
I must have a strong stomach
priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 69 reads

... because nothing has ever grossed me out to the point of not eating meat.  

I've seen the documentary and many others and it's like... okay cool whatever to ME . It's propoganda just like anything else these days- yes that stuff does happen, but not to the scale they make it out to be (they literally find the worst of the worst, and some of it is fake or acting).  there are things that happen in the crop industry too (pesticides, genetic modification, labor abuse)

My family had a farm with chickens, cows, pigs and a pond with fish so it was business as usual sometimes going to see slaughterhouses owned by family friends I never thought anything of it. Granted, we didn't treat animals like shit.

I moved from the south to DC so my diet has definitely changed a bit, e.g I eat significantly less pork and meat in general because it's a food desert and meat is particularly expensive. Plus the food just isn't as good as down south LOL I eat lots of fish now, more veggies because I'm an adult.

What I will say is that there are benefits and drawbacks to any kind of diet and the more annoying thing is having people push their dietary agenda on you instead of being respectful. I would consider myself pretty well educated in terms of health, having majored in biochemistry with an emphasis on human physiology, and my understanding is that most things as far as diet are okay in moderation. You don't have to give up meat to be healthy. And you can give up meat, dairy, and etc and be healthy. I wish people were more respectful and less critical of those who lead their lives differently.  

I've encountered a number of people in the vegan community (and also vegetarian community, but less so) who are downright aggressive, disrespectful, and sometimes nasty when it comes to discussion of nutrition and pushing Veganism. So that has also often turned me off because a lifestyle like that does often require a support system of like-minded people to maintain.

 But besides that I just never see myself giving up my fave thing for breakfast, bacon, or steaks or hot wings or catfish?

I know Studies Say anything the financier wants them to say, however, you can find some good information in documentaries once you weed out the BS. With that said, I recently watched a joaquin phoenix docu called "What The Health" its basically a proponent of veganism. Some of the stuff stated was outrageous as in there is a legally acceptable amount of pus that is allowed in milk and how many drugs they feed animals even the "corn fed, grass fed" ones.  

I don't wanna gross people out but I saw like huge boils on pigs on assembly lines, they'd take a knife and stab it and pus/blood would squirt out all over the place, the dead and sick chickens in the coops with the live ones. The rashes on the fish, I was appalled to think I put that stuff in my body. Even though I work out 5 days a week, I never had a diet that I followed. I'd eat whatever I wanted and felt a meal can be meat but you can't have a meatless meal. Now I've all but cut out animal products in my diet. I slip from time to time but as I'm eating the stuff, I feel like an animal gnawing on a leg and it totally grosses me out.  

Has anyone else seen this Docu and if so, what effect did it have on you if any? p.s. I will say my tummy totally went away after I stopped eating the meat (but it could be I stopped drinking soda too).

I have been in a few processing plants and its an eye opener for sure but you have to feed the people.
it is what it is.

Thanks that there is no vegan substitute for the meat and balls.

Ugh, I know right. Lmao. I tried lobster tail today, half is in my fridge. It's killing me the residual thoughts. AND I STAY HUNGRY'! Eating damn fruit and nuts

... because nothing has ever grossed me out to the point of not eating meat.  

I've seen the documentary and many others and it's like... okay cool whatever to ME . It's propoganda just like anything else these days- yes that stuff does happen, but not to the scale they make it out to be (they literally find the worst of the worst, and some of it is fake or acting).  there are things that happen in the crop industry too (pesticides, genetic modification, labor abuse)

My family had a farm with chickens, cows, pigs and a pond with fish so it was business as usual sometimes going to see slaughterhouses owned by family friends I never thought anything of it. Granted, we didn't treat animals like shit.

I moved from the south to DC so my diet has definitely changed a bit, e.g I eat significantly less pork and meat in general because it's a food desert and meat is particularly expensive. Plus the food just isn't as good as down south LOL I eat lots of fish now, more veggies because I'm an adult.

What I will say is that there are benefits and drawbacks to any kind of diet and the more annoying thing is having people push their dietary agenda on you instead of being respectful. I would consider myself pretty well educated in terms of health, having majored in biochemistry with an emphasis on human physiology, and my understanding is that most things as far as diet are okay in moderation. You don't have to give up meat to be healthy. And you can give up meat, dairy, and etc and be healthy. I wish people were more respectful and less critical of those who lead their lives differently.  

I've encountered a number of people in the vegan community (and also vegetarian community, but less so) who are downright aggressive, disrespectful, and sometimes nasty when it comes to discussion of nutrition and pushing Veganism. So that has also often turned me off because a lifestyle like that does often require a support system of like-minded people to maintain.

 But besides that I just never see myself giving up my fave thing for breakfast, bacon, or steaks or hot wings or catfish?

Clutch my pearls. My grandpa wrings chickens neck as kid, I don't eat it. Ugh you just grossed me out, AGAIN, thank ya very much, lmao.  

Naw, I know how those documentaries are and the purpose they serve, it's in my head now and affecting my taste buds so I can't eat and it's driving me crazy cuz I crave meat the taste of it.

Also, yeah, I forgot the aggressive people part, they are like a militant anti every damn thing group right, like fuvk dude, can't I live?! But I'm like if you like it, I love it, do you and be blessed.

"Plant-based" is a diet. Think Forks Over Knives or Engine 2. No meat, no milk, no cheese, no eggs and as little oil as possible.  
Veganism is a philosophy and lifestyle. It's about not harming other sentient beings for our benefit. Think PETA. Faux fur, faux leather, faux wool, faux silk, faux pearls, and no dog and pony shows (literally, although figuratively would be great too!)

I have been eating plant-based since January and have lost 35 pounds so far. I do fall off the wagon when going out, because I hate to be the "picky eater" and would rather not have to go through all the explanation....good thing I don't have food allergies...and I don't eat out much ;-) But, more than just for my own health, I've been wearing my canvas Chuck Taylors more often than not.

What the Health has gotten a lot of people to reconsider their eating habits, but from a scientific standpoint, it's a bit sensational. The guy leads you to believe he's just discovering this stuff, like he still was eating meat when this was filmed...but this guy's been vegan for years.

If you think you'd be interested in a Whole Foods Plant Based diet (WFPB) check out Forks Over's a documentary available on Netflix but they also have a magazine, a website, and menu planner.

If you're interested in becoming vegan and and animal advocate/activist OR you want to know more about factory farming and Big Agriculture, please watch Earthlings and Cowspiracy, the latter is on Netflix, the former you may have to Google.

And if you want to watch something besides a documentary, please watch "Okja" (also on Netflix)  


Thanks babe, just because I'm an inquisitive, nosey bitch, I'll have to watch all of those now and further my mental block on meat. Damn you, now you owe me a steak that I'm gonna spaz out while eating and leave on table. Slide in my dm to give your info, lmao.  

No way on earth I'm ruining a perfectly good can of paint (I have a house, good paint costs, lol) and or a fur coat, no stupid in me, lol. But I'm not into telling others what they can or can't do unless they do it towards me, then I have a list of things they can do.

The human digestive system is aligned with an omnivorous diet - similar to a bear's.  Ok some of us are more bear-like than others lol.  So I don't buy the argument that humans were meant to be vegetarians.  Nor are we meant to be carnivores like the great predator cats.  So everything is on the table literally and figuratively speaking as far as what we are "meant" to eat.  Evolutionarily speaking anyway.

Now as consumers we should be making smart choices about what goes in our bodies.  Absolutely.  My dad took me on a tour of a chicken processing plant when I was a young boy and those sights, sounds, and smells still stick with me today.  So I do agree that the processing part can be... icky to say the least.  So I have worked hard to make good choices when I can.  

I've worked on farms and I've raised chickens for eggs and processed them for meat.  I've also had rabbits for the same purpose.  Well, not for eggs.  Except for Easter.  ;-)  I think all folks should know where there food comes from.  There is nothing evil or gross in growing your own food - in fact, animal husbandry and butchering/processing food is one of the greenest, most planet responsible, and sustainable things you can do.

And I do have a bad taste in my mouth (pun intended) from vegans telling me what I should be putting in my body.  Much like kink - do whatever you like but please don't yuck my yum.

The worst kinda person just suck all the life instead of all the life outta you right?, I'm still working it out in my head and trying to stop the mental mania I'm putting myself through. I want damn meat

Then meat you shall have beautiful lady.  ;-)

I didn't mean to come off as harsh, I just don't like the vegan thought process - which goes something like this...  Some animals are mistreated in their raising and/or processing.  Therefore all meat is bad.  And if you subscribe to having meat in your diet you are an animal abuser or an evil person.  Like everything in life - moderation is key.

A little lean meat is excellent protein.  Our ancestors knew that and our bodies know that.  And if that meat comes from a sustainable, locally owned farm it is an optimal choice.  But mass production of beef, chicken, or pork (or fish for that matter) that gets shipped cross country (or cross countries) is tremendously wasteful.  Not to mention as a consumer you lose touch with who you are dealing with - the farmer of rancher himself.

Remember our ancestors were keenly aware of all aspects of food production.  They either raised the food themselves or it came from a close by neighbor.  Now we swing by McDonalds and grab a burger.  Where did that meat come from?  Who the fuck knows?  Is it even meat?  What the fuck is a McNugget anyway?  We've inserted plausible deniability into our diets and are paying the price for it - in obesity, in diabetes, in high blood pressure, and in shortened attention spans.  Great, now I forgot what I was talking about - oh, yeah...  We've traded convenience for responsibility.  That's where the problem begins.

Not in the premise "eating meat is bad."

I'm not the healthiest guy in the world (lord knows I love me a beer or three when the opportunity presents itself) but there are many aspects to being healthy.  Eating an abundance of hormone and antibiotic laden meat that you have no idea where it came from is only one issue.

I've cut out all soda and it's made a tremendous difference in my health and mood.  I'm also working on eliminating extra sugar and salt and unnecessary carbs from my diet.  And coffee.  Which is a fucking bitch.  The non-drinking of it I mean.  Turns out I like coffee almost as much as beer.

And no I'm not giving up beer.

That's just crazy talk.

If I have to give up beer the next thing they'll want me to give up is my cock.

And that's not happenin'.

So, speaking of meat - any female carnivores out there?

If you know what I mean.

*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

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