
Annual Toys for Tots party.sad_smile
JimmyPW 58 Reviews 498 reads

Hello all.   Sorry to address this so late, but I must have over done myself preparing and cleaning up for the party as I have been on my back since that night. Please excuse the wording and mistake in this post due to the drugs I am under.

To answer all, well maybe as the Percocet's make me foggy and more stupid that I usually am.  I hope I do and it also explain why maybe a few of you may have been left out that have been here before.  

First off, I have been down with Sciatica nerve pain for 5 or more weeks now, only relief is from pain pills. Been to doctors but they keep telling me to come back for more tests , consultations and x-rays and a MRI. Damn I just want f-n cortisone shot.  

I have been hosting a small private party, NOT A M&G,  in my home for 5 or more years now collecting donations for the Toys for Tots program.  Sometimes with cash donations from a raffle and sometimes with just a large amount of toys.
I only can host about 30-40 max people, these guests have been coming before and I add a few each year of people I have developed a more close friendship with or they have made some type of lasting impression. Clearly, this is a private party held in my home for friends and guests I have made a connection. It has nothing to do with me not liking or not wanting to be with you as a person or acquaintance.  As I stated above, the Perc's may also have allowed me to leave a couple of you off that were to be here. I apologize and I feel badly that I have hurt your feelings. I hope next year I will be my usual, yea dumb and dummer, self and we can have a larger bunch of people here. Guess I need to move some furniture out to make room. LOL    

As for Airman's post.  He must have been having dreams with dancing and plums or that ever that song is and maybe he was in pain and on Perc's also. I do not remember or see anything that was like that. But if it were to happen, next year, you know the saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vega, or at my home, the little sign says, "what happens in the garage, Stays in the garage" .  

If I did not answer "YOUR" questions, please e-mail or call me.  I will answer if I am not in the hospital for surgery.
The next JPW Atlanta Meet & Greet will be in a few weeks , Monday January, those on my list will get a email in a few days if I can get rid of the Percocets!!!!!

First off... Thank You, Jimmy for the party/M&G last night. Great group of folks and well...If you didn't brave the traffic, or you had a chorus recital or some other function that kept you wondering what you were missing, all I can tell you is Hep from GC is the man(I swear he is my hero), SEC was there in force(dayummmmm), as were several independent ladies we all know and love... The later it got the better it got, culminating in a furniture breaking table dance from one of the GC girls (best asian boobs ever) and what can only be described as the best walk up a way too short set of stairs I have witnessed in recent years by another GC babe to be here after known as Burgandy =)....

Guess it was private or I am not the list anymore :(. Sounds like it was a good time.

You know that was just for your benefit, right?

Sometimes we have to depend on vicarious experiences.  Good times!

hobbyists are surprised ... I am going to go ahead and say this M&G never happened or it was not meant to be a regular M&G as we know it. ;) or this may be some internal joke - that should not be aired like this ... lol!
My 20c

It was a semi private Christmas party not a regular M&G...there are a couple of internal jokes...Location jokes if you want to call them such, you had to be there..LMFAO....Guys ya gotta check that M&G board and junk/spam folder...tisk tisk

For the record I am NOT offended in anyway. The OP post made it sound like it was a M&G which it was not. A private party is just that. No harm no foul.  
Airmantroy I did and do check the M&G board and my junk/spam email regularly. I even sent a PM in response to the post JPW put up there.  
The reason for my orginal reply was that it sounded I had missed a public M&G somewhere but that is not the case.  

Again no harm no foul, I am NOT offended, private is private. I will say perhaps it should have stayed that way to avoid confusion. PMs might have been better for the inside jokes.

But it sounds like it was a lot of fun Troy :) And thanks for inviting me Jimmy :D

utrdude522 reads

Yes it was a short notice
Yes it was a "private party" and specifically a "Toys for Tots" party
Yes JPW has had this small get together for at least 4 or 5 years that I recall

NO>>>it was not a M&G

It was a short notice because Jimmy has been having back major problems (maybe he's been humping too much) and he wasn't sure it was even going to take place.

All in all it was a good gathering of friends, not just fellow hobbyists so please do not take offense if you were not on the "list.  After several years of lunches and just hanging out you might be asked to give to "Toys for Tots"

Stay well and play safe!!!!!

Hello all.   Sorry to address this so late, but I must have over done myself preparing and cleaning up for the party as I have been on my back since that night. Please excuse the wording and mistake in this post due to the drugs I am under.

To answer all, well maybe as the Percocet's make me foggy and more stupid that I usually am.  I hope I do and it also explain why maybe a few of you may have been left out that have been here before.  

First off, I have been down with Sciatica nerve pain for 5 or more weeks now, only relief is from pain pills. Been to doctors but they keep telling me to come back for more tests , consultations and x-rays and a MRI. Damn I just want f-n cortisone shot.  

I have been hosting a small private party, NOT A M&G,  in my home for 5 or more years now collecting donations for the Toys for Tots program.  Sometimes with cash donations from a raffle and sometimes with just a large amount of toys.
I only can host about 30-40 max people, these guests have been coming before and I add a few each year of people I have developed a more close friendship with or they have made some type of lasting impression. Clearly, this is a private party held in my home for friends and guests I have made a connection. It has nothing to do with me not liking or not wanting to be with you as a person or acquaintance.  As I stated above, the Perc's may also have allowed me to leave a couple of you off that were to be here. I apologize and I feel badly that I have hurt your feelings. I hope next year I will be my usual, yea dumb and dummer, self and we can have a larger bunch of people here. Guess I need to move some furniture out to make room. LOL    

As for Airman's post.  He must have been having dreams with dancing and plums or that ever that song is and maybe he was in pain and on Perc's also. I do not remember or see anything that was like that. But if it were to happen, next year, you know the saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vega, or at my home, the little sign says, "what happens in the garage, Stays in the garage" .  

If I did not answer "YOUR" questions, please e-mail or call me.  I will answer if I am not in the hospital for surgery.
The next JPW Atlanta Meet & Greet will be in a few weeks , Monday January, those on my list will get a email in a few days if I can get rid of the Percocets!!!!!

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Hope you are back in good form for the new year.

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