
How many emails does it take?
atlotpguy 24 Reviews 53 reads

It sounds like she emailed you back several times and you still didn't book an apt. I'm guessing you were written off as a time waster. You should only need one email with screening info and preferred apt date/time. If she has other questions or can't then meet your time, then a trail of emails may be necessary. Follow up with a text/call to confirm a couple of hours before apt and then when it's time to head out. If you are not paying for their email time, then why would you expect her to keep being led on? Try sending her a final email with your desired apt time and see what happens.

HofFer1728 reads

I'll beg for pussy, I'll pay for pussy.

I'll be damned, if I'll beg to pay for pussy.

Bears repeating. The first time I remember reading this is was from one of the all time greats, DD.

He "borrowed" it from his co mod on this board, and my co mod on GD and a couple of other boards.  

I've said it so often that people often try to give me credit for the saying, but alas it wasn't me, but I certainly subscribe to the philosophy. Words to live by.

HofFer72 reads

Enjoy flirty emails with provider, probably going to close the deal-set date and time on next email. Then poof, hear nothing. Sometimes for weeks.
I realize life gets in the way sometimes but I think that's one reason I really like the mature providers. Some of the younger ones are a little flakey.

It sounds like she emailed you back several times and you still didn't book an apt. I'm guessing you were written off as a time waster. You should only need one email with screening info and preferred apt date/time. If she has other questions or can't then meet your time, then a trail of emails may be necessary. Follow up with a text/call to confirm a couple of hours before apt and then when it's time to head out. If you are not paying for their email time, then why would you expect her to keep being led on? Try sending her a final email with your desired apt time and see what happens.

HofFer65 reads

You don't like a few (maybe just a couple) message to see if you're compatible and like the same things ? I will admit, I move a little slow (probably to some) but it's led to some great sessions.

A single email of introduction with all requested screening info and desired date and time is appropriate. Otherwise, IMO you are wasting her time and yours.

If she is well reviewed, especially from seasoned hobbyists, it should be apparent what you to expect when you meet her.

Good luck.

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