
strongaaml 131 Reviews 1633 reads

Just curious what efforts ladies make to be sure there they are "clean" when giving BBBJ's......I've gotten a little paranoid about this after reading that STDs can be passed along through unprotected BBBJs.  Your thoughts are appreciated.

If there are some standard practices other providers use, I would love to hear those too.

As for myself, the latest HPV vaccine protects and reduces the risk of getting 9 different strains of HPV from any type of sex, including oral sex. HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia can be prevented by avoiding ejaculation in the mouth, so this is why some ladies spit and don't swallow or prefer to have clients finish on other areas of our bodies since those diseases thrive in the back of the throat. Infections aren't always visible, but when I do notice weird bumps or sores, BBBJs are off the table. I'm also in the process of getting on PrEP, a daily pill to prevent HIV negative people from becoming infected. And it might be a little overkill, but after being with any man, in the hobby or not, I brush my teeth and gargle with hydrogen peroxide until my mouth tastes more sanitary than the hands of a surgeon.  

If you're still kind of paranoid about it, I would suggest covering yourself if your gut instinct tells you so. And I would suggest that everyone gets on PrEP!

You should really consult your dentist when it comes to your mouth dear. They are the experts of your teeth and gums. Brushing immediately after will put YOU at risk!  
Play hard, play safe :)

-- Modified on 10/10/2016 6:29:58 PM

Hydrogen peroxide makes an impressive fizz but is not much of an antiseptic.  The thymol and alcohol in Listerine is likely a little bit better - the chlorine-based antiseptic in CloSys is likely a bit better than that.  None are really strong enough to really kill a lot of bacteria or viruses.  There is a prescription mouthwash that is that strong with chlorhexidine in it - but it can also stain teeth and tastes pretty bad.  Agree with TL on brushing and flossing because it can cause micro-abrasions that are entry points for organisms.  You could try a water-pik with a mouth-wash solution in it.  Not sure it would be any better for this purpose than strong swishing of a mouth-wash.

Typically sexually active adults - may I say especially the TER population - has likely been exposed to HPV a long time ago and most are immune, infected or latently infected.  The same with herpes.  Can't comment on PrEP as I don't know a lot about it.

Should definitely get regular dental exams and keep their gums healthy!  Also, brushing or flossing IMMEDIATELY before or after can open ones gums up which increases their chance of STDs. I highly suggest to do that at least an hour before or after.  I do use listerine before and after, immediately.  Teeth and gum health are paramount though!  
I'm not really surprised you haven't gotten more responses on this because it seems some people just don't care about the health of their mouths!  
Hope you find this info helpful :)
Hugs and kisses

Cognac is as effective as Listerine and a hell of a lot better tastin

Anytime you receive a BBBJ, you're potentially risking exposure to an STD (from escorts and civvies).

It's really no different from having BB sexual intercourse.

If you're afraid of potentially getting burned, then you probably shouldn't play with fire in the first place lol.

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