
good point
EssentialLadies See Agency Profile 1794 reads
1 / 46

know this is a totally debatable topic, but I must ask, and remember let's keep it friendly folks, this is just an innocent question on your thoughts.  (More from clients).  

So of course there is a wide range of rates for providers from Independents to Agencies as most know, but I see many providers in the $400 to $500 per hour range as well and not to belittle any ladies choice for rates, I was curious to know in comparison to providers at the $250 to $300 range to those in the $400 Plus when does it make it worth the splurge for you guys?  

I have seen Ladies with great reviews with agencies and then they may go independent with a hike in their rate, is this because service is better? Are guys willing to pay the hike for the indi experience?  

I know a lot of questions, but I think this can help many agencies and independents understand what you guys want.  

Thank you

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1079 reads
2 / 46

I will not go below $250 and will not go over $300. There are some very excellent providers in that range. It is self imposed rule to manage my budgeting.  

I have seen $350 to $400 before and it ended not being what it is cracked up to be.

My rule and not up to debate and opinions are not welcome

Thanks You

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 986 reads
3 / 46

You should. I liked your agency

wheelchairman 54 Reviews 1029 reads
4 / 46

For the most part I tend to stick with between $300 to $400 per hour including the outcall surcharge. Now if it is a special occasion like my birthday I will spend more on a lady. The lady that I am planning on seeing for my birthday in April will cost $400 + $100 (outcall fee). I read her reviews and to me she is worth it because she is a pro model.

Normally for me anything higher then $500/hr is getting into double territory. I don't normally do Greek. The additional cost in my mind doesn't justify fucking a lady in the ass. This is just my opinion.

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 906 reads
5 / 46

Agency rates seem to be lower than independents unless the agency is trying to position itself as some form of premium market of higher end ladies.  Indie rates can range all over the board.  In Atlanta the old standard used to be 3 roses an hour for excellent services but that seems to be slipping if you want truly great experience.    I have yet to pay any agency lady in Atlanta more than 350/hr but have started looking again in the 400 range because the delivered quality just isn't what it used to be, or maybe I am expecting more, not sure.  I paid an agency 400/hr once and had a very bad experience but many great experiences at 300/hr in Atlanta.

In the indie rank I am seeing a price strategy that makes a lot of sense to me.  For outcall the lady ask for 400 for 1 hour and 600 for 2 hours.  Given that I actually prefer 2 hour sessions, this is great.  I like how it incents you to make longer calls.

I have found that rate does not always equate to service.  But ladies that consistently receive high reviews, repeat customers, and who seem personable and try to make a connection with you are safe bets and worth the small bit of premium.  If I have limited research or background on two ladies and looks appear similar, I will choose the lower price one unless she is priced too good to be true.

Best guidance, price to the market you want to attract, deliver consistent predictable service, treat your ladies appropriate and fair, be fair with your clientele and you will succeed.  I can think of agencies in the 300, 350, and 400 per hour range who focus on those principles and are doing very well.

-- Modified on 3/11/2014 5:11:55 PM

happycamper109 7 Reviews 927 reads
6 / 46

Doesn't seem to carry over to agencies tho. Not sure why.

Panthera12 1040 reads
7 / 46

or maybe do some house or cleaning (no joke). She had also better be drop dead gorgeous. There are plenty of providers in the $250 to $350 range that suit me just fine and as far as I am concerned they perform just as well as a $400 provider. I have has exceptions to the "rule", just not that many.

cashorcredit 1115 reads
8 / 46

Although I'm not a millionaire, I'm in a good place financially, with that said I always look for value whenever I'm purchasing something whether it's pussy, cars, trips whatever I look for the most value for my money.  

It doesn't make much sense to spend 500hr on one gal when I can spend that same $500 and do a double with 2 ladies. On the other-hand if der411, gambler, advisor2008 tell me a gal is worth 400-500 and hr I will see them because I value their opinions.  

I am a firm believer that a gal should charge whatever she see's fit, with that said I don't see gals who increase their rates, if I saw you at an agency for 250-300, I'm not paying to bang the same broad for $500 an hr, but that's just me.  

With so much competition in Atlanta, we're blessed in the ATL there are so many beautiful woman from 250-350, I don't have to venture out over $350, but Like I said before money is not an issue for me right now I could go as high as 1k an hr If i thought the provider was worth that much (Jena Haze)  

Just one guys thoughts on rates

-- Modified on 3/11/2014 11:14:13 AM

Lazydog 134 Reviews 942 reads
9 / 46

And He's been screwing me for years.

89Springer 841 reads
10 / 46

I want a better provider than that.

Count de Monet 803 reads
11 / 46

While not all. Indies started as agency girls many did. I find that there can be a varible rate scale depending on the. The customer. First and formost many providers have their business model include long time friends at grandfather rates.  
I find little difference from a 3 bill girl to a 4 bill girl. Also there are those girls that go sugarbaby.  

Bottom line is you can find real quality at 2. Bills.  The ladies will seek to get as much for the pussy as she can as the hobbyist will seek as much. Good. Pussy for as reasonable as he is willing to pay.  

Posted By: EssentialLadies
I know this is a totally debatable topic, but I must ask, and remember let's keep it friendly folks, this is just an innocent question on your thoughts.  (More from clients).    
 So of course there is a wide range of rates for providers from Independents to Agencies as most know, but I see many providers in the $400 to $500 per hour range as well and not to belittle any ladies choice for rates, I was curious to know in comparison to providers at the $250 to $300 range to those in the $400 Plus when does it make it worth the splurge for you guys?    
 I have seen Ladies with great reviews with agencies and then they may go independent with a hike in their rate, is this because service is better? Are guys willing to pay the hike for the indi experience?    
 I know a lot of questions, but I think this can help many agencies and independents understand what you guys want.    
 Thank you,    

cashorcredit 992 reads
12 / 46

Better looking doesn't always equal to higher rates, go visit CR, Columbia, Brazil or the Philippines if you don't believe me. All hot for a fraction of what we pay here in the states

And I could post links to some terrible looking broads with rates up to 300 to 500 an hr.  

So better looking doesn't always equal high rates

EssentialLadies See Agency Profile 882 reads
13 / 46

ou're funny Lazydog, always cracking me up.  :-

Johnnycade 28 Reviews 809 reads
14 / 46


If she's over $300 she better be unique.  For example, exceptional body AND face, a race you don't often see, a particular skill or reputation for being a great lay.  Oh and in all cases  anal has to be at least on the menu, even if I don't partake (and including up charge is only $400); BBBJNQNS should be the rule not the exception. So anal + BBBJNQNS + (body and face OR unusual race OR reputation) = $400-450 per hour.  $500 to $600 she has to be a porn star AND/OR do all mentioned above plus very perverted PSE shit (and I do not mean she's energetic or intense like a porn star, I mean perverted acts).  Local examples, Chanelle Labelle does meet the requirements and is middle eastern, Tiny Bea has the skills and is super tiny (which is unusual) and Phillipina.  In Miami/FT. Lauderdale Adriana Deville is a $500/hr perverted porn star that is smoking hot.  In NYC Gina is the most perverted provider to walk the earth that is above a 9 in looks and a steal at $500/hr (a very, very long hour), and she provides video even with the SD card at no charge.  Those are the only times I "splurge."

As a side note, I prefer the lower prices of agencies.  Expensive agencies are often a turn off to me.  If I pay more I expect EXTENSiVE communication.  I email the provider and tell her exactly what I want to do and she responds, it's all graphic and upfront, and there is NO "I don't talk about that" bullshit.  If she's sketchy or cagey in email, I don't book.  (Granted it's P411, so their willing to be graphic.)  I detail the outfit, the time, the acts, like an inventory; if I'm spending more I want to control the situation more, and be more sure that I'm getting exactly the experience I'm after.  Agencies are in the middle, so direct communication is rare.  And they NEVER guarantee a sex act, and usually refuse to discuss graphic details.  Agencies send me to incalls with a full stable and the provider is like "are you here to see me?"  Usually wearing something I specifically asked the agency for her NOT to wear.  Oh, and that's if she even fuckin shows up, to date all my no shows have been via Agency.  If I'm virtually guaranteed lower service, then the only way to hold value is a lower price, so for me high priced agency is usually a nonstarter, unless the girl is remarkable.

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 720 reads
15 / 46

Thanks for the vote of confidence, I think you and I view rates pretty similiar

Johnnycade 28 Reviews 971 reads
16 / 46

Seen LOTS of subpar high priced indies out there.  I look at ads all over every day (it's my hobby :-) ) and am constantly doing double takes:, $500 ? Really? That should be free! I should be paid to fuck that! Then I remember exactly why I'm not a porn star or Gigilo cause I couldn't fuck on demad for money (my equipment would fail me).

But I'm still a whore that gets paid by the hour, and not the good kind (I'm a lawyer)!

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 811 reads
17 / 46

You can't compare rates in South America with Atlanta.  If you did equivalent rates of dollars to pounds, you pay 400/hr maybe 90 minutes for decent looking decent performing ladies average.  Amazing looking all inclusive ladies will average much higher, but that is standard for London and fx is just cost of travel.

I do agree that looks and rates don't relate, just like looks and performance or rates and performance.  One has no guide on the other.

What is true is that I tend to be willingly pay more for a pretty girl than an average one.  But that also tends to be the other head thinking

cashorcredit 873 reads
18 / 46

When you consider the travel cost.... you do raise a valid argument

doogan44 23 Reviews 950 reads
19 / 46

Price is not an indicator of value for me. I really enjoy GFE and at my age prefer someone who I really enjoy being with because of who they are; their personality; and do they know how seduce (Women know and girls do not). I am afraid price does not give me an indicator of what I am looking for. I will say that does not mean I have not paid more or will not again if it is someone who I think I would enjoy. However, all things equal price does prevent me from seeing some because based on reviews, etc. there is not a difference. Additionally, since the ladies get inundated with call and emails most do not want to take the time to get know you via email or PM not knowing whether you are going to make a date or not which I understand, but it is not to my advantage.

cashorcredit 886 reads
20 / 46

But hey I can gamble and buy as much pussy as I want so I can't complain lol

And you know what they say my friend great minds think a like.

xyz23 45 Reviews 898 reads
21 / 46

I agree with this part of Panthera's reply:"...There are plenty of providers in the $250 to $350 range that suit me just fine and as far as I am concerned they perform just as well as a $400 provider. I have has exceptions to the "rule", just not that many."

I say in Atlanta things haven't changed much in the last year (yet they have changed a lot but not on this subject) there are still many excellent providers at the $250 - $350 range. So many I can't get to them all. There are even excellent experiences to be had at $200. (I'm not talking about the stereotypical BP experience here.) While I have seen some in the $400 range and was more than satisfied with the experience my budget keeps me out of that bracket most of the time. Other than a bit more plush surroundings and fancier clothes there was not much difference.

I want to have the services I'm looking for and have the session take place in a safe, comfortable, pleasant environment. That is easily accomplished in Atlanta in the $250 - $350 range. Most of the agencies offer this as well. I say most because I'm not certain I'm aware of all the Atlanta agencies but the ones most often advertising here on TER certainly fit the bill.

I think the hike in rate when a provider goes independent is due to 1. she now bears all the overhead and 2. she wants to be the boss, move up and make more. Don't we all?!
It's possible she may expand her services so some increase could be due to this. I have experienced this with ones I've seen in their agency days and afterwards. I'm willing to pay that hike if it's reasonable. Ex: $275 goes up to $300 or $350. More than that I'd likely not

cashorcredit 830 reads
22 / 46

I've been browsing  ads for almost 6 years, and after seeing some horrible looking chicks with the same rates with the likes of Mena, Riley, and Cate...... On many occasions I've nearly fainted or passed out in disbelief and shoc

xyz23 45 Reviews 423 reads
23 / 46
Johnnycade 28 Reviews 378 reads
24 / 46

I had an average meeting with an agency girl that went Indy.  My review came out when she turned Indy, and she emailed me saying that it was unfair to judge her as average because she had no way of knowing what I wanted because the agency didnt communicate with her, so when I emailed Reece a month later to set up an appointment, I communicated fully (as I have ever since) and she was all over it.  Reece was my first Indy experience that was far better than my agency experiences and was the one that taught me the value of that experience and the importance of direct communication.

I still like cheaper agencies too though, ESPECIALLY in Toronto!

Lazydog 134 Reviews 651 reads
25 / 46

Posted By: 89Springer
I want a better provider than that.

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 885 reads
26 / 46

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." - Warren Buffett, Ben Franklin, and others.

Sometimes it's paying for the book because of its cover, because some ladies look good but aren't into it. She knows she can make some easy money for a short time and go on to something else. So basically you pay an inflated rate to be with a cover girl looking blow-up doll.  They tend to have a few reviews and they go away.

As to your question, If I'm repeating with an Indy lady I saw previously at an agency, I have to make that choice. She was worth 250-300 at YYY agency, which worked out of a corporate apt., but now she's 350-400 working out of various deals (which means she's absorbing a bit more overhead as well).  Milk and Gas have gone up, Hotel fees are up, Medical costs are up, so why should she not increase her fees? Completely understandable.  

So, did we seem to click? How well? Many times, it ends up being a case of No. this ususally has more to do more with Variety than the lady going Indy. An increase in her fees just makes it easier to look at another gal with an agency, or see an older friend who dabbles when she comes into town...

To Each Her Own. My 2 cents, ga_kos

eviecantrelle See my TER Reviews 832 reads
27 / 46

I thought when I made my rates affordable for most it would be a good thing. From what I've read in this thread, I need to leave my light on at the Motel 6 and have the complimentary crack pipe out.

xyz23 45 Reviews 712 reads
28 / 46

...You are one of the ladies I had in mind when I wrote the part about excellent experiences at $200.

 Evie you Rock!

098123z 15 Reviews 805 reads
29 / 46

Maybe I'm just too easy but I go on reviews, website photos and info, p411 photos and info.  That means I always find myself in the $500+ per hour category which is fine with me.  And to me, I usually walk away feling like I got a bargain!  Always indies too.  If I'm going to do this, I always want the best experience possible...most appealing physically, sexually, mentally...price (within reason) doesn't really matter to me.  Just my opinion.

Tartus 56 Reviews 856 reads
30 / 46


You are one of the best ladies I've seen!  It was total magic, wasn't it!  Some guys are simply clueless......

EssentialLadies See Agency Profile 683 reads
31 / 46

don't think anyone is saying a provider at $200 is a crack whore, LOL.  (Thats what I got from your comment).  

Every Lady has the right to charge what they want, some ladies may charge $400 and see 3 clients a week where some may charge $200 and meet with 8 clients a week.  It is a matter of what volume and income a lady wants to earn.  (Not saying all ladies at $400 only see 3 clients a week, just making a point).  A lower rate does not mean a lower status of provider.    

It is a lot of work being an indy, the overhead, the location, supplies, advertising, etc.  I understand why some indies choose to increase their rates and I understand why others choose to have lower to medium rates.    

Don't read too much into what other clients may say of ladies with what you consider reasonable rates, look at it this way, there are still guys out there looking for $50 BP girls and expecting to have exceptional service, it's a gamble and rates at $200 plus decent reviews say that you are reasonable and humble.  

Thank you

cashorcredit 646 reads
32 / 46

It's refreshing when someone actually thinks before they comment on a thread

airmantroy 28 Reviews 722 reads
33 / 46

I agree.
Having seen providers from 200-600 an hour, I can say that there are $200/hr phenoms, and $400/hr duds...Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. Having some inside knowledge on the overhead involved in being indy, it is completely plausible to me for a girl to go from agency to indy and raise her rates, especially if she goes out and gets an apartment either on her own or with a "partner".  
When I'm making a selection, generally the first thing I do is read her reviews and if her look is in my wheelhouse, scores are consistent, and her attitude is the type of session I enjoy then the price consideration is the deciding factor in whether I see her, or someone who is exactly the same at a lower rate. Very often I find myself having to make a margin call based solely on reviews, which can be a crap shoot because of the "fluff" factor some reviewers add...
Also providers who raise their rates as they become more popular often do so in order to attract a particular type of client rather than the "bargain" shoppers.

cashorcredit 700 reads
34 / 46

I don't understand why some people have this preconceived notion that a high rate makes a provider A+.  

I won't mention her name but I just saw a gal a few weeks ago that I consider an A+ provider, who could easily in my opinion demand more than what she charges.  

Like I said in my earlier post having a high rate doesn't make you a A+ provider, there are D- and C- providers charging 350-500 an hr....... and guess what guys are seeing them every day

Lazydog 134 Reviews 538 reads
35 / 46

In hind sight I might should have been a little more clear.  

Posted By: KinkyKerri
Well I'm around $200 an hour and performance wise my overall is 8.7 and baby I know how to rock your world in whatever you want. If it's mild kinky or wild. But I agree looks can make somes rate. But not always looks equals 8+ service and an awesome personality.  But I'm far from a cheap hotel who uses drugs. Well except for right now due to my wreck.    
 But then you also have competition so if one girl is $400 and similar then the other girl will do that. Especially if they are friends.  

airmantroy 28 Reviews 815 reads
36 / 46

Thanks man, I've been watching this thread all day. It seems to me that guys automatically assume that a higher rate is some kind of fool proof way to insure an excellent time. I know for a fact there are agency girls who could easily demand more. They don't want to go indy simply because of the hassle that comes with dealing all the incoming requests.  
I can promise you one thing, women are fickle creatures, what makes one tick may turn the next one off like a light switch, and there is no amount of money that will change that. Sometimes just a simple gesture such as opening a door for them will make the difference between a great time and a less than stellar performance.

eviecantrelle See my TER Reviews 795 reads
37 / 46

Posted By: cashorcredit
It's refreshing when someone actually thinks before they comment on a thread
I did think before I posted. That was just my opinion. And I agree with Monica and I also can see reasons for everyone's different opinions on this thread. That's what makes all of us human and what makes the world go round. I never intended any disrespect toward anyone, just wanted to express my humble opinion

cashorcredit 724 reads
38 / 46

What I got from your post was that woman with low rates are on crack.  

Maybe that's not what you meant, but that's how it came off

eviecantrelle See my TER Reviews 769 reads
39 / 46

Sometimes my sense of humor is not right with others. I felt offended that people were saying that girls who were below 250 were somehow sub-par. I've never done crack in my entire life (well at least not the kind you sniff or smoke lol) so I wrote what I felt. I'm definitely not mean or condescending ever. Just a Damn Yankee with a Detroit sense of humor.  
One of my Dad's very fave sayings was "Your steam shovel mouth is overloading your wheel-barrow ass" lol
So from now on--just call me Caterpillar or Peterbilt (whoever makes good steam shovels) lol
Peace and Much Love my Friends

-- Modified on 3/13/2014 1:21:44 PM

CristinSparks See my TER Reviews 701 reads
40 / 46

She was one of the First Ladies that helped me when starting out in this business and our friendship has forever stuck! I meet a lot of ladies I would consider friend in the business and I'm not saying they are not sweet, but Evie has always stuck by my side, in this business and in my personal life. I even have friendships that have came and gone. Evie there is no way you are sub-par, you are great. The gentlemen that have had the pleasure of meeting you know that! Love you girl!

xyz23 45 Reviews 730 reads
41 / 46

I knew there was an attitude out there that says, 200! How can that be any good?! That's the reason I added what I did in parentheses to my statement which I've quoted below. I wanted to get ahead of the thinking I knew would come to the mind of some when they read it.  

"There are even excellent experiences to be had at $200. (I'm not talking about the stereotypical BP experience here.)"

I never understood the thinking of donation level = quality of experience. Research trumps any expectation of what you will get based on donation alone.

Thanks Evie for making the valid point.

cashorcredit 553 reads
42 / 46

I understand now what you were trying to convey so we're cool

aceshigh1 737 reads
43 / 46

Any provider over 30, who's still in the biz, better be bringing something over and above to the party to be charging rates over $300

leondyes 3 Reviews 811 reads
44 / 46

wel said and you always give it your all beautiful

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 653 reads
45 / 46

Great sense of humor on this one lol .... I like it!

Posted By: eviecantrelle
I thought when I made my rates affordable for most it would be a good thing. From what I've read in this thread, I need to leave my light on at the Motel 6 and have the complimentary crack pipe out.

SnakeSpear 601 reads
46 / 46

it depends on what the client is looking for.  Some are willing to pay more for window dressing.  Some look at the goods as fungible and there is no difference so pay the lowest price.  There's everywhere in between too.
AS FOR ME, it's all about the experience and spending time with providers I've built a repoire with in the $200 to $300 range is ecstasy.  Everyone is entitled to charge what they believe to be appropriate and to pay what they believe is appropriate.  I want that hour (although I know its fantasy but can pretend it is real in the moment) to be a time where I have something that is lacking in my life.  It is a time when I want to feel genuine passion and intimacy and feel alive with someone with whom I have a connection.  I tend to find that with providers in the $200 to $300 range primarily because they seem to have a better perspective, as far as I'm concerned, on themselves and on the people like me they are servicing.  No generalizations are true for everyone in a group, but those who charge more tend to be "too full of themselves" and don't provide the experience that provides the "fantasized mutuality".  
I know this sounds overly blunt, but pussy is pussy.  There is no platinum pussy.  What sets providers apart is their attitude and personality and (at least perceived) genuineness.  That's what makes for a great encounter.  There are more GREAT providers in the $200-$300 range in Atlanta than any man could see in a years time!  For that reason, I don't venture outside that range.  
However, I'm only one market participant and thats what makes it great.  There are providers and clients on all ends of the spectrum and if they meet each other's needs, that's all that matters.  Everybody is happy -- just like with cars!!
These views are solely my own and don't represent management (none) or employees (none) or SOs (none).

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