
Meeting a new companion... :)
TaylorMorgan1 See my TER Reviews 538 reads

I prefer that first meetings consist of just he and I. I think it's more intimate and we can focus on one another and really get to know one another's likes and dislikes.

If I've decided to meet you, I already feel comfortable with you. I don't need anyone else in the room. After we've spent time alone together , however, I would love to have Ava Raleigh join ;).. threesomes with very compatible partners can be.. amazing :)

-- Modified on 11/12/2015 1:12:08 PM

Is it easier to meet a new client in a double setting with a lady you double with regularly and that lady already knows the client or do you prefer 1 on 1 for first meetings?  

My understanding is that most references simply consist of "he's ok, plays by the rules, etc..." Is good for safety but does having a friend there ease any additional apprehension and allow you to more easily get into the game

I prefer that first meetings consist of just he and I. I think it's more intimate and we can focus on one another and really get to know one another's likes and dislikes.

If I've decided to meet you, I already feel comfortable with you. I don't need anyone else in the room. After we've spent time alone together , however, I would love to have Ava Raleigh join ;).. threesomes with very compatible partners can be.. amazing :)

-- Modified on 11/12/2015 1:12:08 PM

Such pretense is unnecessary, you know I'll do you whenever sexy lady ;)

Though threesomes are very fun, I would suggest to the OP that you find a lady who offers them and see her alone first. I think doubles go best for everyone involved when the gentleman has seen at least one of the providers before.

Oh, and can I watch?

Posted By: AvaRaleigh
Such pretense is unnecessary, you know I'll do you whenever sexy lady ;)  
 Though threesomes are very fun, I would suggest to the OP that you find a lady who offers them and see her alone first. I think doubles go best for everyone involved when the gentleman has seen at least one of the providers before.

I can only speak for myself, but I like to get to know someone before meeting as this makes me feel more comfortable. I will spend a couple of days before a scheduled date going back in forth in emails finding out about my suitor. Being in a doubles setting can make one feel safe, but I feel like even with that I still need to have a pre-formed a connection to feel 100% at ease during our first date.

-- Modified on 11/12/2015 4:39:49 PM

I think first and foremost the clients comfort is top priority. At this stage in my life I am a wild one behind closed doors so it doesn't matter if it is our first encounter or not. I absolutely love seeing couples and most of the time I do not know them ahead of time, it's exciting to me :)  

Sunny Aldae

-- Modified on 11/13/2015 12:53:15 AM

Do one on one for a first meeting :) then bring on the group fun :D
for any first meeting,  one on one allows me to concentrate all my energy into the experience with just he and I. After this, I believe doubles are just more fun because everyone is completely comfortable ;)
Hugs and kisses

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