
"Don't squat with your spurs on !"
Cowboy10 390 reads

Posted By: LegLover
Just wondering the proper amount to tip? Funds are really tight. Want to save were I can but not offend them or embarrass myself looking cheap.

LegLover872 reads

Just wondering the proper amount to tip? Funds are really tight. Want to save were I can but not offend them or embarrass myself looking cheap.

Who is clean and always have the right amount for the donation. Most ladies don't expect a tip but they do appreciate it when you do.

You got it WCM......... I don't tip my regular ATF because I see her every week and she appreciates that much more! Steady money coming in is much more important. But if you are seeing a girl just once I guess your budget dictates tip! If you got it and they did well they appreciate it but don't expect it. the good girls are working hard to get good regulars and not tips. The hustlers are working for tips!

Posted By: wheelchairman
Who is clean and always have the right amount for the donation. Most ladies don't expect a tip but they do appreciate it when you do.

LegLover389 reads

Thanks for the info. Guess the few ladies I have seen so far love me.

Count de Monet374 reads

tip if you feel you got more then you bargained for

86H13LTP450 reads

" never stand up in a canoe "

Cowboy10391 reads

Posted By: LegLover
Just wondering the proper amount to tip? Funds are really tight. Want to save were I can but not offend them or embarrass myself looking cheap.

thumper6969354 reads

Don't plant your corn in November.  As the bellman held out his hand and asked for a tip.

...about tipping say not expected but appreciated. If you have seen something about tipping in a review or a discussion don't take that to mean you are supposed to do it. Being clean, being respectful, on time, and correct amount, those things are what's expected. Repeat visits are the best tip.

Outstanding, aneurysm inducing, once in a lifetime, unexpectedly excellent service - hell yeah. Otherwise, no.

ANY girl that asks for a tip - no tip and chances are no return visit, regardless of service.

I never expect a tip, and when I do get a nice is always nice, I do get ALOT of tips...but NEVER EVER expect it or hint that I'm looking for it.

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