60 and Over

Yes, but not as part of the date
Ric330 1 Reviews 760 reads

I have an ATF that I see on a regular basis. I do not usually bring gifts (except for a bottle of wine to share for "indoor" dates) or tip. Instead, I like to surprise with the occasional larger gift (e.g., a pair of Manolos) out of the blue or when on travel dates. But I recognize that my situation is not the norm.

In the GD discussion group there is a lively and combative argument about giving the ladies gifts other than the donation. Since this is seemingly a more civilized group of participants I wonder how you Ladies and Gentlemen feel about it. I, for one, frequently  give gifts to my lady friends. No, I don't give sweets to those who are watching their weight.:)

I get them a candle set (10 bucks) and a $25 VS gift card.  Never had them turn it down.  Lots of guys do not, but I do not tip, I figure the gifts are enough, if not, tough.....


Robert_BadenPowell857 reads

Not just to providers, but I like bringing little gifts to my favorite providers.  It could be a bottle of wine or spirits, or a new toy for their toy box, or a gift card, or a bottle of her favorite nuru gel, or a book, or lingerie, or other small gift.  I have a habit of bringing one provider fresh fruit, and sometimes tea or coffee, for a daytime date.  She seems to really appreciate the snack and caffeine infusion in the middle of her day.  

In the GD discussion there's a current of opinion that "manginas" give gifts to providers to get better treatment from them.  I don't expect anything in return for my gifts.  I simply enjoy giving them and by doing so perhaps make the day a little brighter for some ladies I appreciate.

I feel the same way. I give gifts not to curry favor from the provider but because I like her as a friend, as a fellow human. And guess what, I have received gifts from them too. Hell, I give my mail carrier a Christmas gift and I hardly know him.

.....gifts do not need to be extravagant to be well received.  

   I enjoy the simple acts of receiving my gift in a hand picked card (no need to sign it if you do not want to leave a paper trail), or receiving flowers picked up from my local street vendor.  I also love gift cards, and gift cards can be purchased in so many places.  

   Yes, I do have a Wish List, and while I often receive items that are on it, the list is more of a guide to my tastes.  

   I do not believe that giving a gift to a lady, insures better "service", because a gift is just that, a gift.  Think of the reverse scenario.  I often purchase gifts for my gentlemen callers, or give gifts of time, especially when it is their birthday, and I love to bake, so during the Christmas season (sorry, not politically correct) my gentlemen friends receive home baked goods.  I do not, in any way, expect a tip or a gift the next time we have a date.

   As many ladies will tell you, myself included, the best gift you can give is to reserve another date with us.  

Hugs and Kisses,

I think the expression, "It's the thought that counts" describes my attitude. With my ATF, whom I have given many gifts, the one that tickled her most was a card that I bought from a chain grocery store the said, "Let's have sex." We marveled at finding this in amongst all the cards mushy expressions of love. I must admit that while I don't expect anything in return, I have been given many gifts from my lady friends.

I always bring a gift of some sort--generally something that can be re gifted even. Wine, gift card, etc. If appropriate, I might bring flowers or some small thing that I found out she might like via email or phone conversation.  

I've only received one gift, and it was very thoughtful.

To me, a gift is a gesture of appreciation to a special friend. To ensure that one is not expecting "special treatment," simply give the gift at the end of the date. Having someone smile and sincerely say, "thank you," is a nice moment to remember

small gifts that indicate that I know something about their likes from preliminary conversation.  It might just be their favorite coffee or a bottle of wine.

they all say nobody else brings flowers.  so,' nobody else'  keep doing that, it makes me look good. its an old idea, not very original but still .. they all really like the roses.  and my real purpose in bringing them is that, they will last a week or so, and hopefully every time she looks at or smells them she will think of and remember me.

Robert_BadenPowell840 reads

... be sure to ask the lady if she LIKES flowers.  I learned that lesson a long time ago, when I first met the provider who became my ATF.  As I like to bring small gifts, I was thinking of bringing her flowers.  I didn't that day, brought something else (can't remember exactly, but it had the word "Proof" on the label), and when I went into her kitchen to open it I saw a lovely bouquet of yellow roses.   I said something like, "Those are beautiful!"  She scrunched up her face and said, "I HATE it when guys bring me flowers!"  Turns out she thinks it's a waste to cut down such beauty and stick it in a vase to wither and die in a couple of days.

Needless to say, I have never brought flowers to her or any other provider.

and I know several providers who LOVE flowers. I guess it's a classic case of YMMV and to assume that one provider's opinion reflects that of all providers isn't very logical. But if you don't want to give flowers, who  am I to object? lol

Have a wish list on their website but it's always appreciated when a gentleman is creative...   I recent received a Green Bay Packer necklace from a new client who read my bio & my Facebook & saw I'm a mega fan... The gift meant something & I appreciate & will always remember this first time client... It's that little things that really do COUNT, well in my world it does....

I have given gift cards.. , choclate covered strawberries, a high quality toy, and for my ATF, I bring firewood..and XO Cognac..
Firewood? yes a long standing joke.. He incall is in the woods basically and she loves a nice fire.. last year, I was on my way and she called me about my schedule.. I told her I had wood for her.. she said" you better have wood.. I have big plans for you".. I said "Firerwood... I meant firewood !".. and we had a good laugh.. :-)

Get him a gift card he can use (i.e. Starbucks) and a piece of cake and sing happy birthday.  

My client in Albany bought me earrings, framed a photo he captured himself and it was greatly appreciated.

I notice when I am in London almost everyone brings wine, flowers, or something. Here in L.A. I have about 3 clients that always bring something. Maybe it is a culture difference. It is always a nice surprize!

I have an ATF that I see on a regular basis. I do not usually bring gifts (except for a bottle of wine to share for "indoor" dates) or tip. Instead, I like to surprise with the occasional larger gift (e.g., a pair of Manolos) out of the blue or when on travel dates. But I recognize that my situation is not the norm.

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