
Congrats G!regular_smile
ThisIsCaylee See my TER Reviews 493 reads


Congratulations on being chosen Miss TER. Hope you don't get a big head! LOL!

Our own sweet Ginger!!  Well deserved!!

Couldn't happen to a sweeter, sexier lady!
You've been many of our Ms. TER every month! ;-)

to a woman that I have so much respect for, though we haven't yet met. (That is coming soon!)  I appreciate your kindness and patience, the hallmarks of a great person.  Your TER interview really reflects why so many people love you.  May you continue to be blessed in every way.

(Oh, and thanks for recognizing Miss Betty.  She is great!)


this is a well deserved accomplishments to a special dear person. You bring wonderful knowledge and encouragement to alot of people today.

cashorcredit377 reads

It's always nice to see one of our own accomplish this achievement!!

Karma is here with a package for you.  Sign right on this line...

Now make sure you are kind, intelligent, polite, funny, sexy, charming, and magnanimous as you represent our little town.

Oh, nevermind - you are always all of those things.  

Congratulations Ginger!!!

And please don't forget all us little folks now that you've made the big time.  ;-)

....I screamed at the screen in excitement.


So well deserved!  You're the greatest.

Spending time with you is a wonderful experience - and, omigosh, we get to have great sex too!

Atlanta has always known you are the greatest, now everyone else does.

You deserve it! So beautiful inside and out!

Congratulations Ginger! You are so sweet, in more ways than one ;) and you so deserve it!

Congrats, it's a well deserved honor.

The congratulations list will be a long one if all your friends and fans respond!

You are a special person in many ways.  Thanks for all your consideration.

I look forward to the next visit.

Posted By: BodytoBodyBri
Congratulations on being chosen Miss TER. Hope you don't get a big head! LOL!

Its been a while since I visited you but the memory has lasted a lifetime! I was the Irish Spring
Love to visit again. Jimmy

Congratulations, Ginger!  Well deserved indeed.

Congrats!  Awesome to see an Atlanta girl get it..........

Posted By: BodytoBodyBri
Congratulations on being chosen Miss TER. Hope you don't get a big head! LOL!

Imagine my surprise 9pleasant of course)!!!  Love you!!

WE have not always seen eye to eye , but your are focused and have done a great job of being at the top of the heap.The honor is deserved and wish you the best

Congratulations girl you are awesome girl and most important part you are very loyal person in  many ways ..i always hear great things about you are the best and you deserve it ...sorry i been traveling i just saw it and i am happy for you ...
way to go girl ;)

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