
Actually, there is even a book called "She Cums First"...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 1086 reads

wait, that isn't what you meant! :D

And no, nice guys don't finish last. You can be nice, brilliant, determined, tough, demanding and damn near anything else and be a winner. In fact, being nice coupled with all the rest of those things wins over a dickhead with all else being equal everytime. Just MHO, based upon my own observations and interactions with others.

I have a question. There is a saying that nice guys finished last. Do you agree with that sentiment? Would you consider this type of personality weak or easy?

wait, that isn't what you meant! :D

And no, nice guys don't finish last. You can be nice, brilliant, determined, tough, demanding and damn near anything else and be a winner. In fact, being nice coupled with all the rest of those things wins over a dickhead with all else being equal everytime. Just MHO, based upon my own observations and interactions with others.

And then there is that OTHER adagé known as,  
'You better hurry up and get yours because I'm damn sure gonna get mine'  
Memphis Belle

All depends on your perspective. What's more important: getting what we want or being able to live with the person in the mirror?

There's a saying...
Be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them

I don't know about baby Jesus, but 10 year old child Jesus would get all jacked up on mountain dew and come at you like a spider monkey!

One can have their own agency, be assertive and not a pushover and still be a kind person. In some environments, you do have to go to battle but that doesn't mean you have to shed all decency. I fashion myself to be what the situation calls without totally ignoring my values.

I believe in certain areas of life nice guys do finish last, without a certain aggressive type behavior you lose out at  opportunities that some with that type of mentality will win. When it comes to women, there is no clear cut answer. I have seen the hottest women with the bulked up muscle dudes driving Lambo's and Ferrari's and I have seen equally hot women with the average everyday Prius driver (no offense to either group, just giving a reference point).

 The fact of the matter is you will only obtain what you truly believe you are capable of obtaining. Whether that be money, cars, boats, women....
 No matter what, money is not a deciding factor. It's not how well you screw a women, it's how well you treat her before AND after you have screwed her....

Diffrence between being a nice guy and a gentleman versus being a door mat. Am I guilty of taking a little more inconvenice from a hot gal versus a ugly one or a guy? I'd say most of us guys are if ya think about it.  Just because someone is respectful and maybe doesn't get pissed off I've every little thing doesn't make him easy. We've all got our buttons just some have to be pushed a little harder than others.

Why?, you ask?
Because people will continue to underestimate that bitch named Karma. lol


Although, I heard on numerous, and different occasions that there are studies that show that mean people are actually more successful. The bad in them always comes to bite them in the ass, though.


What you give, is what you're given.

3 times for world peace!  
Whoot, Whoot, Whoot!!!

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