
I don't even think about it...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 449 reads

If I am attracted, I am attracted. For whatever reasons (and sometimes I really don't know why) of my own. Age has nothing to do with having a good time with another person, and enjoying their company. It has nothing to do with chemistry. There is beauty in youth, and beauty in maturity for me.  

Yep, this world and a lot of the folks in it (both the guys and gals) can be pretty shallow and approach things from a simple perspective of "objectification". Doesn't mean I have to follow the herd... in fact, I'd rather not

How important is age to you,  when seeing a lady?  Or a gent?  I'm sure this has been asked a million times....but,  I'm a pain in the ass....LOL!  If the reviews are good,  the photos look age really a factor--(to the gents)?  And if they look better and than the photos?

Thank you!



Age isn't important to me at all. I've seen a wide range. I do tend to lean towards the older end. More experience lol.  

Posted By: Khori
How important is age to you,  when seeing a lady?  Or a gent?  I'm sure this has been asked a million times....but,  I'm a pain in the ass....LOL!  If the reviews are good,  the photos look age really a factor--(to the gents)?  And if they look better and than the photos?  
 Thank you!  

I'm sure a lot of guys see ladies of all ages.... and see what age is the best fit for them...NOT that all ladies of a certain age are the same.....  thanks

It's not really important to me, though I tend to like them a little older, post-college age. As long as she looks good and has a great attitude, what does it matter?

Posted By: Khori
How important is age to you,  when seeing a lady?  Or a gent?  I'm sure this has been asked a million times....but,  I'm a pain in the ass....LOL!  If the reviews are good,  the photos look age really a factor--(to the gents)?  And if they look better and than the photos?  
 Thank you!  

No matter.....just curious....maybe I am being too intrusive?  I still feel and act like I'm 20....I refuse to grow up/and older!   LOL!

GaGambler737 reads

that said, I prefer twenty somethings and yes age is important to me. I rarely if ever book with a lady much over 30, unless she's Asian of course, and then my limit goes all the way up to the mid thirties. lol

As you may know there are lots of variables to achieving and maintaining an erection that is useful in sexual penetration.  That being said, these are the rules that my little head dictates, and that my big head interprets or justifies.

If she looks great, I will go maybe 5 years over my age, and that is if she is a remarkably preserved specimen! But I believe there is a hard line at 50.  Let's face it, we ALL hit the wall eventually!  One day people are telling you how young you look for your age, and then one day they aren't; when that day comes you have to move on to the Senior Tour.

I often find that older women have more skills, are willing to do freakier stuff, and are more worldly and can hold a conversation; ALL great qualities.  BUT, I have found that the little head has told me very clearly that there is no substitute for youth.  The skin just doesn't feel the same, there is a too soft feeling, and parts that should be soft and firm, are just soft or just firm . . . it sucks, but that's life.  So, I generally have noted that the 50 is a number that almost all hit the wall, and there is no point rolling the dice, since I don't like the odds of failure.  

I have picked up great sex techniques from the older providers (35-45) and they are wonderful, but at 40, I still prefer the younger girls.  Maybe when I'm older, like 60-70, I"ll bump up to 45-50 :)

And as an FYI, for those providers that do it, we guys know that the listed age on the websites are generally 5 years understated, and adjust accordingly.  After all, you can only be 32 five times, before someone notices :)  So to my above statement, my cutoff is generally 35 (because that is 40), and I make exceptions based on reviews, menu, unusual level of preservation.

Well,  I can tell you,  you are wrong about the ages TER posts....very wrong...add your 5 years....that's fine......some girls lie...some don't and some just can't anymore....but it's obvious you don't like "old" soft each his all comes out in the wash...when you show up and they don't look their age...then you can retreat.....generally speaking of's nice to know you are a young, hot stud that women cannot refuse!  LOL!   Thanks for your input!

That YES......some of us do not tell our true ages.....GUILTY!   But,  like you all add 5-8 years to our profiled age.....that is a fact...I have read many times that guys do not believe the age as profiled on TER.  So,  basically  I am almost 60???????   Yea...right!   Where's my cane!

NOT you ALL...some....please pardon me....thanks...

I'm pushing 70.....LMAO!   60-70 what's the difference?   LOL!

Actually I'm not young, not hot and not a stud; but my wallet does seem to have some sort of appeal :)  Fortunately for me, I can buy sex!  On a 10 scale I would put myself at a solid 3 naked, 6 clothed :)

Unfortunately, I'm not one of those dudes that retreats, I don't run, even from a bad situation.  I'll throw down my money and make the best of it.  But most often, because of my little head's preference, I'll just go through the motions, and not nut; then I get to go home and jerk off, $300 poorer :(  That's why I shoot low generally, and only go up for specific services.

Question: when you say wrong about the ages, do you mean it's more than 5 or less than 5?  I'll say, I've more adds than I can count where the age NEVER moves and its been more than 5 years; and that's at all ages, I know a 19 year old Asian that's really 27, and she looks 22, but even being on the spring side of life she's still fudging the age.  I'll also say that I don't recall reading a review where someone states a provider look younger than her stated age or picture, but plenty saying she looks older, in fact more than plenty.  Although, if a provider looks younger, then I guess no one expects her to post a higher age, so they say she looks great for her age, I have seen a few of those.  Once I saw a provider that probably had 10-15 year on me, but she looked late 20's early 30's in the body, and 40's in the face; I think I did use the words she looked great for her age . . . and I learned some very awesome tricks from her, but she was exceptional - so much so I repeated!  Yeah, but all else equal, "I likes 'em young." :)

That's cool.....some ladies totally retain that youthful look.......I appreciate your post....makes me understand you a bit more!  You're a pretty nice guy...(so far)  LOL! Some girls just do NOT look their age...and more kudos to them....but....when I hear that guys add age to the already posted age....I might as well hang it up!  I am very open,  and real about who I am....thanks ........BUT,  this post is NOT about me...sorry,  I deviated....  LOL.....:)

Actually some of us really don't lie about age or weight. I say I'm 43 and I am really 43 lol I say my weight is 140-145 (my weight fluctuates 5 lbs) and that's my true weight. Yes some ladies do this and I don't knock them because some of them don't look their age at all! However not all ladies do this.
43 and proud of it ;) Afterall the older I get the hornier I get :-D
Hugs and kisses

But it is a consideration if the woman is on the younger side. I just can't completely shake the feeling that I am a perverted old SOB if I go see a gal much younger than mid twenties.

I don't really are about age and often don't even really think about it.  I ask for year of birth for identity/employment screening, but I usually only use it to match public records and don't even bother calculating how old someone is or thinking about it.  But in general I prefer on the older side.  Usually way better in bed and have worked thru so many issues and are more comfortable with who they are.  Plus I'm a sucker for silver hair so that might matter more to me than someone's actual age.

This applies to my personal sex life as well.  Particularly once I started doing this and meeting older clients and having wonderful experiences, my inhibitions flew out the window with regard to the lies society tells us about people becoming unattractive as they age.  I now think that people get hotter as they get older, for sure!  :)

Her reviews are the most important. Now I do take looks into the equation and services offered. I have come to the conclusion that I love beautiful ladies regardless of age-- I am a true lesbian. My age is more of a factor, will I survive the session. cheers

The short version is "A Man Is Only As Old As The Woman He Feels." - Groucho Marx.

Years ago when I was a teenager, an elderly woman once told me "I used to be a 34C, now I'm a 44 Long." Then I discovered her was actually my mom's age, so she just had more 'mileage'. She would later ascribe to the "Better to Burn Out... than Fade Away" motto and die of an OD.

So it's not the age, but the mileage that gets ya. Some folks don't take care of themselves (smoke, drink too much, too much sun, not enough water, recreational drug use/abuse, etc.) others are health nuts... while most of us fall in between.

I tend to see 25-35 but have been known to see older/younger.  

Pics and reviews are good, the posts are funny, then yeah. There are plenty of gals with less than flattering photos on here... but I addressed than a few months ago.  

Good to see Khori being the much prettier version of Stevie once again. ;-)


Are you saying I am a repeat offender?   As in I post too much?   LOL!   We all just have these silly questions!  I am a binge poster....I'll post and you won't see me for months....but....curiosity....gets the better of me.....

You ask all the questions you wish Dear.
"She who has the Boobies, makes the Rules." - anonymous

Also, as you are well aware - Boobies will get you about anything you ask for... including answers to oddball questions that Men just can't get away with.

So go ahead, blame it on Curiosity. I think you're researching a book.
Seriously though, nothing wrong with a good sense of curiosity. Keeps old farts like me younger than I am.

You're what? 30?  


No book...just being a brat....   :)   xo

I like between 21 to 33 but I am open to adjustments. Lol

My preferences are  gentlement over 30, I just find I like the maturity of older gentlemen.  They are more experienced both in the world and sexually and I tend to relate to them better than younger guys.  Young guys have access to meeting so many women in the civilian world it seems like if they have any game at all they can have their pick every night of the week.  Most older gentlement are not into the bar scene like the younger guys seem to be,  just my Two cents.

...but I prefer the, for lack of a better word, mature ladies. Nothing against the beautiful young ladies, but I try not to see ladies young enough to be my daughter. 😊

As a younger provider with an old soul, I enjoy men of all ages because everyone offers a wide variety of experiences that can be enjoyed by both parties when approached with an open mind. If I had to narrow it down someone between 40 and 60 would be preferred since they don't get weirded out by the age difference but some of my ATFs have been 65+.

cashorcredit470 reads

To piggyback off another comment in an above post, providers that are older women 30-50 have more skills, are willing to do freakier stuff, and they are better in bed than the young hard bodies 18-25.  

The young hard bodies 18-25 are typically more attractive than the older gals.

To answer your question I like both young and old providers for different reasons, so it really just depends on what type of session i want. If I want to be thoroughly satisfied I will call an older provider, If I want a cute young hard body to bang I will book a young gal 18-25.  

Both age groups have their specialties so we lucky guys gets the best of both.

The awesome thing about the hobby is the variety that is available. The biggest problem with age is that most older ladies post old pics and lie about their age. If you are 43 don't post that your are 37 with pics from when you were 34. Because maybe what I really wanted was a hot 43 year old milf.  If you are confident in yourself and your reviews are good, be yourself and post up to date pics.
I think the different age, size and even race offer different experiences. I have tried and enjoyed them all. So it usually depends on what I'm in the mood for. I know that sounds horrible, but I keep it real for those that don't know to.

the older ladies, but not older than me....Now I am in my 60's I still look for the MILFs but I do have my limits. All though I have tried the young and restless, nothing compares to the older experienced. I will lean toward a lady now between the ages  of 35 and my age and even have been asked by several in my age group should they hang up the towel. I tell them as long as they are enjoying themselves do it but when you don't enjoy sex no more, then its time to throw in the towel.
Khori, you are at the ripe old age for me, So, when ever we can see each other again I will let you put me to the test..
So this was my 2 CTS worth

Please put ME to the test....I love a good quiz....LOL  xo!

...However, I won't see any ladies younger than 21. My criteria are looks, services, price, and if possible personality.

for the monger/TER community or individual

for the monger/TER community- it is all over creation

for the individual- it depends

For me personally, it all depends on overall package, looks, body, and personality

....thanks for the answer.....we all like different things in different people at different times!   :)

Not really. Being older, I tend to stay away from very young ladies who I normally profile as just knowing the mechanics and not mature enough to really excite and seduce. I understand young may be a turn on for some. I prefer woman not young girls.

If I am attracted, I am attracted. For whatever reasons (and sometimes I really don't know why) of my own. Age has nothing to do with having a good time with another person, and enjoying their company. It has nothing to do with chemistry. There is beauty in youth, and beauty in maturity for me.  

Yep, this world and a lot of the folks in it (both the guys and gals) can be pretty shallow and approach things from a simple perspective of "objectification". Doesn't mean I have to follow the herd... in fact, I'd rather not

I prefer older women. I had one experience with a provider under 30 and I had a terrible time. I just have more in common with mature providers. For some reason, they just seem more down to earth. I am looking for a provider in the 50 plus range for a meeting. Got to love experience.

20-60. Who doesn't find a hard body 20 something year old sexy as hell ? But I do find myself seeing the more mature providers a lot more frequently. As hot as those 20 something year olds are, I don't know of anything better than a hot MILF/Cougar.

But im open to discussion

I am 52, girls below the age of 25 pretty much look the same age to me.   My preference is women above 30.  I haven't run into an upper limit yet.

1. I don't need the stress of dealing with someone who might be under age - and it ain't like I get to check their ID.  If I stick with women above 30 - I don't see that as an issue.  While a misdemeanor LE bust might be an inconvenience; underage is a serious felony and I am way too old to go to prison for a few decades...

2. My opinion is that older women have their head on straight - they know what their job is and they do it well.  

3. My opinion is also that if I do business with an older women, I am reasonably certain that I am not contributing to an abusive situation - pimping/trafficking/etc.  There is enough human misery in the world.

4. But at the end of it all - I just have an "ick" factor with regards to women who are more suitable for my sons..

Mid thirties is my fav, but I've met some lovely ladies  18 and 40.  I must say, all of which could have been my daughters.

22-47 and was very comfortable with both.  And would love to meet you, Ms. Khori....

Khori - I look for the connection more than anything.  My mind is my over riding sex organ.  If a provider connects with me that is sexy as hell.  Typically that happens with more mature providers.  I have many good qualities ( mind, personality, etc.  lol)  but physically I am challenged.  I'm over 50, bald and on the heavy side.   When I meet a provider who can make me feel special even with my challenges it is awesome to me.  So I tend to look for the woman that is confident in herself no matter age or body type that I can truly enjoy a memorable experience with.  By the way your profile is awesome and maybe I will get the nerve to reach out to you some time.  I tend to be intimidated by providers who look and seem amazing.

Posted By: Khori
How important is age to you,  when seeing a lady?  Or a gent?  I'm sure this has been asked a million times....but,  I'm a pain in the ass....LOL!  If the reviews are good,  the photos look age really a factor--(to the gents)?  And if they look better and than the photos?  
 Thank you!  

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