Easter Bunny Theme Thread!
DiscussionBoardAdmin 1466 reads

It’s time for the Easter Parade.  Let’s see those cute bunny ears and fluffy tails.

Starts on Wednesday March 23rd.

The guidelines:
⁃ Reply to Admin's post, not another provider's post when posting photo

⁃ Must be local provider or one with a visiting ad posted in the last 7 days, or a local agency
⁃ Photo can be candid - only 1 photo per provider/agency
⁃ Photo must represent the theme (bunny tails and ears, white, pink, Easter eggs, flowers, be creative)
⁃ Should not be an ad - no mention of website, phone, location anywhere; no links allowed
⁃ Responses are  allowed but do not turn it into an ad.  For those types of conversations, go to the ad board or use PMs.
- Providers can post a comment within the message but it cannot be an ad.
⁃ Collages are allowed

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