
good points. Some others
Count de Monet 1250 reads

If you do business, it is best to do business with friends.

Start a convo here on pm is a good pre screen.  Check out her pics with google.  See who has
reviewed her and respectfully pm a couple of them.  If you are unknown don't get offended
by no response.

There are a couple of agency ops I would still use.  One is mostly closed to new customers and
another is run old school.  Don't ask.  Point is if you are in great if not time is now to establish your credibility.  If you have a regular or atf ask if she has friends...she won't get offended.

Right now good clients are worth their weight in gold, errrrr precious metals.


So I just spent the last hour writing this post and lost it and having to re-write it.

I first wanted to say it is ashamed what has happened in Atlanta,  I know that many are scared and nervous but one thing to keep in mind is knowledge is power.    

 I highly recommend to any lady or gentleman who is concerned or wondering what to do or how to handle a situation like this in the event that this happens again to spend a few hundred dollars or more to sit down with an attorney and talk for an hour.  Knowing and understanding your rights is absolutely imperative.  

For Agencies:
 At this point many people feel unsafe with using an agency. And this is entirely understandable.    

 At this point having a more "English" approach would be better. And England prostitution is legal. It is not legal to do it on the streets and women who do it must discreetly do it and their own location and only  are permitted one girl per flat. Now the laws could've changed but this seems to be the law.    

 With that said I feel the best but agencies to work with women who provide their own locations. Doing this will help keep agencies from getting in trouble with "holding a place of prostitution".  
 Ladies can simply work from their own home if they are single with no kids and the roommate or they can share the location with two or three other ladies.  

 Agencies will still be able to provide advertising screening and booking services.  
 It is best for agencies to understand that they cannot speak to clients about any sort of sexual services. It is not illegal for women to be an escort it is illegal for women to be prostitutes. If you are knowingly running an agency that is "allowing"  prostitution in this is where pimping and pandering charges will occur.    It is best for agencies to separate the sexual nature of the business and provide only marketing, screening, cooking, management, etc.   Getting involved with anything further can draw attention.  

 I also recommend agencies to not associate with women under the age of 21. By doing this and making it fair that you work and associate with women over the age of 21 you will draw less attention to yourself and regards to under age sex trafficking.    

 And all the best to make sure that if you're an agency and you were working with someone who is foreign that that person is a legal resident of the United States.  

 In times like this it is the best suggested to not get greedy and to keep sessions limited to probably no more than one or two a day to keep traffic down. Her son ladies this may mean working more days but in these times you have to compromise.  Offering out calls as well is another alternative.  

Advice and thoughts for the ladies:
 As I mentioned above whether you are independent or working with an agency it is probably best to limit the number of clients you're seeing per day. This is to keep traffic down.    If you're working with an agency I also feel that it's best that you work from your own location. If you have your own home and do you were single with no children having a two bedroom home where you can keep your work separate from your personal boudoir is acceptable I have known many independent women who work from home.  If you cannot work from your own home you also have the option to get a separate work place that you could share with 2 to 4 other ladies and you can just rotate and communicate with each other on when you all have appointments.  

I have recently noticed more women posing  blatantly nude. This is a clear indication of what you are "offering". My personal suggestion is to pose in a bikini or lingerie, a cocktail dress is always nice or you can get creative with costumes, jeans, crop tops etc.  Keeping your photos classy and sophisticated without showing too much will keep the wrong type of attention away from you.  You can easily take photos and the suggested outfits that will give clients an idea of your physique.  

 I highly recommend at this time for both ladies and gentlemen to go ahead and register for verification website such as P411 and others.  

 Ladies did you know in the state of Georgia but you can get registered as an escort and have an escort license? This can help as well. If you're doing body rubs my suggestion is for you to get a massage license.  

 For ladies wanting to offer out calls my suggestion is to make sure that you bring extra towels and extra lemons so you don't have to get it from the hotel. It is also a good idea to make sure that you leave your hotel dressed business casual when you're not doing sessions so the hotel "thinks" that you're  going to work. If you sit in your hotel room in your pajamas or  lingerie all day that will start to look strange especially with strange men coming and going.  Also make sure to put away any "Work paraphernalia" you do want to keep these things out of sight from housekeeping.  

If you're concerned about screening because at a time like this let's face it references may or may not be reputable.

 My suggestions are to...
1.  Except a small deposit from your clients such as $25 to hold a reservation. But keep in mind if you have to cancel the session immediately give the deposit back or your reputation could get ruined very quickly!    
2.  You can also offer to your clients to meet for coffee, cocktails, lunch, or dinner. You can charge a small fee of $50-$100 for this type of meeting. This will allow you and your client to become acquainted and to get comfortable with each other. I don't suggest any heavy conversations  with overtly and obvious discussions related to sex for hire. But flirting fun  can go into a natural GFE flow.  
3.  You can also of course use verification sites such as P411 and others. Go ahead and white list some of your clients here on TER as well.  

For the gentlemen:
 Now I get that the women are important to be protected in this situation but what's even more important are you gentlemen. Your discretion and privacy is imperative and I'm sure that most women will agree with me on that.  

 With that said my thought for you  guys is to make sure that you are meeting with women who are 21 years of age or older. You don't want to associate with "teenagers" you never know if you were supporting sex traffickers.  

 And this is absolutely important for both men and women...  
 Understand that you should never discuss $$$  on the phone or in person.  A lady's website should clearly indicate what her donation/gift is. Upon arrival have your "Gift" and an unsealed envelope and set it out in plain sight and then excuse yourself to the restroom.  

 Another option is you can easily pay using your credit card or debit card just make sure that you know what it will be billed as. Your companion can easily be selling you a candle? Baseball? Or other merchandise.  Just be sure to make it clear that that's what you're paying for.  

 If you're uncomfortable  going to an in call at this time you can always Priceline a hotel at a reasonable price and have your companion meet you there.  

Anyway I wanted to share just a few of my thoughts I realize I'm like a 1000 miles away and I'm sorry I can't be there to support the community but as an ex agency owner who has ALWAYS kept and attorney on retainer I really just want to share and write to let you all k ow I am sorry this happened.  

Thank you,  

P.S. Please excuse the typos. It's late and this is My second round at writing this.  

Count de Monet1251 reads

If you do business, it is best to do business with friends.

Start a convo here on pm is a good pre screen.  Check out her pics with google.  See who has
reviewed her and respectfully pm a couple of them.  If you are unknown don't get offended
by no response.

There are a couple of agency ops I would still use.  One is mostly closed to new customers and
another is run old school.  Don't ask.  Point is if you are in great if not time is now to establish your credibility.  If you have a regular or atf ask if she has friends...she won't get offended.

Right now good clients are worth their weight in gold, errrrr precious metals.


Business at Agencies occur in the evenings and at night.  Then if it does then it is no wonder they were busted as That is the time most people are home and the traffic would be most niticible. I also noticed that several of the girls arrested had prior records and one was a gang banger and had her first arrest at 18.  These girls would be IMO high risk and should have been carefully monitored.  At the last bust there was reportedly an under age girl but it was not known if any clients were arrested that had a session with her.  Some of the mugshots of the clients arrested looked like some pretty tough characters other than the ADA.  No doubt it will take some time for things to get back to normal but everyone stay safe.

When I ran My agency most business was day time in fact phones were only open until 5pm-6pm. Anyone who wanted sessions after that had to call before our phones were shut. I am not sure what other agencies are doing.  

Fact in case Ladies and agencies need to lower traffic.  I would say to agencies no more then 6 in a 12 hour period.  Don't let your ladies run in and out of the incall (this was one of my rules). And as I mentioned now is the time for Ladies to start supplying their own incall.  

This all just sucks. BP has its adult section down and now this in Atlanta.

If Atlanta keeps this up this is not good. But let's hope this was just a pre election fluke.  Either way they are showing they mean business. But remember they are using scare tactics in the paper. Go to an attorney and equip your with knowledge.  

Thank you,  

pleasedontask1390 reads

This has been discussed previously but there is no reason for anyone to ask for real ID, work info etc.  We all know that stuff is not fully deleted.  Use burner phone and burner email.  If you have references from trusted ladies and third party verification sites, that should be good enough, shouldn't it?
If you don't have references, then you will need to trust at least one well known trusted lady that is newbie friendly and hope and pray she does actually delete your personal info and only keeps your burner phone/email info.

Not true. I never kept records of clients. Yes girls checked I'd but that was for new clients and was a quick look they were not writing it down. I did not keep info unless a client was dangerous.  

There is a way for agencies to operate without all the personal info.  


So never needed to keep personal info on file once a # or email address pops up i usually  will remember  everything i need to know only thing i save are bad clients  (no shows or show with no donation for example)

I love the idea of a 50 or hundred dollar meeting for a meal. That would really make things a lot more comfortable and make it much more legalish.

I appreciate the well thought out post.  I think there is much to be said for the central point that agencies as they currently exist (providing a working environment) need to NOT exist that way (screening, advertising, appointments).    

Deposits for service are not something I am interested in.  Aside from the trust/rip off issue - it's just a pain in the butt to deal with.   IF I were going to do it - I'd use one of those disposable cards you can get at the grocery store.  If I do that - just how would I get the money back if it turns out she can't show...  Am I going to use a real credit card?  Not happening...

With regards to a lower age limit - honestly, I'd pick 30 - or maybe 25.  Tough to pass for 30 if you are 17... But that's just me and I don't think that would be at all popular.  I also don't think sex work is appropriate for anyone under 25.  I'll admit it's a informed prejudice;  I have offspring that old and they and their friends do all sorts of stupid shit...  Seems like at 25, though, they are getting their shit together... and at that point, if they want to rent it out, who am I to say different?

You can never know to much when it comes to this industry-especially at a trying time like now!  Kudos to everyone for sharing such insightful & essential information!

Either pandering or prostitution today.  Maybe the arrests are over so the next step will be the prosecutors bringing them to trial or maybe a plea.  Just sayin.

"Knowledge is power"?

LOL I think Uncle Leo has shown that knowledge isn't power.

Power is power.

anyone qt risk should consult an attorney. I'm glad to say that I have not played at an agency incall during the last two years. I don''t know if any of the M&Gs were infiltrated but even if they were nothing there would be worth being arrested for.. I keep my attorneys card with me every where Ii go and if I get confronted that is all I will give them.

PandorasBoxers1064 reads

And if you don't have an attorney and ever get in trouble with the police then STFU.  A lot of officers wear video cameras on their body now and the entire interaction will show up in a video presented in court. Unfortunately I know this firsthand.  The more you say during a arrest, or if it's a DUI the more you do Sobriety tests, all you're doing is providing additional evidence. The less the prosecutor has to work with the better off you are.

-- Modified on 1/20/2017 3:21:22 PM

I am very saddened that this is going on by you guys. In MHO it isn't right. Bigger things to worry about.

The dust will settle and the strong will survive. Be smart, play smart. Best to deal with ones you know so at a lower risk of getting into a mess.

Remember to STFU

There have been references to both arrest log information and arrest photos but I am not see that. I did go to one site, but the link for that seems broken.

I let my VIP expire, so I cannot see PM's. I mention this only so no one believes that I am being non responseive

Posted By: LayDownSally
There have been references to both arrest log information and arrest photos but I am not see that. I did go to one site, but the link for that seems broken.

Posted By: LayDownSally
I let my VIP expire, so I cannot see PM's. I mention this only so no one believes that I am being non responseive
Posted By: LayDownSally
There have been references to both arrest log information and arrest photos but I am not see that. I did go to one site, but the link for that seems broken.

I pm'd you the info you're looking for but can't/won't post it here. Email me and I'll reply with the info.


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