
Just when I think
OceanCity38 29 Reviews 479 reads

I found my ATF, the others pull me back in!  Variety and love of new is a strong draw.

If you have to name one provider as your ATF, Who will that be?

but none of the providers I've seen or researched seem to measure up to Brittany (Sabrina). There's just something about her.

I'm sure it's not me....but the 3 times we have spent together were extremely memorable!   Cheers!


Ok, you opened this can of worms.  I'm anxiously awaiting to see how good your damage control skills are.  LOL

The good news is having lovely ladies fight over you is dangerously exciting.  Affairs of the heart should be delicately tread...

Hey, what can I say, I am a Lesbian because I have a fetish and love for women Hahaha lol. Seriously, I am a true ladies gentlemen. I treat those in my presence with the utmost respect. They appreciate that. everyone that I seen or visit have a element in my hobby development. With that element, I gladly carry a ladies gentleman.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 8:37:09 AM

Khori, you know that you have a special place on my list of favorite providers. However, I am definitely interested in who is your ATF hobbyist because I know that I am not even in your top 10 of all time?

must keep that a secret! are in my top 10 of course!  I am lucky,  have always had great meetings...only 2 bad ones....out of all these years....xo

it must be number 15 for me lol....

But the one lady that I had the strongest connection with was Robin Dupont.
I saw her exclusively for one year. She was so incredible that I never once thought about seeing anyone else.

A difficult and dangerous thread...

I guess I just really don't understand the concept of an ATF...

I have been fortunate enough to have multiple sessions with a few different providers - all of which are different;  all of which I thoroughly enjoy.  Sometimes I like cake, sometimes I like whiskey... and sometimes sashimi and sometimes downhill skiing.  Sometimes we do one thing - sometimes something else - often something new (at least for me).  I have been surprised, I have learned things, I have crossed things off my bucket list,  I have been excited, I have been relaxed - I have had my doors blown off - and just generally had a hell of a ride.  How could I possibly compare them or pick an "ATF"?

I have read reviews of sessions that did not seem like a lot of fun.  I have read some real horror stories.  I haven't had those experiences - apparently I have been blessed.

Thank you Girls - for a very wonderful time - in the order that I saw you....  Corey Edwards, Ginger Taylor, Kinky Kerri and Stina Valentine.  I am planning on seeing y'all again...but I am also looking forward to the girls I have yet to see...

Yeah, what he said...except I'm not a sushi fan.  Have to put Corey and Stina on the "wanna see" list and add Terri of Atlanta and Ava Nicole to the "click" list. Not to mention some retired ladies whom I am both happy they are moving into new and exciting phases of their life, and sad it means I can no longer share amazing times with them.  

Posted By: mongo19621954
I guess I just really don't understand the concept of an ATF...  
 I have been fortunate enough to have multiple sessions with a few different providers - all of which are different;  all of which I thoroughly enjoy.  Sometimes I like cake, sometimes I like whiskey... and sometimes sashimi and sometimes downhill skiing.  Sometimes we do one thing - sometimes something else - often something new (at least for me).  I have been surprised, I have learned things, I have crossed things off my bucket list,  I have been excited, I have been relaxed - I have had my doors blown off - and just generally had a hell of a ride.  How could I possibly compare them or pick an "ATF"?  
 I have read reviews of sessions that did not seem like a lot of fun.  I have read some real horror stories.  I haven't had those experiences - apparently I have been blessed.  
 Thank you Girls - for a very wonderful time - in the order that I saw you....  Corey Edwards, Ginger Taylor, Kinky Kerri and Stina Valentine.  I am planning on seeing y'all again...but I am also looking forward to the girls I have yet to see....  

Impossible to answer for me.  It's like asking me to name my favorite bourbon or favorite craft brew or favorite mountain bike or favorite movie or favorite niece/nephew (don't have any kids)    

I've been very fortunate in my short time in the 'hobby'.  I have NOT had ANY bad experiences.  I've never left an appointment with regrets (other than I wish I had scheduled more time)  

Of course there have been several ladies that I felt a better connection with than others, but absolutely not disconnected (going through the motions) experiences.  Each of you that I've had the privilege to meet, I truly enjoyed our time together.  Thank you for allowing me to meet you.  

The ladies that I did 'click' with a little more than others, have their own unique qualities that provided that chemistry between us.  Of course, there are certain physical characteristics that are more attractive to me, but the attitude and personality of the lady is what really provides that GFE that I'm seeking when we hangout for an hour or more.  

And agree with Khori and Ginger.  BigJoe is a great guy.  Of course, I don't 'know' him they way that they do, but I can just tell from his posts, he seems like a nice guy with a positive attitude.  

Have a great Friday everyone!  

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 9:10:43 AM

can't mention her here because she's delisted.

Peace - have a  great weekend y'all. I've got spring fever to the max!!!

I have to be very careful here - not sure I want to suffer poor bigjoe's fate.  ;-)

My question to the question is why have only one choice?  There are some of us that want to have our cake and eat it too.  Well, at least I do.

I like having a close relationship with a couple of very special ladies.  But, I also want the freedom of a little variety in the mix from time to time.  That way you can have both depth and breadth to your erotic encounters.  So I suppose I reject the premise that one lady fulfills all your needs all the time.  Unlike an SO type commitment in the real world, one big advantage of the hobby is that monogamy is neither expected nor required.

I'm being awfully elusive, aren't I?  :-) But just for the sake of argument say I did have a couple of favorites.   The only clue I give is that those lovely ladies share the same last initial.  

Mmmmm cake...

lovemademedoit438 reads

Jada who wored at Bees

It looks like from your reviews that your atf is whoever you are with at the moment.

Way to go!  viva le difference.

I found my ATF, the others pull me back in!  Variety and love of new is a strong draw.

Suzy, who advertises body rubs in ATL.  Mature, MILF, great lingerie, hot soft body, and YMMV for more than a massage/ending!  She's awesome at all she provides!

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