
Maybe it's justa bunch who waant to see
1woody 18 Reviews 52 reads

the unveiling of my new Tattoo. That will be a while. it has to heal first and just about then is when I go in for surgery. Boy is that OR staff going to get a laugh if they roll me over.

I now have two pm's I can't read and I'm not paying just for them. I gave plenty of notice and my friends have my email. Gonna have to have better bait then that.

I would contact TER support for this issue because it states non-Vip's  can read incoming TER mail. I know you are against the VIP membership and suggest maybe reconsidering on getting one.

...though you wouldn't know it was from them unless you tried to open it.

They are from someone trying to give you some backchannel info about the guy wanting to pay for a free session so he can watch......TER never sends a PM to try and get you to pay for VIP, they will send you an email.  

Giving notice really doesn't mean anything if the person sending them never read that train wreck.

I don't like this new forum. at least with the old one you could search if a poster has been posting long or if he hes any reviews even if you can't read the details. When I try to check him out I get no posts before the 14th and zero reviews. Sounds like someone is fishing with doughnut crumbs for bait. I just wanted to see how far he would carry it. It's pretty bad when a vice officer goes rogue and breaks thee law by by financing a criminal activity.. This is something Internal affairs should look into. A good defense attorney would have a field day with this.

Well I'll help you out....The guy has been posting since October of last year, he started in Chicago, and has several posts in various cities around the country.  
Here's a novel idea, why not get one of your ATF's to show you how to use the new forum, it's really super easy to do. And like you, I hate change.....All you have to do is go to the post, click on his name and see his posts....
To be honest, I think the guy is on the up and up, that kind of post doesn't scream setup, besides you can almost 100% control WHERE, and WHO, then there is the matter of him passing HER screening.....

AJHATL97 reads

I don't mean to sound rude here.....but it seems like you've spent a lot of time obsessing about my post. 1) I'm not a lawyer - but, to my knowledge it's not illegal to pay to watch other people have sex. 2) If you're not comfortable with the situation - don't do it. Seems kinda simple to me. Especially since I've already said that you're outside of the age range I'm looking for anyway....

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

I have had one since June. Still sitting their to.  Have not caved yet.  The urge was strong at first.

GaGambler102 reads

I doubt very seriously that he will make it ninety days, maybe 30 more days, tops. lol

count is up to 7 now and still not giving in.  What for... There is no Tequero when you have no Dinero.    I'm going in for surgery on the 9th and will be out of action for some time so unless it's a list of ladies offering free sessions There cant be much value in them.. and No Troy, I don't consider myself any more important than the next guy who joins. It's true  that in my time here I have seen many changes. I have personal history with many mods and even went through the real drama of the change from the original owner.I have made many friends and probably a few enemies. So goes life. I appreciate the thought of the gifting of a few days of VIP. That was very  generous. By the time I recuperate from this surgery I'm sure there will be enough PM's  to pull me back in and give me something to do while sitting around.I'm hoping for a cute Home health nurse who wouldn't mind earning some tips.

You are going to wait a month to re-up your VIP only to find that "Tye" had resurfaced and wanted to get together "for old times sake" but was only going to be in town for 29 days. LMAO

that the pm's are from a hotty needing some wild monkey sex.

the unveiling of my new Tattoo. That will be a while. it has to heal first and just about then is when I go in for surgery. Boy is that OR staff going to get a laugh if they roll me over.

Could be a few are some sweet ladies offering  to visit and or help out during recovery. I have met some very giving ladies who will go out of their way to help a man in need. We have some exceptionally generous ladies in Atlanta.

I've been told to expect a 2 or 3 day stay and  I will be heavy sedated for pain so I probably wouldn't be able to use it anyway and who knows what I might say. Just to be on the safe side I'll leave it home.

I hope that you shout out that I did text you, mentioning certain names that wanted to leave you a message.  
I am thinking that they think I just didn't bother to tell you. Hello.

Yes I did and I contacted all who pm'd me with a pm to let them know I was back. Thank you darlin and I will let you know my progress as soon as I can. Going in Monday and if all goes well just one night in the hospital.. Probably a few days of bed rest and then two weeks till I can drive. No bone grafts or spinal fusions.

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