
OlympicGold 39 reads

If she’s on twitter =  🚩

cannonballthud1613 reads

Have any of the fellas checked out the Twitter X pages of some of the ladies here in ATL? That is some funny shit! The level of delusion, echo chambering, and back slapping is off the chart in hilarity.

They use terms for themselves such as 'successful entrepreneur' and 'independent contractor' while posting actual converses with clients...putting them down, extremely condescending, insinuating how dumb they are if they ask a question they don't like, patting each other on the back, and chiming in in agreement 'ya girl, that happened to me, clients can be stupid, etc.'  

My favorite is when some claim that men are frightened of them because they're such strong, independent women, 'how dare he ask me out, doesn't he know I'm to good for him?' "The chad I will eventually (highly unlikely) be with once I retire will never know my past". If they're so confident and proud of their success in this biz, why wouldn't they want them to know? Even better is the 'I'm living my best life' posts over and over again. If that's true, why are you trying to convince everyone all the time? lol  

They're not CEOs, doctors, lawyers, etc that busted their ass to get where they are...they're hookers! Don't get me started on the white knight simps that comment on their posts though that's almost as ridiculous. Good stuff  

OlympicGold40 reads

If she’s on twitter =  🚩

Same if he's on TER 🚩🤣🤣🤣

Blake Lovely

OlympicGold41 reads

Is that why you advertise here?

Then I don’t want you to follow my Atlanta ladies Twitter list. This is not very nice at all. Just because their marketing style doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. I created the Atlanta Ladies Twitter list for the enjoyment and convenience of local clients and providers. Please unfollow it, and just follow the ladies you like.

cannonballthud46 reads

I have no idea who you are and I do not follow any 'ATL ladies' list...never even knew there was one. Even if I did, I wouldn't care what you want or don't want. Maybe the simps will do what you tell them, but not me.  

Your post here is a prime example of what I'm talking about: You're assuming I know about your 'Twitter list' for some reason, which I don't. Then you are telling me to unfollow it in a condescending way, like you have some authority or something because of your chosen profession.  

And to top it off, you're calling my description of what I've seen in these ladies feeds (putting clients down, extremely condescending, insinuating how dumb clients are, etc.) as a 'Marketing Strategy'?!?  

I addressed my OP 'to the fellas' for a reason...

I am making fun with the Atlanta Ladies of X! I have enjoyed many a delightful session with these Atlanta ladies! There is something out there for everyone! Focus on what you want nd leave the rest behind. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

I read it as cannonballturd not cannonballthud. Now that I have read your posts I realize I had it right the first time..

They're not CEOs, doctors, lawyers, etc that busted their ass to get where they are...they're hookers!

I think 🤔 your comment is rude & disrespectful.

FlaNoName44 reads

Some of the same words, terminology, and phrases he uses.

There are men in their 40,50,and 60's that get so triggered by a (probably) younger woman online that they write a long post about what losers these women are.  If you don't like the things they say or do it is entirely possible for you to scroll on past without running your mouth like a little bitch.  Honestly, the amount of grown men complaining on this site about prices, marketing, privacy, etc... while also writing long reviews about how big their dick is, how many orgasms he gave her, and how he is her ATF... I scroll past those reveiws just like I do a tweet I don't care for.  It is possible to do what your mother said... If you dont have anything nice to say then don't say anything.

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