
And i've met men just like you and it's tested my limits and been very fun just trying -e-regular_smile
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 384 reads


RBigFish1137 reads

Just got thru reading a review that said she rode him for 20-25 minutes and then they went missionary and he pounded for another 15. Another review said a provider blew him for 20 minutes. I don't believe any of it.

Either that or some of you guys are a lot better man than me. I don't know about you but 3 or 4 minutes of a BBJ or 4 or 5 minutes of FS.........I"m done.

I choose to think most of the reviews are fiction.

MSHSEX704 reads

Inflation in reviews is not limited solely to scores. It runs rampant in some review writeups as well. You know the ones I'm talking about. They read like romance novels, and have a propensity for the reviewer to write "Ha!".

Posted By: RBigFish
Just got thru reading a review that said she rode him for 20-25 minutes and then they went missionary and he pounded for another 15. Another review said a provider blew him for 20 minutes. I don't believe any of it.

Either that or some of you guys are a lot better man than me. I don't know about you but 3 or 4 minutes of a BBJ or 4 or 5 minutes of FS.........I"m done.

I choose to think most of the reviews are fiction.

that you will enjoy the hobby more if you don't try to compare yourself with other guys. I know we guys are always comparing "dick size" with each other but I am 60 so I got nothing to prove to anyone. It's a great session if I get off!!! LMAO!!! And if somehow I am able to get the lady off in the process then it's a national holiday!!

Also factors such as age, nerve inervation and other medical factors play into how long or if a man can achieve an orgasm. Because of some of those factors and the frequency with which I hobby sometimes, I can cause some major neck problems for some providers, if you catch my drift. ;-)

This is about fun, not yours or anyone elses. When I see a lady I have two things in mind. Her pleasure and mine. It's a pretty simple plan but it works for me.

Good Hunting!


some form of anti depressant. I took paxil for a while and could screw my brains out and never reach an orgasm. When I asked my Doc about "The sexual side effects" he told me it was also used to treat premature ejaculation. I told him that was even more depressing and I weaned myself off. Note : if you are taking antidepressants do NOT quit abruptly.  This can be dangerous.


You can chose to believe it or not, but it's true. I also very rarely ever cum from sex. If u dont believe me, ask any of the providers I see regularly, and they will tell u the same.

Posted By: RBigFish
Just got thru reading a review that said she rode him for 20-25 minutes and then they went missionary and he pounded for another 15. Another review said a provider blew him for 20 minutes. I don't believe any of it.

Either that or some of you guys are a lot better man than me. I don't know about you but 3 or 4 minutes of a BBJ or 4 or 5 minutes of FS.........I"m done.

I choose to think most of the reviews are fiction.

...not sex (intercourse), not bj????  inquiring minds want to know...

Hanna - I have the same response. It still feels as fantastic as it would for anyone. It's just very hard to pop that way.

While I am no endurance man in any way shape or form... and my form is not anywhere near a marathon runners.....  I seldom actaully achieve an orgasm from a woman's "ministrations" alone.  I have actually been embarrassed by this in the past and have had to reassure my partners that it truely is I and not them.  I guess it is a type of "disfunction".  But I am very sensitive that I may be causing the ladies issues (soreness, boredom, embarassment) and it makes me hesitant to hobby often, and when I do, it is always for "extended dates" so as the issue is not the focus of our time.

just some thoughts as it actaully can and does happen, and it is not always something that everyone is "proud" of

my .02

I can't come from a blowjob and have a somewhat hard time coming from FS so I could theoretically go for an hour plus if I wanted too.  And this is without meds or condoms in my civilian life.  It's just the way it's always been for me.  In fact, I could easily do what you describe.  We are all different with varying physiological responses.

I don't lie or exaggerate in reviews, period. I don't need to. Don't take meds (not against them), stay hard for an hour (longer seems excessive), do everything I can to please the lady I'm with (because it's funner that way), only cum at the end of the hour and it's usually 3 to 6 ropes (always been that way). I have a 6 and 1/2" cock and could lose a few pounds. Semi-good looking and fun to be around (at least I think so).

I've always said if there is a lady that I've reviewed that feels my review of them is immaculate in anyway, please say so on this board (alias accusations and 'well I heard from... doesn't count) and I will look at review and amend if we're agreed. That offer still stands.

The gents making these accusations have no reviews themselves and thus contribute nothing but opinions that no sane person would take seriously do why would anyone agree or care with your thoughts on this? Here's a thought, go see one of the ladies that post, write a review, and maybe then we'll talk about it...or maybe not.

'HA', indeed...

Sir Cumalot

But sometimes they are just full of pricks.

All reviews are fictional accounts of what may or may not happen.  Some are just more reliable and interesting than others.  Ignore the background noise, please yourself, write what you want, rely on others you trust, skip the rest.

Happy hobby times good sir.

I have several gents I see that always book 4H appointments and we GO GO GO THE ENTIRE TIME!! I enjoy the marathon sex. This is one reason too that group sex is so wonderful too! I have had gents come in and be done and over in 10 minutes and I have had some that are as insatiable as I am. Just because one person doesnt or cant doesnt mean another doesnt or cant so yes believe it.
Have you tried getting a second pop? Maybe you would last longer on the second one :)
Hugs and kisses

reading ur reviews were a "turn-on" to me before I experienced the "upclose and personal" I know....

...ain't it great to be in the know? ;)

Sir C

At least you didn't use my name when you brought up the 10 minutes

Posted By: terrilynn
I have several gents I see that always book 4H appointments and we GO GO GO THE ENTIRE TIME!! I enjoy the marathon sex. This is one reason too that group sex is so wonderful too! I have had gents come in and be done and over in 10 minutes and I have had some that are as insatiable as I am. Just because one person doesnt or cant doesnt mean another doesnt or cant so yes believe it.
Have you tried getting a second pop? Maybe you would last longer on the second one :)
Hugs and kisses

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