
open2suggestions 8 Reviews 50 reads

I'm a minor league baseball fan myself. Love to catch the Stripers (one p) when I'm in Atlanta. Nice to just sit in the stands with a pretty girl.

Finally! The weather is beautiful lately which means sun dresses and sandals woohooo!!  

Guys do you participate in outdoor dates? If so what are some of your favorite things to do?

Me personally I love going on hikes, simple walks where we can hold hands or the lake/beach!   🥰

My ATF in Las Vegas loves to go trekking. We usually take off very early in the morning and head up to Zion or over to Death Valley and spend the day wandering. Nothing like having fun in the beauty and solitude 'off trail'. Great times that add an extra dimension  to the experience.

I'm a minor league baseball fan myself. Love to catch the Stripers (one p) when I'm in Atlanta. Nice to just sit in the stands with a pretty girl.

I love going to games! Hotdogs and beer!

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