
If you are reading this, then you are no better than meteeth_smile
antares 1761 reads

A looser who pay for sex!

And paying for sex does not = loser.

I've paid for a lady to join my partner and I in the past.  And I'm still feeling pretty great about that decision. ;)

antares718 reads

They want us to be animal, that's how they make money

I am talking about you and me on Ter.  

Posted By: alyssaxanderson
And paying for sex does not = loser.  
 I've paid for a lady to join my partner and I in the past.  And I'm still feeling pretty great about that decision. ;)
-- Modified on 8/12/2015 10:55:49 PM


Of course we want you to pay us. We're hookers.  Courtesans. Companions. Providers. Whatever.  

You don't have to be an animal, though. Your call. ;)

antares553 reads

I  have nothing but respect for the "hooker" . After all,  a "hooker" is just someone's sister, someone' s daughter. I have a sister, I have a daughter. If one day, one of them become a 'hooker", I want her to be safe, happy, and free.

Dig a little bit deeper and you will see who "they" are.

I have had wild monkey sex
fucked a woman like a goat
licked and lapped pussy like a dog
cum liked a stallion

I never lost my please.

antares705 reads

You will always be my freind. If I hurt you, I sincerely apologize.  You are a good man, I am not talking about you.

Again, I am sincerely sorry.

DUDE!  Just read your script. WOW..... your plea and apology sounds robotic!?! Whose your friend here?  BUWAHAHAHAHAHA. YIKES!

You clearly know your audience....

Posted By: thebeerman

GaGambler720 reads

and I told you all that "bitter and angry" were right around the corner.

It always seems to happen this way, the guys/girls that come on here with the starriest of eyes almost always end up the ones most hurt, and become the most angry and bitter of us all. I might be a cynic, but I do so with a smile on my face. Somehow I doubt the OP has smiled much since the hooker he fell for broke his heart.

Stacey Keach on Titus.. "You know why they make you pay in a Divorce?"   "Cause it's worth it!"

Someone is definitely "looser" after our meeting.  However, she's not the one paying.

Please don't include all of us in your self loathing (which I sincerely hope is a temporary phase).  I really don't think any of us appreciate being called "animals".

Sex, intimacy, passion, and having a close personal connection to another human being - all of these are normal, healthy desires.  We hobby folks just take a more pragmatic approach to hooking up to make that happen.  Quickly and efficiently.  With no strings attached.  Current legal views notwithstanding there is nothing wrong with that.

And indulging in our necessary human nature certainly doesn't make us animals.  Beauty, passion, laughing, eating, drinking, and loving (or the hobby equivalent of it) makes life worth living.  We all need something to be passionate about and to look forward to.  Or we wither and die.

Please take a vacation to Disneyworld, or go on a cruise, or take an art class - find something fun and/or constructive and healthy to do for a while.  You're taking this stuff way too seriously.

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 9:48:16 AM

get a dog.  Providers offer a much more economical outlet for lustful passions than marriage; with a provider you know your cost in advance; with a wife, you have no advance idea of cost, and the actual cost could be economically ruinous.  Girlfriends are less expensive than wives, but still way more expensive than providers. So, I must take exception with your statement and declare that hobbiests are wise businessmen.

cashorcredit701 reads

A trick or man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.  

Don't take it out on the rest of the guys here because you're a fucking SIMP who fell in love with a working gal who played your SIMP ass.  

Take this shit for what it's worth wash your ass, arrive to your appointments on time, pay the agreed upon fee, enjoy the hr and take your fucking ass home without expecting anything more!

GaGambler566 reads

but it didn't take him long to become "bitter and angry" just like I predicted.

cashorcredit429 reads

to be fair you and several others tried to warn him.  Good call to.... didn't take him long to become bitter.

LOL BSU what does the U stand for?

BSU= biggest suck up. Lots of those around here lol

cashorcredit511 reads

The OP fits the description to a tee.

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 1:05:37 PM

antares463 reads

Your " I " is so big, it spills and projects itself everywhere around you. Just because you are "bitter and angry" doesn't mean that everyone else is.

You can laugh at me for another week, still I am unable to laugh at you for one nanosecond.

GaGambler619 reads

and you don't need to laugh at me, I do more than enough laughing for the both of us. I have no boss, I have no wife, I have no one twisting and turning my heart strings, I get laid just about every day, what do I possibly have to be either bitter or angry about?  

I am also sorry that I saw this coming but was unable to protect you from yourself. Both your and my posts on the subject are still there for all to see. It sucks to "fall for a hooker and can't get up" but you can take solace in the fact you are hardly the first dumbass to go through this process, once you get over the fact that you were a dumbass of course.

Now go get drunk, go get laid, and try this shit all over again, but do it right this time. Sorry, but that's the best advice you are going to get here.

antares383 reads

And I mean it.

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 8:18:41 PM

Once upon a time I thought losers pay for sex . . . back when I was a teenager.

Another way to think of a loser is someone without a job, or reliable transportation, or health care, or a large paid for house in a good neighborhood, or a well funded retirement, or a college education, or a small business, or . . . whatever.  There are lots of different types of losers.  In point of fact, the statistics show that the guys that have the MOST sex (GaGambler excluded for being an outlier) are the guys that lack all of the above material comforts in life . . . something about walking to and from the trailer park gets these guys laid.

From your perspective, I can see why you think that way . . . but, you need to change the way you think of this, change your expectations, and change your target.  This is a hobby site, not a dating site.  Now you certainly could be looking for sex, many are, but you should be looking for sex on YOUR terms, which is a very different dynamic.  This is not a hook up mentality, it is a buyer's mentality.  Personally, I look for types of sex I could not get at home, different types of women (race, background, country, etc.), and different experiences (kink, threesomes, foursomes).  And as a footnote, losers don't have foursomes period.  Losers also don't travel to many countries, being sure to sample the local ladies . . . but HOBBYISTS do!  So stop being a chump and become a hobbyist; a hobbyist is not in it for love, or connection, but for sex (sex the way you like it, where you like it and when you want it) and experiences.

Once you change your POV to hobbyist, you will stop "looking for love in all the wrong places", and automatically change your expectations.  For that last part, YOU MUST STOP picking your women the way you pick them, whatever it is that you are doing, stop doing that.  I read that last bit of your previous post, and you should never be with a girl that has a doucebag attached during a session.  I'm sure plenty of the ladies I've seen have a leech at home, BUT they would NEVER bring their fucktard to work, or allow him to interfere with their business.  ALL of my ladies are professionals, and act accordingly.  You need to stop seeing backpage girls that work from home and let a dude come and go as he pleases during a session. Once you weedout those hoes, you will have a much better time.  A HOBBYIST doesn't get interrupted by a boyfriend, because he's done his homework and is seeing a reputable lady, not a street walker.  And if a HOBBYIST is seeing a street walker, she at HIS place, not her crack-den.  So, start using more judgement and discretion about the women you are choosing.

Once your done these simple things, all of it will change; your experiences will be better and your point of view will evolve, because your will no longer be on the outside looking in, you will be a HOBBYIST looking out from the inside

Dude, learn to fucking spell. Im lost within your inability to cough up some basics. I wonder how the fuck some of you trolls  graduated dial up.  

Posted By: antares
A looser who pay for sex!

There are so many variations on desire/horniness. Some men want an affair, so providers can accommodate. Some providers can't/won't... no kissing, no intimacy, one hour and out. Some men prefer just that. Some want hard core porn sex. Some want to be held, to be seen and to be heard. Keep searching till you find a good match. There is a lid for every pot on TER.

Posted By: antares
A looser who pay for sex!

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