
Always wanted something a little different....teeth_smile
mongo19621954 23 Reviews 376 reads

How about "tear away" white coveralls and a "tool" box.  "Sir - I understand you need your pipes cleaned....

Hello , Gentlemen

When a young lady arrives to your resident. Would you rather her dress casual , sexy , or classy

... like the beautiful next door neighbor who comes over to borrow a cup of sugar or a couple eggs ...

I like for my date to be comfortable and relaxed.  That makes all the difference in our connection and experience together.

I prefer casual with a mix of sexy.

Posted By: AmandaAtl
Hello , Gentlemen  
 When a young lady arrives to your resident. Would you rather her dress casual , sexy , or classy?  

Under which circumstances?

Incall at an apartment complex in a reasonable neighborhood or a decent hotel (incall or even outcall)? I dress Casual.

Outcall and we meet:
Good dining (i.e., not Red Lobster but upclass hotel restaurant or a place like Pacific Rim)? I wear a dress shirt, maybe slacks. Maybe a 4 in hand knot on my tie depending on my mood. Ya know, business casual.

Finer dining (Capitol Grille, etc.)? Minimum half-Windsor, Full Windsor if wearing a decent suit.

My experiences have been that if I'm meet a lady in public, she does not dress overtly sexual but enough to get a second look. She generally complements my dress sense and for all anyone knows... we've been dating, possibly for a while. Say a sundress (colors complementary to mine) for good dining or an LBD or business suit for finer dining.  

Good question Amanda.


I'm okay with either, depending upon circumstances.  

A nice dinner date at a 5-star restaurant, classy is great.  
For a mid-morning romp at an incall, casual is fine.
I'm more interested in the present than the wrapping paper

Caveat - There is a wide variation of what constitutes "classy."  Classy should be elegant, but I've noticed that sometimes classy can be interpreted to mean "porn star."  I'm not knocking porn-star chic, but it shouldn't be confused with classy when the situation calls for elegant.

for incalls, so if I ever did an outcall, I would request the same.  

I'm perfectly fine being welcomed into a ladies incall with her wearing yoga pants and a tight tee shirt and barefoot.  
I'm a casual guy, so I like a casual gal.

How about "tear away" white coveralls and a "tool" box.  "Sir - I understand you need your pipes cleaned....

Then casual - definitely casual.  But if you feel like going classy - a nice silk robe with nothing underneath is always nice.

If coming to me, dressy would be nice.  Something closer to dressy business attire.  If going to her place, incall, something sexy. I have just  started back, so dress requests have not come up. I have booked mostly through agencies so it them depends on what she has there with her. My booking have been mostly panites and bra, nothing sexy.  It ok, it is coming off soon anyway.

Hopefully something to hope for in the future.

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