Going To China For Fun; Anyone Want To Learn The Ropes?
Constant Reader 28 Reviews 1455 reads

I  go to China every 2-3 months for work. I've gotten to learn the secrets of the hobby for each region in my spare time. Any guys interested in joining me? I'll show you the best bars, hotels with special services, secret clubs and what the menu and prices should be.

I've seen a lot of Americans struggle to have fun in China. Usually, its because they lack the language skills. I speak enough Mandarin that I could teach myself the ropes. If you have to go to China for business why not have some fun while you're there?

Message me here on TER.

ayush9990888 reads

Going to shanghai and shenzhen for work. Would be great to get some info

velero941 reads

Shanghai is easy. Don't bother with any online outfits.  Take a cab to Manhattan Club or Judy's, they are just a couple of blocks apart.  After 10 PM or so both will be packed with pro's.  Mostly Viet girls.  Costs run from 500 to 1500 RMB for 2 hours or 1000 to 2500 for all night.  Depends on the quality of the girl and the time and how much you want to haggle.

Three steps:

1. Open a WeChat account. You can download the app on your smartphone and join using your US mobile number.  Set up a username before you depart the USA and you are good to go.  Then in China, just add girls wherever you are.  About 25% speak and write English, and a good potion of those will chat you up when they find you to be a foreigner.  Then a fraction of those (after small talk for a few days) will be willing to meet for coffee.  The. After meeting a fraction of those would be open to letting you "look after them" in exchange for fun.  Be very discree and polite.  Wait until everything is agreed before any sexual talk.  But believe me, those that go for it, no problem.  As long as you are not some overweight, rude slob, you will do fine.

2. Hang out at foreigner places (not bars) like Starbucks, etc.  just chat with girls (some super hot) and again, get them into your WeChat before parting ways.  Then follow the steps in item 1 above.

3. For P2P, you can go to Manhattan in Shanghai.  Don't waste time with the overpriced bar scene.  Manhattan is a smorgasbord of pros, but they hang out in a bar to lend legitimacy.  Kind of fun.

Good luck.  Please post any successes.

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