4/14/2016 11:04:59 PM

libras, then like for like...virgo

Ahhhhhhhh...... so, that's why we fuck so well :)

Yup ! Scorpios are sexual and passionate I agree as being one. Two Scorpios together= fireworks :) just saying but what do I know lol

Lots of fire in my chart.  Very little water.  Thankfully some earth signs are also present to keep me grounded.  But now if you've seen me get a little fiery & blazed up at moments you know why.  ;)

I have very hot sex with other Leos and water signs.  Of course I have hot sex with other types of people sometimes too... but with Leos and water signs it's pretty consistent that the sex is fiery / steamy... ;)

I think my Sagittarius rising explains why I like to travel so much and my tour schedule looks so crazy.  That's definitely a Sag thing.  :)

Posted By: Khori
What does your sign say about you?  You first.  But I will say I am a Scorpio....  
 Do tell!  

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