
thehobbyist 9358 reads

-- Modified on 3/9/2003 9:27:36 AM

Jessica4Real12170 reads

Wow, I can't believe how far this has gone.  My only intention was to let Atlanta know I would be visiting.   I did not expect to be insulted nor to have my web presence disected.  So many people have assumed incorrectly, it is rediculous.  What pessimists!  I need to clarify a few things.

Jessica is my name.  Brittany's Place already had a jessie or Jessica, so together we came up with Shelby.  If that means I got "caught with my pants down", then so be it.  I didn't think it was a big deal.

When I said I knew you guys would see right through it= I thought this Hygia was someone whom I recently had to part ways with, and the seperation was not a pleasant one.   My post was to him, I was telling him, "It's over, let it go"  

I will let my reviews speak for themselves, both on asthetics and performance.  Although I always aim to create an unforgettable experience, I can not please everyone.  Hygia, I am sorry I did not meet your expectations.  "sigh"

The "Here's a treat post" was a mean thing to do.  I am a member of a wonderful supportive web community, and I extended a discount to my friends there.  I have every right to do that.   This Hygia read this, and being so concerned with my rates, he then copied the post and made it public to everyone.  This was unkind and I don't know why he would do that or what purpose it served him.  If he was so unpleased with me, why is he watching and analyzing my every move?  That seems a bit obsessive...and I am being called a head case?

I am not the one who reports the graphic details on my review page.  I never make any reference to anything of that nature.

I have grown tired of this silly stuff.  If you know me, then you know the truth.  

I can assure you I have all of my teeth!

Atlanta TER is not about making providers feel bad, yet, you've hit one of the hardest issue in our community, providers visiting and setting rates that makes some of our heads swim.  You should have seen it during the Allstar Game.  Anyway, we're not perfect here, but I truely believe that you're a pretty good cyber-marketer and I would expect you've reached your targets--best of luck in Atlanta (not the easiest of towns to be embraced).

pushingkirk11422 reads

You made your points whatever they are, you even unwittingly drew me into this mess thinking you were a legitimate poster.
The fact is if you have something to say about your session with Jessica then write a review and move on. We can all make our own decisions about her based on all the reviews. This board is not a place to harass or stalk a provider regardless of what personal issues you may have with them.

hopefully you realize the community supports it's friends - regardless of region or state...

the Ladies have enough to worry about without people posting stuff like this...

She's (Jessica) done nothing that a Fortune 500 company doesn't do... but I guess you probably don't buy products from them if you don't like their product or their marketing - so do the same here...

regardless, man, I hope you find your path...


Jessica does have all her teeth...
and is intelligent enough for a detailed discussion on a dinner date...

thehobbyist10535 reads

Were not really a bad bunch, we just mislead in this case.

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