
I agree with ya, Yogi
ga_kosh 22 Reviews 647 reads

I canceled my AJC subscription before 2006 when it became a blatant print version of CNN.

The Sex Slaves angle is an easy one for cops to use to drum up support. It sells ad space.  
If the cops bust high-end girls, they'll also get high end clients whom they can pressure in various, nefarious ways.
The cops know full well that almost all of these women are consenting adults, but Coercion is a better sound bite than Unlawfully an era when 25 yr old athletes are routinely called "boys", it's easy to call these workers as "girls".

I always chuckle about these cases when I recall that time in the '80s when the cops busted the porn industry for that goddess who had a legally acquired US Passport from a fake ID. Shirley if the Feds can be fooled, an agency could be too.

But AJC nor FOX will print both sides of a story, so you really have to keep a very open mind when getting news.
Press = Propaganda these days.

Freezing his balls off thanks to Global Warming, ga_kos

I see a great deal of sanitation, so I got suspicious and searched the news, and sure enough LE fucked up!

Month's of investigating to take down a service . . . how the fuck does it is take months.  That's government work for you.  I thought the IRS was a bunch of retards (no, really they are, like dumber and lazier than a McDonald's employee - again, that's not a joke they are low IQ dudes) but the Atlanta police must be cross-eyed buffoons!  30 min tops, 60 min with paper work.  Seriously?  And then the waste their time taking out "high-end", really?  They don't have girls on Ponce de Leon with needles hanging out of their arms and pimps walking one step behind them to bust?

AND THEN!  AND THEN, the thing that makes my blood boil!  AJC and Police make it sound like there are a bunch of Asian adolescents hidden under the floor boards of a brothel and brutally forced to service clients!  WTMOTHERF! JESUS FUCK FUCK, are you fucking kidding me!  "We don't know the conditions they were forced to work in." !!!!! Fuck, my cubical isn't as nice as those condos, I'm the one that's forced to work!  I have to fucking show up or I'll be fucking homeless!  I've had more than one date not show, and the Agency is like "sorry, dude, I can't get hold of her."  And these weasel journalists (fiction writers) make it sound like they were chained to the fucking bed!  Unfuckingbelievable!  

Human Trafficking ... for sexual servitude?  WTF!  Only by a narrow legal definition, and probably not even that.  Of all the ones to accuse of this shit, they get the one that aggregates independents . . . that's so fucking twisted!  It's not even a real agency by those standards.  And then they all get labeled "Victims" . . . WTF, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, SHIT, what the fuck were they the week before they joined? They were independent fucking contractors!  They were fucking trafficking themselves!  

And they fucking sell it like it was a hard fought win to help lots of people!  Instead of lazy ass police and lazy sensationalizing news rag salesmen.  JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!  I pay their salaries!  I'm fucking trafficked by my company to foreign countries, where I'm sure that I'm getting fucked over somehow, and servitude is definitely involved, and that blood money makes its way back to these fucking leaches.  I'm so disgusted with the lot of them.  At least I can chose not to pay for AJC anymore, free news is just as misleading as this trash.

GaGambler1119 reads

I share your outrage,it makes my blood boil every time I read one of these stories, and the think that makes me the maddest is the media playing up this whole "human trafficking" angle. I can only wonder how the real victims of human trafficking must feel about how our limited resources are being squandered by wasting them on pursuing consenting adults. The only victims here are the victims of our draconian laws regarding what consenting adults can do with their own bodies.

Or back to the future circa 2006.  

Man it's also disconcerting that you haven't canceled you ajc subscription by now.  
Lol #fishwrap.

I canceled my AJC subscription before 2006 when it became a blatant print version of CNN.

The Sex Slaves angle is an easy one for cops to use to drum up support. It sells ad space.  
If the cops bust high-end girls, they'll also get high end clients whom they can pressure in various, nefarious ways.
The cops know full well that almost all of these women are consenting adults, but Coercion is a better sound bite than Unlawfully an era when 25 yr old athletes are routinely called "boys", it's easy to call these workers as "girls".

I always chuckle about these cases when I recall that time in the '80s when the cops busted the porn industry for that goddess who had a legally acquired US Passport from a fake ID. Shirley if the Feds can be fooled, an agency could be too.

But AJC nor FOX will print both sides of a story, so you really have to keep a very open mind when getting news.
Press = Propaganda these days.

Freezing his balls off thanks to Global Warming, ga_kos

...It sounds like the one from about a month ago and similar to the TV report. The officer said, they weren't locked up but we don't know what kind of conditions they were living in. I really don't know how he said that with a straight face.

I think this is the Nov 1 bust and article.  Can't find any thing new. Human trafficking as in MARTA?

It is really ridiculous that we haven't made hobbying legal. If you legalize it and regulate like they do in Europe then we would not be wasting resources on something that isn't a big deal.

I read an article that in the UK an escort can get a loan for a home or a car based on their credit and job.

Also with the rising cost of a college degree. I know many ladies who are providing to pay for their education instead of being in debt to the tune of $60 thousand if you go to a high price school. I think these ladies are being very smart.  

My only issue with legalizing the hobby. Is that some crazy rules might be enforce like in the famous Bunny Ranch in which everything is covered even a HJ.

Do we really want the hobby being regulated by some government agency, either at the local, state or federal level? I, for one, don't want some government wienie getting his dick-skinners in my pay-for-play activities. It would be better just to de-criminalize it, stop the prosecutions, stings and waste of taxpayer dollars.

NO!  Do not get government agencies involved!!  I don't want us to be "regulated!!"  I agree....two or more consenting adults...WHY is it such a big freaking deal?  Being rhetorical there.....LEAVE US ALONE!   Let's get horny---and stay that way....     :)

Thank you...


GaGambler860 reads

Wouldn't you rather have to get a health card and agree to the same regular testing that most of you already do, then continue being forced into the underground economy where the hobby is now?

Legalized prostitution works just fine in most of the non Islamic world. If it can coexist with the church in all the Catholic countries in South America for example, why can't it work here?

Everyone seem to think that by necessity it would have to follow the Nevada template, it simply doesn't have to be that way.

LegLover599 reads

Could you imagine making lots of money by just having sex. Sign me up. I hate my fucking job.

I disagree...what I do in the privacy of my own abode is MY fucking one else's.   MY opinion....but don't we all have one?    

You travel a go to where sex for trade is a "freedom"   I don't want to live in that "state".  

You have more experience in other countries....we, for the most part,  do not.....speaking generally of course.....

It'll never work here....too many evangelists...   although I am Catholic,  but Catholic girls are the naughty ones.....LOL!  

Oh, and the health card,  I don't need one of those either...I'm healthy, checked, and clean....I don't need to show the sex police a fucking card....



GaGambler615 reads

I don't know that I would describe other countries as places where "sex for trade is a freedom" but I do go to many countries where it's just not a big deal and hardly illegal.

There does need to be some regulation as having an open brothel right across the street from a school would be rather problematic, but zoning laws are much more preferable to vice laws any day of the week IMO.

I wish it wasn't a big deal....but,  unfortunately it is......laws can be changed....but there are few and far between who want the laws'd be nice if pay for play was legal....without government control.......but,  that will never happen.....sad....because I love what I do...for various reasons.....

SOMEDAY!  Maybe someday,  we can all come to an agreement!    

Thanks for not tearing my ass up...LMAO!    :)   xoxoxox


being a registered sex worker or filing your taxes as a sex worker may tend to follow the lady and her family around for a long time if not for always.  Could be stigmatic for some that do not participate in this.

I think the less information govmint has on an individual the better in most cases.

Doesn't that mean he is decriminalizing this sort of thing? Wait... maybe I should pay closer attention to the news. Maybe I am, after all, showing my stupidity as an American voter.

An Atlanta provider, let's call her Fifi, is now required to register, not only in her home town/city/county, but in each jurisdiction in which Fifi does outcalls. Because Fifi is now registered, her name is a matter of public record. Privacy and discretion go down the toilet. Fifi is also required to keep records of whom she sees, when, where, and for how much. The possibilities are endless. If you just de-criminalized the hobby instead, it would help remove John Law from the equation; maybe not entirely, but it would be a step in the right direction.

GaGambler464 reads

which would not be a "crime" but a compliance issue, than she is today with vice cops threatening independents with felony prosecution for operating a "house of prostitution" with her as the only employee/victim?

Escorts today are legally "required" to register, how's that working out?

But I wouldn't trust any government agency to get to the point of compliance only, and go no further. For some reason they seem to think that more interference is better. I'm concerned with the loss of privacy for providers and hobbyists. I can't comment on the current registration of escorts because that's an area with which I'm not familiar.

pleasedontask537 reads

There are ways to hide your identity legally for legal businesses.  Strip Clubs can be incorporated and operate under a corporate name and a hired registered agent, so I as an owner can remain anonymous.  
Even with the loss of some privacy, it is much better to have it legalized and only have those providers willing to lose that privacy or take that risk working vs the current system, IMHO.

you are correct sir, there's so much red tape and B.S. that it just makes you want to break down and cry or throw something.
I noticed you threw a curse or two (hundred) in your thread, lol My guess is you're from up North because that's how my friend talks too.

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