
Khori. ...teeth_smile
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 276 reads

You're my best friend and I love you dearly :) and you are hot as a firecracker! Mmmmmmmm.......damn,  I'm a lucky woman!  :)

I want to say that I had the best time at your party!  I completely enjoyed meeting ALL the lovely ladies there.  What an awesome turn out!  I could not have been in better company!!!  You ladies rock!  A bevy of beautiful ladies!  WOW!  Let's do it again next month!  Thanks again sexy!  Smiling eyes!



I had a ball, so many beautiful ladies, great food, conversions and entertainment. Can't wait till next time.

Xoxo, Joi

You look prettier every time I see you
Was definitely good to see you again :)

What a fun night! It was great to meet so many beautiful ladies and see some that I hadn't in a while! Great atmosphere, great food, and the best company! I can't wait for the next one!  
Thanks for putting this on TL!  


Posted By: Khori
I want to say that I had the best time at your party!  I completely enjoyed meeting ALL the lovely ladies there.  What an awesome turn out!  I could not have been in better company!!!  You ladies rock!  A bevy of beautiful ladies!  WOW!  Let's do it again next month!  Thanks again sexy!  Smiling eyes!  

Guys, this lady's pics do not do her justice!  She is HAWT!!!! Can't wait to play with you soon :)

I can't wait either and you're making me blush gorgeous!

Thank you for the invite, TL, and hosting a most wonderful gathering of some of the very best that Atlanta has to offer be they companion, kink, fetish, domme or youthful playmate. It takes art and skill to bring together such a diverse group and as usual you are the master!  

Sexworkers should strive to support one another and engage with the sexworker community in positive ways outside of suitor requests for double or triple meetings. It's fun and a great way to shake off a hard week of work and as many of you know and we discussed last night, this business can be isolating at times as we often work alone and/or have limited trustworthy networks to vent to regarding the frustrations of being a sex industry business owner.

To all the ladies in attendance it was great meeting new faces and I enjoyed spending time with those I already know well. Oh and Khori...I wanna be your sexy ass when I grow up! :-) #BenjaminButton Graceful beauty and definitely HOT.

Warmest regards,

Alexandria Fox

Thanks!!  You looked fantastic!  Flawless beauty!  It was great to talk to you and Shay!  Great to talk with everyone!  I wish I would have gotten to talk to a few more ladies but I was busy dancing with the belly dancer!  I want to go back!  xo

Ahhhhh....One of my dearest friends in the business!  I didn't realize we had known each other for almost 10 years! How do you stay so flawless?  I had a really hard time keeping my hands to myself lol

I would of loved to be in the mist of you wonderful ladies.

That was a blast and it's my absolute pleasure to put it together :) you ladies are the ones that come and make it happen though :)
Sorry for my slow response,  way to much happy juice! Lol
Anyway,  you all looked REALLY HOT and beautiful!  The good energy flow was amazing:)
Btw, thanks to all of you for coming and to Sonya for taking me home :D
I love yall! !!  

You're my best friend and I love you dearly :) and you are hot as a firecracker! Mmmmmmmm.......damn,  I'm a lucky woman!  :)

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